John Irving - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



According to Mother, John Irving became a writer earlier than the first letters of the first work brought. Now the books of the writer are translated into 35 languages, the proseca for writing each next novel as a session of psychotherapy in which he is at the same time a patient and a doctor. The novelist considers himself a writer of the 19th century, Kumir calls Charles Dickens.

Childhood and youth

John Irving was born at the beginning of the spring of 1942 in the state, whose name was part of the header of the Prosaik novel, published 39 years later. Genuine name of the writer - John Wallas Blante. The future writer was called in honor of the Father, however, the parents of the boy parted during the pregnancy of the mother. The writer has never seen dad, although the man came to the offspring competition engaged in the struggle. The surname of Irving The writer received from the stepfather.

John Irving in Youth

An interesting fact - the events of childhood of irving and personal life are generally often elements of its works:

  • The plane, controlled by the blood father of John, was shot down over Southeast Asia during the Second World War, the pope of the writer miraculously survived. Proser learned about the heroic episode of the parent biography only in 1981 and included the case in the novel "Rules of winemakers";
  • The foster grandfather boy worked as an obstetrician-gynecologist. The professional experience of a senior relative largely determined the theme "Rules of winemakers";
  • At the age of 11, John survived sexual violence from the goover. The case was reflected in the novel "As long as I will not find you", written half a century later;
  • The grandfather of the future writer on the maternal line performed in the theater Women's roles - reflections on the androgic nature of the person helped the writer when creating works "As long as I would not find you" and "in one person"


At the beginning of 2019, the Bibliography of John Irving included novels, the work in the genre of non-filter "My film business", a journalistic book on writing skills and dozens of stories. Almost every romance of the writer can be described in three words: the dramatic history of the family.

Writer John Irving

The main character, as a rule, the writer who has grown out without a father and to one degree or another associated with the world of professional struggle (and the headline of the novel "Family life weighing 158 pounds" refers to the rules of this sport). The volume of the product is at least 600 pages. The corporate identity of the creativity of Irving is a gloomy irony.

The writer is a realist, however, in the novels of "Prayer about Owen Mini" and the "fourth hand", mysticist is the engine of the plot. In the first work with the main character, amazing events can constantly occur, which can be explained only by the intervention of higher forces, in the second with the upper limb, transplanted by a photojournalist, wishes to communicate a donor widow.

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The works of the Writer willingly be filmed with Hollywood directors (the Irving filmography includes 5 positions) and are included in the lists of compulsory reading of American schoolchildren. The most significant novels of Prosaik are the already mentioned "Rules of winemakers", devoted to, like the book of Lyudmila Ulitsky "Kazus Kukotsky", ethical issues of permission and prohibition of abortions, and "the world through the eyes of Harp".

The features of Harp are a large number of violent deaths (from the hands of murderers, the main character and his mother die; As a result of the accident, the son of Harp Walt die, and from the consequences of the battle wounds - his father) and embedded small literary works, as if written in the romance Character. Other popular books of John Irving are "Men Not Her Life", "New Hampshire Hotel" and "Circus Son".

Personal life

The first time John married, while still a student. The presence of his wife and children (the sons of Brandan and Colin) was releasing a beginner writer from calling to the army and horror of the War in Vietnam, survived by the hero of the novel "Prayer about Owen Mini". In 1981, Irving divorced. After 4 years, Colin Irving executed the Father's Roman "Rules of winemakers" by the episodic role of Major Winslow. The writer himself played in the film of the caretaker station.

John Irving and his wife

The second chief of the Prosaika became the Canadian Janet. In honor of the citizen of his wife, John made a tattoo in the form of a maple leaf, which can be seen in the photo posted on the Internet. Union with Janet gave John Third Son Everett.

The writer is friendly with the king of horrors with Stephen King. In 2006, writers called on the literary mother Harry Potter did not kill the young Maga.

John Irving and his wife Janet

In 2007, Irving was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but a timely operated operation retained the life of the prose. In 2010, Kuzina Romanist - Associate Professor Alabama University, Emmy Bishop, shot at a meeting of the department of six colleagues, three of whom were killed. A woman sentenced to life imprisonment.

John Irving now

In October 2018, John Irwing was awarded the Dayton Literary Prize. The award is awarded to the writers whose books allow readers to better understand people of other nationalities.

John Irving in 2019

Now the prose is working on the next novel "Darkness as a bride." According to an interview, this T-shirt Kylene, the work is planned for publication in 2020. The name of the book is a slightly modified quote from the play of William Shakespeare "Measure".


"Patience is a variety of devotion" ("Family life weighing 158 pounds"). "Black and white photos more accurately reflect the reality" ("Family life weighing 158 pounds"). "To lie unpleasant people to you - great pleasure" (" GARPA ")." The real mind is so rare and unusual that those of us who got good brains, constantly experiencing discrimination by the stupid majority "(" Selfieles of dreams and other stories ").


  • 1968 - "Freedom to bears"
  • 1972 - "Water Man"
  • 1974 - "Family life weighing 158 pounds"
  • 1978 - "The world with the eyes of Gapa"
  • 1981 - "Hotel" New Hampshire "
  • 1985 - "Rules of winemakers"
  • 1988 - "Owen Mini Prayer"
  • 1994 - "Circus Son"
  • 1998 - "Men not her life" ("Widow for a year")
  • 1999 - "My Kinobusiness"
  • 2000 - "Aliens dreams and other stories"
  • 2001 - "Fourth Hand"
  • 2005 - "As long as I won't find you"
  • 2009 - "Last night on a winding river"
  • 2012 - "In one person"
  • 2015 - "Alley Tyne"

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