Rita Syanin - Biography of character, quotes, actress, image and character, photo


Character History

The heroine of the story of Boris Vasilyeva "And the dawns here are quiet ...", as well as several shields of this text. Serious and strict girl twenty years old, Zenitchitsa.

History of creation

Writer Boris Vasilyev

Boris Vasilyeva's story "And the dawns here are quiet ..." for the first time published in 1969 in the eighth issue of the literary youth journal "Youth". According to the writer himself, the basis of the news was based on a real events.

During World War II, seven soldiers who served on one of the nodal railway stations successfully counteract the sabotage grouping of the Germans and did not allow to blow up this section of the railway. As a result, only the commander remained alive from the group, who later received the combat merit medal.

This story inspired Boris Vasilyeva, and he began working on the story, but the work soon stopped. The writer realized that in the history of the characters-heroes, which, without any order, decided to take risks and resist the enemy, in principle there is nothing new. This plot was already well designed before.

The main characters of the story

Then Vasilyev decided to replace the men's character-men with young Girls, and the plot played with new paints. Hundreds of thousands of women took part in the war, but no one did before Vasilyeva, those heroes of literary works.

"And dawns here are quiet ..."

The story of the story begins with the fact that the commandant Fedot Vaskov asks for the command to send him non-drinking anticipants. The fact is that the traveling, which is headed by Vaskov, is in the wilderness, the situation around the quiet, and the men from idleness begin to be drunk. The command in response to the request of Vaskov sends two branches of Zenitchitsa girls.

Starina Fedot Vaskov (Frame from the screening)

One of the newcomers notices two enemy saboteurs in the forest. Obviously, the Germans are trying unnoticed to get into the forests to some strategically significant objects. Vaskov decides that the enemies must be intercepted. The commandant is gaining a group of five girls with whom it is going to overtake the saboteurs and destroy. However, it turns out that the Germans are not two, but sixteen people, and with a small group of those not stop.

Vaskov sends one girl from the group to Lisa Brichkina for help, but she does not get to "his", and on the road dies in the swamp. Meanwhile, Vaskov with the rest persecutes enemies and enters into several combat clashes. However, the forces are not equal and the girls are one after another dying. Rita Osyanina is one of Zenitchits in the Vaskov group. Other girls - Sonya Gurevich, Galya Faud and Zhenya Komelkova. Vaskov himself survives and in the end takes captivity of those saboteurs who survived. So the feat of the dead girls was not in vain.

Zhenya Komelkova (Frame from the film)

Rita Osyanina was born in a simple family and in the magician wore the name Mustakov. In seventeen years, Rita get married and becomes oxygen, give birth to a son, which is called Albert, and he lives happily before the war.

With a future husband, the heroine met in the ninth grade, when the will of the case of Rita and the young lieutenant Oxanin sat nearby. At the same time, during the game, the Waltz danced by Rita and Oxanin, and at the end, the young lieutenant volunteered to hold a heroine home.

Rita Osyanina (actress Daria Semenova)

The acquaintance soon ends with a marriage, and the heroine is still not eighteen at that time. Future spouses received permission to marry, contacting the commandant of the city and parents of Rita. Heroian husband was a border guard and commander. A year later, Rita was born a son, and in a year war began.

In misfortune, the husband of Rita - by the time the senior lieutenant Oxanan is already killed on the second day of the war, two years after the wedding. The heroine found out about the death of the spouse not immediately, but only in a month. Rita goes to the front to take revenge on her husband, serves as a nurse, and later the anti-aircraft school passes and becomes a zenithica. Gets the title of younger sergeant and commands the separation of Zenitchitsa girls.

Appearance of Rita Osyanina

The rest of the Rita family also suffered damage during the war. The father of the heroine was missing, and the three-year-old son Alik remained with his grandmother - the mother of Rita, which is seriously ill. The heroine is confident that she will not live long. Rita itself dies when during a shootout with the Germans gets a deadly wound. The girl realizes that she has no chance to recover from injury, and it will have to die for a long time and painfully. Rita cums suicide, firing himself in temple. At this, the short and sad biography of Rita oxan is completed.

The dying heroine asks Commandant and the foreman Fedot Vaskova to take care of the son of Alik, who remains orply, thereby showing maternal love on the threshold of inevitable death. Vaskov adopted the boy and became for that father.

Rita is strict and serious, the heroine never laughs, always remains reasonable and calm. The appearance of the heroine in the text is not described, but in the screenings, Rita is depicted mainly blonde with typical Slavic features.

Illustration to Tale

Sawing Rita enjoys the confidence of the army bosses, the heroine appreciates as a reliable and sensible fighter. After the death of her husband, Rita did not pay attention to other man and kept a mansion, not a calling for loved ones with anyone. The image of the heroine will penetrate the tragedy, and the fate of the girl is tragically itself.

The girls in Rita detachment were young and morally less mature than the heroine. Nevertheless, Rita turns friendship with Zhenya Komelkova, young Zenitchitsi, whose family was shot by the Germans. In the company Zhenya Heroine could relax and become himself. Rita even started laughing and singing songs with other girls.


Irina Shevchuk in the image of Rita Osyanina

In 1972, the director Stanislav Rostotsky released a black and white two-particle screening of a story called "... And the dawns here are quiet." Actress Irina Shevchuk starred in the role of Rita Osyanina.

In 2015, another film was released, which the director Renat Davletyarov took off. This is not a remake of the previous film, although there is some similarity with the decreement of 1972. The shooting took place in Karelia in the summer and in the fall of 2014. The role of Rita Osyanina fulfilled the actress Anastasia Mikulchina.

In 2005, the adaptation of the story was published in China. In this version, the role of oxanus got Russian actress Tatiana Ostap. This is not a movie, but a nineteenisseri series. And for all series of material, the story was not enough, and as a result the author, Boris Vasilyev, participated in the development of the script. The series became a joint project of Russia and the PRC. The cast is selected exclusively from Russian actors. The shooting took place in Moscow, in Blagoveshchensk and in China in the Hayehe district. On Russian screens, the series came out abbreviated to twelve episodes.


"Beautiful rarely happy there are." "- Kiss me," she said suddenly. She clumsily leaned, shyly pushed his lips in the forehead. - Kolyuchive ... - she also heard she said, closing her eyes. - Go. Punked me with branches and idios. According to the gray, the tears trembled by the cheeks slowly flowed. Fedot Evurgraphych quietly climbed, gently covered Rita with branches and quickly walked to the river, towards the Germans. "" Rita wanted to send to the rear, and she asked for battle. She was driven by force in the heavier, but the symbol of the deputy head of the head of the senior lieutenant Osyanina a day later appeared in the Studyona headquarters. In the end, they took a nurse, and six months later they were sent to a regimental anti-aircraft school. "" Not necessary, she said quietly. - Motherland because not the channels begins. Not at all from there. And we defended it. At first it, and then - the channel. "

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