Top Gear Program - Photo, Program, Shows, Leading, Seasons, News 2021



British show Top Gear is one of the most long-playing projects of modern television. Test drives of cars from witty leading with restless attention are watching millions of viewers of the whole world for decades.

The program is of interest even for those who have never sat down behind the wheel, and car enthusiasts and at all come delight from races, tests and reviews that are regularly held within the transmission. The mass of useful information about the autoninks and the unsalted classics, relaxed communication, exciting travel - it made Top Gear the best show in its segment. In 2012, the program was introduced into the Guinness Book of Records for the Highest Indicators of World Broadcasting.

History of creation and essence of the program

Initially, Top Gear represented a television channel with a car overview and first stepped on Ether in 1977. The classic transmission was useful to the viewer and did not change the format for many years, performing the main function: to tell about the advantages and disadvantages of specific models of cars. For 10 years, the program has been broadcast at the Air Force, and William Willlard and Noel Edmonds.

In 1987, the channel management faced the choice: to close the losing ratings in Tor Gear or try to breathe new life into it. They went on the second path, and with the task of the new leading leading - Avtogurnalist Jeremy Clarkson and the ex-pilot "Formula 1" Tiff Nidl. The show has acquired the dynamics and sharpness, guests, beautiful girls and interesting turns of the plot began to appear there. The original test drives came to replace the original test drives with witty comments and the driving style, distant from safe. All this raised ratings, but also caused criticism.

By the mid-90s, the popularity of the program reached a peak and gradually began to subsoine, and with Clarkson's departure in 1999, the project was almost hardly closed at all. Then Jeremy joined negotiations with producers to discuss the new transfer format. The man suggested that the concept and corporate identity, according to which Tor Gear will learn today. The first edition of the updated show was broadcast on October 20, 2002. The program has three permanent leading, mysterious "tamed racer" Stig, the mass of new columns, and most importantly - the original style of the material.

After rebooting the show got a private track and a landfill built on Danssfold aerodrome. In the hangar, under the awning, Tor Gear collect an audience in front of which the analysis and testing of cars are arranged. The 1st season of the restarted project lasted 3 months and included 10 episodes. Already here there is a tradition to invite special guests, arrange unusual test drives and competitions. The program includes new categories that will become "chips" - "Wall of Coolness", "Star in the Budget Avto", "Best Circle" and others.

Each program lasts an hour and consists of episodes taken in the studio in front of an audience, pre-mounted plots and additional headings. The main segment is the reviews in which the leading carry out road tests of the car, evaluating reliability, handling, speed and practicality. Sometimes focusing on one model, but often compare several cars with each other, which leads to witty disputes and comic brawls.

Leading Show

The face of Top Gear and the creator of corporate identity - British journalist Jeremy Clarkson. A man worked on the project longer than anyone else, and made the greatest role in the formation of the concept of television. Briton has turned a cognitive program for a narrow audience at a global entertainment show.

In the spring of 2015, the conflict broke out on the TV presenter and assistant producer on the set, during which Jeremy hit the opponent. After that, the creators of the program insisted on the dismissal of Clarkson. Richard Hammond and James May from solidarity with a friend refused to continue work. TV viewers created a petition, convincing the TV channel to return the favorites on the screen, but even the collected million signatures did not change the initial decision.

Since November 2016, the joy of the public of the Trinity again gathered together to release the Hare Tour Travel Show. In January 2019, the 3rd season of the project came out.

Richard Hammond came to Top Gear from the radio, and today it works on television and writes car speakers for magazines. In 2006, an accident was happening at the project, as a result of which leading only miraculously remained alive. By participating in the trials of the machine on the reactive thrust, the man developed a speed of 518 km / h and flew from the track on an inverted car. This event has not changed the fact that the car is the main passion of the journalist along with the piloting of the helicopter.

