Elizabeth Gaskell - photos, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Elizabeth Gaskell - British writer of the 19th century, author of novels and short stories. "North and South" and "Cranford" were greatest popularity among its works. Gaskell is called among the authors who described the process of industrialization of cities in their works, and also talked about social changes. She wrote a biography of Charlotte Bronte, the author of the novel "Gen Air". Women were close friends.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the writer - Elizabeth Clellorn Gaskell. She was born in the British County Chelsea on September 29, 1810 and turned out to be an eighth child in the family. But, as it often happened at that time, almost all of her brothers and sisters died in young years. Alive remained only senior john.

Girl's parents were very pious people. Her father served as a priest of the Unitarian Church. Mother died when the daughter was a baby. Lizi sent to the upbringing of Teta Anna Lamb. John was under the patronage of his father for some time, and then he entered the service in the Navy. After going to the expedition to India in 1827, he disappeared.

Portrait Elizabeth Gaskell

Gaskell lived in Cheshire County and considered a relative of a very close and expensive person who replaced the mother. Young years Elizabeth spent Natsford in a small village, a description of which can be found in the novels of "Wife and Daughter" and "Cranford". For some time she spent in Edinburgh and Newcast-Apone Mystery.

When Elizabeth was 4 years old, the father married the second time. Katherine Thomson, the sister of the famous artist William John Thomson, became a stepmother of the future writer. Two children were born in the pair: son William and daughter Katrina. Since 1821, Lizi studied at school, and then was transferred to the boarding school in Stratford-on-Avon. Young Gaskell received a classic humanitarian education consisting of knowledge in the field of etiquette and art.


Creative biography Elizabeth Gaskell is connected with Manchester. In this city, the girl settled, coming to marry, and he grateful to him for the influence rendered to creativity. Manchester at the time was a cultural center where educational institutions appeared for the working class. Industrialization gained momentum, the city of Ros, and at the same time, due to the rapid increase in the population, a pitch poverty appeared.Embed from getty images

The first literary experiments of Elizabeth became poems that the writer created in collaboration with his spouse. They were published by the magazine "Blackwood". Gaskell did not plan to make a poetry of life. She wrote and sketches from rural life. But biographical peripetias served as a serious impetus to find themselves in the literature.

Elizabeth, as a sensitive person, saw a change in social relations and in the novels displaced the reignificant reality. The first book, the novel "Mary Barton" was published anonymously in 1848. The story served the history of two families, Wilson and Barton. Features of the life of the working class and the conditions in which Manchester was, became the background for the development of action. The work was success among readers, and the audience was waiting for new essays. Creativity Anonymous attracted even Charles Dickens.

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Humanist and benefactor, Elizabeth participated in secular life, often traveled by visiting different countries of Europe, and acquainted with new people in search of topics for future works. In 1850, her family moved from an industrial area to a removable house in a more picturesque area. Gaskell started agricultural animals and broke a small garden, but did not leave classes with writing. The novels and the stories of her authorship continued to appear on the shelves of bookstores, and the audience died her Mrs. Gaskell.

Elizabeth was a bold author and often criticized the modern society in his writings. So, the writer annoyed the attitude towards women, and she devoted to this problem Roman "Ruth", released in 1853. Being a close friend of the writer Charlotte Bronte, after her death Elizabeth wrote a biography of celebrities. This work was a great contribution to the history of literature.

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Bibliography Gaskell consists of short stories and novels. Among its famous works - Kuzina Phyllis, North and South, "Fans of Sylvia" and others. These books today are considered a classic. They were translated into several languages ​​and published in different countries of the world. The last work of "wives and daughters" remained unfinished. A journalist Frederick Greenwood subsequently took over her refinement.

There are several essays of ELIZABET Gaskell. These are television serials and films that were published in 2000-2010. Now in the UK there is a society of devoted fans of the novelist. His meetings are held in the House-Museum of the writer in Natsford.

Personal life

Elizabeth married William Gaskell in 1832. The writer turned out to be happy in his personal life. The writer's husband worked as an assistant priest in the Unitarian chapel. After marriage, the couple moved to Manchester. Elizabeth was interested in the work of the spouse and helped in matters of charity. She was engaged with parishioners in Sunday school, learning them to read and write. After some time, her husband became a professor and taught logic, literature and history. Literature and humanitarian sciences were interested in both spouses.

Portrait Elizabeth Gaskell

Five children were born in the couple: Marianna's daughters, Margaret, Emily and Florence. After moving to the removable house, the spouses allowed themselves to think about the child again, and in 1845 the son of William appeared. At 9 months old, the boy died from Scarlantine. His death became a shock for Elizabeth. Consolation The woman was looking for in creativity, what her husband had fallen in every way. In 1846, Gasselov was born another daughter Julia.


Elizabeth Gaskell died on November 12, 1865 in Hampshire at the age of 55. The cause of the death of the novelist was the heart attack.

Elizabeth Gaskell in recent years

She did not have health problems, therefore the tragic end was shocked for the family. The blow found the writer in the village of Holybourne, in the house she wanted to buy for his family.


  • 1848 - "Mary Barton"
  • 1853 - "Cranford"
  • 1863 - "RUF"
  • 1855 - North and South
  • 1863 - "Fans of Silvia"
  • 1864 - "Kuzina Phyllis"
  • 1866 - "Wall and daughters"

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