Yakub Koree - photo, biography, personal life, news, political scientist 2021



Erudite (two university entities and the doctoral degree in political science) became famous not so much knowledge as shocking statements and statements on the edge of the foul. On the political current show Yakub Koreyba - the welcome guest. And although his words, spoke in the studio, often end with a scandal or even a scrappy, the political scientist is happy to invite them again and again, because it increases gear ratings. The produced verbal effect of Keereba enhances both the appearance: then the southern tan among winter, then with stylish hairstyle or shitbiles on a barefoot.

Childhood and youth

In the biography of a rapid publicist, many white spots. If the year of his birth is most sources called the 1985, then the day and month are unknown. Presumably, Koreyba appeared in March. Accordingly, his zodiac sign is fish.

Political scientist Yakub Koreiba

Yakub himself gives information about himself dosed. Who his parents are incomprehensible. At one of the current show, he stated that the grandfather was a banker and a Jew for nationality. But is it true, or another cheerful provocation from the scandalous Yakuba Koreyba - who knows. It is known that the childhood and youth of the Polish political scientist passed in the cozy town of Kielce.

After graduating from the school, the young man entered the general education, then became a student of Warsaw University, where from 2003 to 2009 it studied international law. If you believe Yakubu, he at the same time he also received in Poland, and in Ukraine, where he studied at the Kiev-Mogilyan Academy. Another year - from 2007 - he studied in French Lyon, and then improved knowledge in St. Petersburg. In 2012, Koreyb graduated from graduate school in MGIMO, and a year later, he defended his doctoral dissertation on political science.

Career and television

Career of the political scientist and publicist started in the magazine Newsweek Polska in 2013. It seems that the young commentator has already shown a brushful character then: in 2014, Yakuba Korebu with a scandal was fired (or left himself) after a loud conflict with the leadership. It was better for the working relationship of Yakub with Russian MGIMO: from 2010 to 2016, the Pole worked at the Institute as a consultant for the Center for Post-Soviet research.

Yakub Koreyba in Telation Studdia

And with Ukraine, the journalist and political scientist seemed to be laughed for a long time. During the reign of Viktor Yanukovych Yakuba, Koreyba was expelled from the country as a threatening national security and encroached on the sovereignty of the state. After the overthrow of Yanukovych, the relationship with the Ukrainian authorities did not work out. A closing publicist stated that the country that Poland helped (supported Maidan and new power), lost a chance to become part of Europe and remained the "post-Soviet Sovkom".

Not particularly embarrassed, Koreyb called Ukraine with a "historical misunderstanding", the power and citizens confined against himself. The main thing is that Poland achieved and reached the goal, the political scientist called the gap of Ukraine from Russia.

"The more you, Russians and Ukrainians, kill each other, the better it will be for the Poles," the Yakub failed.

But Russia, the scandalist "reckoned" is not the best "compliments", asking a rhetorical question, why do not love Russian if they are "such good." And "focused" decay, saying:

"The USSR was also a nuclear power, and much more cooler in today's Russia, and nevertheless collapsed!".
Yakub Koreyba and Grag Weiner in Studios Program

The words of an employee did not pass by the attention of the management of MGIMO: In January 2016, Yakuba Kareybu was asked to "at the exit", having considered that the teacher with such glances cannot teach good students of the department of international relations.

However, the paradoxical conclusions and the scandalous statements of the journalist find a response in the minds of a certain category of opposition-minded citizens of Russia and Ukraine, so the Keered is very popular and in demand in the broadcasting talk show on television and radio. Yakub knows the Russian language perfectly and speaks with a slight accent. And his shocks with other political scientists and journalists, such as Sergey Mikheev and Dmitry Kulikov, cause resonance.

The Keeres and fellow countrymen do not feel too much. For detaining in Mytishchi and expulsion from Russia Tomasa Matsuchuk, Polish publicist, Yakub said that "he needs to graze, and not a Polish passport in a TV waving."

Once again about the passport speech, when the American journalist and Observer Michael Bom said that he dreams of obtaining Russian citizenship. Yakub Koreyba parried that he also dreams, because then there would be a need for a Russian visa, after all, her receipt in the visa center in Warsaw - "This is the hellish fusion Franz Kafki and Dante Aligiery." Moreover, he prefers to be interrogated on Lubyanka, and not serving the Russian visa center.

Polish scandalist is able to be gallant. On the transfer of the "meeting place. More hell?! " He stated the Union of Olga White, which came on the ether not to be offended with him, and to "look at the bottomless Baikal eye" TV journalist.

Such "lyrical deviations" in the behavior of the Korean on a current show - rarity. He prefers to speak abruptly and does not like excessive diplomacy. For example, on the ether of the project "Time will show" in January 2019, Yakub said that Russia does not study on the mistakes of the past and raising a real opponent in the face of Germany, "For the third time, the adverse recurrence of German imperialism."

The journalist is very friendly with Vladimir Zhirinovsky: they are solidarity, criticizing the Soviet Union, and agree that Poland places a military threat map from Russia to knock out money for strengthening the defense sector from America.

It is noteworthy that on the Motherland, Yakuba is considered the "Agent of the Kremlin", in Russia they are required to be deported for Russophobia, and in Ukraine, they are disliked as a saboteur leading subversive activities regarding the current regime. Is such a behavior of a charming provider intentional - ask themselves the question of many viewers and listeners of the rating political talk show.

Personal life

According to unconfirmed information, Yakub Koreyb was officially married. He left the name of his wife in secret, but does not hide that she is Russian. Why a family broke out - it is unknown, as it is unclear whether children appeared in this union. Pole carefully hides the current marital status and answers questions about personal life evasively. Account in "Instagram" journalist did not start.

Yakub Koreiba now

The publicist has a channel on YouTube and the unbelieted page in Facebook, where he tells about events in life, discusses the conflicts of fresh ether programs in which he participates, lays out photos and videos.

In April 2019, Koreiba visited the program of Vladimir Solovyov, during which the scandal broke out, barely ended in a fight. The political scientist accused the TV host in provocations, the purpose of which is to drive out of the studio of an uncomfortable opponent.

The theme of the conflict was a different vision of Solovyov and Korebory of the Holocaust. The lead argued that during World War II, the Poles destroyed the Jews no less than the Nazis, and should pay the children of the dead reparations. Yakub called most relatives of the killed Jews by "pretending crooks." The thunder atmosphere in the studio was discharged only after removing the Korea guard.

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