Victoria Demidova - biography, personal life, photo, Sergey Fighters, husband, divorce 2021



Sleepy lioness and blogger Victoria Demidov in November 2017 lost her husband with whom he was in a happy marriage for 12 years. Fans did not regret the kind words and held every time supported a mournful woman. Victoria found the strength to walk in life with a smile and further, raising his son, leading a healthy lifestyle, conducting various master classes and seminars, telling about separate nutrition, weight loss and training.

Childhood and youth

Facts from Victoria Demidova biography are not public domain. All that is known to the general public, it is said in person personally and no confirmed. Thus it became known that the woman was born in 1979. Because of the frequent movements, along with the family from the city to the city in Youth, Vike had to change at least 6 educational institutions while she did not find himself in Moscow.

The fact of the name is Demidova's name and what they do, the secular lioness does not apply. However, based on the interview, it became known that she considers himself a man in the veins of which the blood was mixed by various nations. Due to non-standard appearance, users often suspect the Victoria in the abuse of plastic, but she does not confirm this information itself.

After completing secondary education, the girl successfully passed the entrance exams in Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, enrolling at the Psychological Faculty. However, her studies lasted at all unfordiving - Demidov threw the university on the 1st year.

In 1997, she decided that the Higher Education was necessary in the modern world, and became a student of the Faculty of Economics and Management in Magu named V. P. Goryachkin. In 2002, the girl defended his diploma and became a specialist "Marketing and Management".

After graduating from specialized education, Victoria worked as a teacher of such disciplines as an analysis of financial and economic activities and finance and a loan at a local college. But this state of affairs quickly bored an ambitious beauty, and she decided to create a business in the field of commercial real estate together with like-minded people.

Career and creativity

Family and multiple subscribers in the Social Network "Instagram" came to the woman in the spring of 2014, after the release of the first channel of the release channel "Let them say". In it, Victoria shared secrets about how easily and quickly throw off 20 extra kilograms after childbirth, and motivated the women's audience to internal and external changes.

Her life loss story did not differ from thousands of others - after the birth of the son, the woman significantly scored in weight and decided by anything to come into shape. After 3 months, Victoria began to regularly engage in physical exercises (in the morning run in the park, in the evening aerobics at home) and adhere to the right nutrition.

Quickly achieving the desired result, Demidov acquired an even more advanced form than before childbirth (the parameters are as follows: the growth is 165 cm, the weight is 45 kg, the gripping of the breast is 86 cm, the waist is 58 cm and the hips - 86 cm). She began to talk about his successes on a personal page in "Instagram" and thus acquired the first popularity.

And the parish as a heroine on the Talk Show of the Chief Federal TV channel made a true celebrity and idol of women. Since then, Victoria continues to do fitness, develop its business, draw trendy sketches and plan the release of its own clothing line. It helps subscribers with advice on how to achieve the perfect body is divided by the training system and consults about proper nutrition.

Personal life

Victoria survived the tragedy in his personal life - November 25, 2017 her husband died due to the heart stop, which occurred as a result of the overlap of the pulmonary artery. Businessman Anton Demidov at the time of death was 48 years old. Together with a woman grieved thousands of her fans.

Dating lovers occurred in the Moscow nightclub. The girl was at that time in the gloomy arrangement of the Spirit because of conflicts with a young man. At this fateful evening, Anton managed to cheer beauty and distract her from evil thoughts. Even despite the fact that at the time of their acquaintance, the businessman was married, the lovers began to meet, and the man soon filed a divorce.

On December 23, 2005, Victoria and Anton were signed by the Moscow Griboedovsky registry office, played a modest wedding. Newlyweds from the very beginning of creating their families wanted children, so a year after the marriage of marriage (November 16, 2006) a boy named Nikita appeared. The child was born strong and healthy with an increase of 55 cm and weighing 4400 g.

Anton Demidov tragically died after 12 years of happy family life. On the death of his wife Victoria told subscribers only 40 days later. In a mourning post, a woman admitted that he learned to live again. Fans who considered a couple of businessmen and blogger were perfect, worried a tragedy along with her favorite and sent hundreds of comments with the words of support.

In early 2018, the secular lioness published a photo in his profile in "Instagram" on which it is depicted with an unknown man. They turned out to be an athlete and a part-time model Sergey Fighters. Despite the condemns of fans due to the fact that too little time passed with the funeral of the husband, Demidov did not hide what was happy and in love again. The couple spent together at Bali, where he learned that Victoria was again pregnant, as it became known later, the boy.

June 25, 2019 blogger gave birth to a beloved heir in the American clinic. Sergei was present at the appearance of a boy on the light, moreover, even calm down the umbilical cord, which with the undisguised delight shared on the page in "Instagram". The man wrote that, probably, he lived only for this moment.

However, all-consuming happiness did not become a pledge of a long marital life. In May 2021, the spouses in their accounts reported parting - a few days after Christian surgery. As it turned out, the child was diagnosed with left-sided and right-sided inguinal hernia.

Victoria Demidova now

The lioness and blogger continues to actively develop his page in "Instagram" and now. Global changes in life she perceives philosophically, so she did not stop his workout even at the time of parting with the father of Christian.

But she decided to treat the soul in Maldives, where he flew in May 2021 with sons. By the way, a former beloved blogger at the same time went to Krasnodar, where he jumped with a parachute.

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