James May appeared in the show in 1999. Colleagues on the set did not get tired of ironizing the careful manner of driving men and awarded that sowing of witty nickname. It did not interfere with the journalist accelerate cars until unthinkable speeds and remain authority in the device's issues and automotive modifications.

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The Top Gear's favorite character was the mysterious pilot Stig - a test driver, which tests cars on the track. The host is hidden behind the helmet and constantly becomes the object of jokes and mysteries. For 26 seasons, three men visited the role of Stig. Ben Collins came to replace Perry McCarthy, and now the working secret pilot is not yet "exposed."

When in 2015, the Trinity of Clarkson-Hammond Mei left the project, the audience expected the show to close. But the creators invited new persons and continued to shoot the transmission in the previous format.

The composition of the leading turned out to be numerous, and there was a place for producer and businessman Chris Evans, the German racers Sabina Schmitz, the journalist of Chris Harris, the Scottish Formula 1 Pilot David Kulthard, the stars of the American series "Friends" Matt Leblana, and Journalists Eddie Jordan and Rory Raid.

In 2016, Chris Evans went out of the project, and in 2018 Leblan, Andrew Flotoff and Paddy McGinness, who was announced on the official website.

Headings Programs

In the heading "Racing" the leading is implemented by the Competitive Spirit, and sometimes cars have to defend "coolness" in competitions with motorcycles, trains and even dog sledding. The purpose of the creators - to show, in which transport is faster to get from point A to point V.

"Tests" are built on the principle "than absurd, the cooler." The creators launch the many hours of races, redo the minibus in the cabriolet, arise the competition on jumping reversal or seek the most comfortable road of Europe. And they are launched with a parachute on a moving car, work taxi drivers and play the road version of the Russian roulette.

Interview with celebrities is held in the framework of the "Star in a budgetary car". They say about the news, cars, the latest achievements of the guest, and under the curtain it passes the famous Top Gear track with a result of a result on a memorable board.

Over the heading "The Best Circle" is answered by the Rider Stig, who tests gasoline cars, year after year trying to determine the fastest car of modernity. In the section "Wall of Turkish" reigned humor and arbitrariness, subjectivity and coarse physical force. Clarkson and Hammond here argued about tastes, sorting photos in ranks: from impressive to passing attention.

In addition, the program regularly represented historical reviews for glorified models, and these films are distinguished by the severity of the approach and the calibises of the facts, they are made with love and respect for the subject.

Interesting series and special issue

Top Gear is trying to make test drives original and unexpected. The fantasy of the creators could not fit into the format of the hourly episode, which led to the creation of special issue, in which Clarkson with comrades were sent to the auto desk, performing intricate tasks.

One of the most striking episodes was a trip to the North Pole, released in 2007, where the Toyota Hilux and Dog Stubbage was competing among themselves. The tireless leading in the pursuit of the new sensations coming down halfplates, arranging rides to survive in Africa or trips to the used cars in America. Not bypass and Russia with Ukraine, setting up a comparative review of "Zhiguli", "Moskvich" and "Zaporozhets".

Special stores are distinguished by the fact that the producers throw leading difficult challenges. So, in Vietnam, the British allocated such a budget that the only transport that those were able to afford were mopeds.

And in Bolivia, men crossed the impassable jungle on dubious used cars. The test of old hatchbacks was stretched over several episodes and took place in different countries as trips on trucks. Twice the creators tried to take up the construction of amphibious machinery, and in the 10th season the leaders even took an attempt to swam on them through La Mans. Another engineering idea-Fix was the creation of a house on wheels, which Trinity is trying to design from time to time.

Versions in other countries

Despite the fact that the Top Gear has a broad broadcast network throughout the planet, attempted to create adaptation of the show in a number of countries. The first to work was taken by the United States, where in 2008 they tried to remove the series, as much as possible to the original. The program lasted on the air until 2016.

The Russian version was expected to be sad fate: after the 1st episode, it became obvious that the adaptation could not withstand critics, and the project was frozen. Successful options for an auto show in Australia, China, France and South Korea.

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