Philip Kotov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Philip Kotov - a successful actor whose popularity, in contrast to many peers, is not limited to the screen. This artist can be regularly seen on the stage of the theater on Taganka, where Philip plays both the secondary and main roles, pleaseing the fans by the images of Vladimir Lensky, Yeshua Ga-Nozri and Egor Gluumov.

Childhood and youth

Filipp Yuryevich Kotov was born in Barnaul on February 8, 1989. The acting genes were handed over to the boy inheritance: both mother, and Father Philip - professional artists. In 1991, a boy with his family moved to Nizhny Novgorod. Parents got a job in the troupe of the Nizhny Novgorod Academic Theater of the Drama named after Maxim Gorky, and Philip - the opportunity to live a typical "backstage" child.

Philip Kotov

Because of this, the boy did not make up with the school - the teachers did not like that Philip is the son of actors, so sometimes the student was different than to classmates. After the 9th grade, the future artist finally decided that it would not become an eleventh outlet, especially since the work of the young man was already determined. After passing the exams, Philip became a student of the acting branch of the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School.

Theater and films

The first role and the first fee of Philip received in 1 year, playing the bunny on the stage of the Barnaul Theater. The five-stop bill, reversed for this work, was inserted by his parents into the frame and for a long time hung on the wall as a memory of an iconic event.

Philip Kotov in the dressing room

The next theatrical role in the biography of Philip also happened in childhood - at 6 years he was on the same stage with Alexander Abdulov and Alexander Zbruev. And the child was not warned that the hero Abdulov in one of the scenes would go on his character with a knife. The boy scared scared and the next day even got into the hospital - the children's nervous system was too receptive for such stress. But the conscious debut of Philip has managed: Zbruev and Abdulov after the performance even wrote Mothers to Elena, a Turkish thank you note.

If the artist's school had difficulties in school, then he did not give himself to his college in his school: to prevent the reassigns about admission to Blat, the young man came to study first, but left the latter. This brought fruit - Philip released with a red diploma, like his parents, and, being the best graduate, received the presidential scholarship of V. S. Sokholovov in Moscow.

Philip Kotov on stage

Having received secondary vocational education in 2008, Philip wanted to continue their studies, this time in the theater university. In Moscow, the young man tried to enter into the Schukin school, and in Gitis, and in VGIK, but it was not possible to go through all the tours. After receiving a scholarship, a recent graduate went to be shown in the metropolitan theaters, but here attempts were not crowned with success - he did not find himself in the lists of the past contest.

Philippe left to St. Petersburg to try to enroll in Ligitmik, but it turned out that the introductory tests have already ended. Before returning home, the young artist decided to stay in the northern capital - to walk and see the city. A few days later, Philipped from the theater on Taganka and asked why he did not come to the 2nd round. The dumbfounded young man said that he was already called with refusal. The head of the troupe told Philippus that he could come in September, and a contract for a trial period concludes.

Philip Kotov as Yeshua Ga-Nozri

The first performance, as part of which the actor went to the scene, became the "master and margarita". At first, Philip played in Massovka: visited the writer, and the Graph Robert, and the unrelated robber gestas. And then the young artist received one of the leading roles - Yeshua Ga-Nochri, Jesus Christ in the Bulgakov interpretation.

The Philip filmography is less than the airport list, although first starred also in childhood - in 1998, the boy could be seen in the film "Siberian Barber" as the Son of the Governor. After that, in 2011, the actor played a small role of the Russian captive in the painting "Boris Godunov". Soon received a proposal to play a bright character on television screen - Philip approved on a major role in the Master's Multiserry Project + 1.

Philip Kotov (Frame from the series)

In this "Sitcoma of Love and Schizophrenia", the artist played a typical "botany", shy and clumsy Sasha Zaitsev. Despite the external cattle, the Hero of Philip is not as simple as I would like (first of all - the Zaitsev himself): he has a completely opposite in character Alter Ego - Fedor. This role of rude and unbearable "alpha", which does not have so much helps Sasha, how much even more spoils, Mikhail Galustyan fulfilled. The role of the love interest of Zaitsev, the daughter of the oligarch Nastya, performed Natalia Kostenyev.

Without difficulty, the actor helped and their own appearance helped in an expanding student: with 187 cm height, it weighs 65 kg. Slim complexion with high growth and a specific hairstyle - the perfect combination for the image of a touching and funny clever.

Philip Kotov

The series lasted 3 seasons, and all this time Philip had to combine shooting with work in the theater. The director of the theater on Taganka allowed the actor additional employment, and had to justify confidence, running at the rehearsal, instead of utilizing after the filming day.

Zaitseva's character became so popular that Philip fulfilled his role and in another series - in Deffchonki Sasha appears in the same series as Kameo. In addition, the artist played the episodic role of the photographer in "Dr. Richter", the Russian counterpart "Dr. House".

Separately, it should be noted the participation of Philip in the mini-series of the Rain TV channel "Etudes about freedom" - a project shot in the genre of fantastic anti -topia. He tells several novels about Russia a nearby future, where the participation of the authorities in the life of a person brought to the absurd and terrible form.

However, the main work of the actor remains the theater. On the scene, Philip appears in the most diverse roles, without becoming a hostage of one amplua. It can be seen in the image of a silence in the "grief from the mind", and the wing brutal in "Vie", and the Gluma from "On all sages of pretty simplicity" - and this is not a complete list of roles that the artist performed and continues to perform on the stage of the theater On Taganka.

Personal life

A young and attractive actor, of course, causes an increased interest in fans. However, to put a privacy for the universal review, Philip is not in a hurry: its account in "Instagram" is closed from random views, "Twitter" is informational in nature, and the photo on the page in Vkontakte appear infrequently.

There are no wives and children from the actor, but no more details of the public and the press are unknown. In an interview with 2014, Philip said that he has "there is a personal life", but it did not specify this concept.

In addition to acting, the guy is fond of cooking - cooking interested him in childhood, and Philip alone even thought about the career of the chef. Also in his spare time, the artist writes poems.

Philip Kotov Now

Now Philip is a popular actor who has in arsenal is not one major role, as well as a mass of the pawn reviews of theatrical critics.

His work is seen not only close to theatrical circles to people - March 25, 2019, the artist received official gratitude from the Moscow Mayor of Sergei Sobyanin "For contribution to the development of culture in the city of Moscow."


  • 1998 - "Siberian Barber"
  • 2010 - "Spouses"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2011 - "Zaitsev + 1"
  • 2013 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2013 - "Qatarsis"
  • 2016 - "Substitution"
  • 2018 - "Etudes about freedom"
  • 2018 - "Dr. Richter. Continuation"
  • 2019 - "Consultant-2"

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