Allen Ginzberg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Poems



The American poet Allen Ginzberg along with colleagues in the literary craft Jack Kerouak and William Berrouz is considered the founder of the bit generation. His works are characterized by anarchic sentiments, freedom of thought, "sexual liberalism". Values, shaped in the poem of Ginzberg "Cryat", in the 1960s gave impetus to the development of US countercultitory.

Childhood and youth

Irwin Allen Ginzberg was born on June 3, 1926 in Newark, New Jersey. His father Luis Ginzberg, a Jew, taught philosophy and wrote poems, and Naomi's mother Livergeant worked as a school teacher. Two children were brought up in the family - Irwin and his elder brother of Eugene (1921 r.).

The mother of the boys suffered from a mental disorder, which was manifested in the form of Paranoid Brad. So, Naomi argued that overhearding devices were installed in the house. Probably, the fear of political persecution developed against the background of frequent meetings with the activists of the United States Communist Party. Starting from 7 years old, Irwin went to them with his mother. Later, his memories were embodied in the poem "America" ​​(1956).

Once Naomi tried to bring abuse with life, and she was placed in a psychiatric hospital. The "imprisonment" of his wife became a reason for a divorce. In 1950, Louis gained a new love in the person of the teachers of books Edith Cohen, with which he lived for 26 years to death.

The experience of communicating with an unstable mother has become a source of inspiration in writing two main works: "cry" (1956) and "Kaddish" (1961).

In 1943, Ginzberg graduated from the East School and entered the University of Columbia at the Faculty of Law. In the first year, Allen met with a graduate student, the future writer Lucien Karra, who introduced him to Keruac and Burrow. Young people got together because each of them was worried about the future of American youth.


Allen Ginzberg was probably inherited from the mother an unstable psyche, which led to a strange, but key episode in the biography of the poet. Once, reading out loud, William Blake's poems in his own apartment, a young man heard his voice. At first, Ginzberg claimed that God spoke with him, then - that it was Blake himself. Hearing hallucination accompanied the poet for several days. Ginzberg accepted her for instructioning to become a voice of a new generation and began to compose the poem "Cryat" - his best work.

Writing a psychedelic, but Great for bits-generation a book helped the narcotic dependence of Ginzberg - with the help of prohibited substances, the poet tried to return Blake's voice. In 1949, the asocial lifestyle led to the arrest for theft of the car. The prison term turned to Ginzberg forced treatment in a psychiatric clinic, where he met Carl Solomon - a man who was dedicated to the "cry."

"Writing" consists of 3 parts. In the first Ginzberg, addresses addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals and mentally abnormal. These people, who were considered the garbage of society, in the 1950s and 1960s, formed the BIT-generation, sought to free society. Ginzberg calls them saints, describes in detail their sexual and narcotic experience, which will later become a reason for banning the poem.

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The key way of the 2nd part is the molor - a deity, who sacrifted children. In the "cry" moloch is the society of the Cold War, which is sacrificed by the Bit-generation of Ginzberg. The poet criticizes Americans for thirst for money and violence, at the same time preaching freedom of speech, thoughts and love of hipsters.

The final part is the anthem of Karl Solomon, whose "Soul is innocent and is immortal, and she should not die indecently in the psychushka of the reinforced regime." In verses, Ginzberg tells a story about his friend, who suffered from clinical depression and wanted to commit suicide, but not in the usual way. Once, Solomon came to a psychiatric clinic and asked him to make him lobotomy - fate, comprehended by the mother of Ginzberg. Sanitars refused, offering instead of dozens of types of therapy from treatment with electric shock before imprisonment with a "silent" room.

For the first time, Guinzberg presented the "cry" to comrades in 1955 on readings in Six Gallery in San Francisco. That day was reflected in the work of Jack Keroaca "Dharma Tramps". According to the artistic fiction of the hipster, the audience accompanied the reading of drunk Ginzberg with rechargeing cries, and from the stage released under the bulky applause. 6 months after these events, Allen left the arrogant quotation in the diary - "I am the greatest American poet," and later, "let Jack Keruac be the greatest."

In 1957, six months after the publication of the "scream", a batch of 520 copies seized from the printing house in London. At the same time, the man was arrested in San Francisco, who sold the poem to the police officer, and the Director of the Publishing House of the City Lights of Lawrence Ferliningtti. They were judged by the dissemination of the "obscene" poem.

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The lawsuit that restored the greatest book of the BIT-generation in the ranks of literary works, lay down the film "Cryat" (2010). The role of Allen Ginzberg performed James Franco.

Immediately after the prosperous outcome of the trial, Ginzberg moved to Paris. Next to the poet was the lover Peter Orlovski, Hipsters Gregory Corso, William Burrow and others. At this productive period, Guinzberg began writing the epic poem "Kaddish", Corso composed a "bomb" and "marriage", Burrow joined the "bare breakfast" from previously written passages.

The main inspiration of Ginzberg has always been the concept of "spontaneous prose" Jack Keroaca, who claimed that the literature should proceed from the heart, without any conscious restrictions. Americans poems are an alloy of modernism, romanticism, jazz tunes and Buddhism. The last feature is especially observed in the collections of "Indian diaries" and "Chinese drawing" (1970), written under the impression of a trip to India in 1962-1963.

The latest work of the bibliography of Ginzberg, published during his lifetime, was the poem "Iron horse" (1973), which describes the behavior of people in the train.

Personal life

Allen Ginzberg realized his unconventional sexual orientation in his youth. Gregory Corso became the first love interest - a poet and artist, one of the key representatives of the BIT-generation. Corso, who was sitting in prison for a robbery for 3 years, understood homosexuality, but he himself was "natural", so the relationship between young people did not work out. Corso and Ginzberg remained friends for many years.Embed from getty images

In 1954, in San Francisco Ginzberg met Peter Orlovski, a poet. In the first joint evening, men swore each other in eternal love, which, however, did not assume loyalty - both often changed partners. Orlovski did not begged to spend time with women whom Ginzberg walked. Despite the "sexual freedom", the poets lived together for 43 years, up to the death of Allen in 1997.

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Ginzberg was in love with Lucien Carr, his conductor into the world of literature. In the film "Kill your loved ones" (2013) even demonstrates the kiss of poets performed by Daniel Radcliffe and Dina Dekhana. In life, the relationship of men so far came: Carr skeptically referred to the same-sex communication after in 1944 she slaughtered the annoying fan of David Kammeror.

In the personal life of Ginzberg were women. Even before the acquaintance with Orlovski, he met with Eliz Cohen, a poetess-hipste. Thanks to her, Ginzberg met writer Carl Solomon.


In 1960, Ginzberg was treated from tropical disease. It is assumed that the doctor used an unsterilized needle, and the poet became infected with hepatitis. His immunity is forever weakened. He was aggravated by health condition smoking and narcotic dependence. Allen was repeatedly tried to quit the detrimental habits, but stress forced again to take a cigarette and forbidden substances.

In the 1970s, Ginzberg suffered two minor strokes, which led to Bella paralysis - in the later photos it can be seen that on one side of the face Muscle Muscles "wounded", atrophing.

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In 1997, Allen Ginzberg in the next and last time returned from the hospital, where he was unsuccessful from heart failure. For days, the poet turned to friends, saying goodbye. Some telephone conversations, including the actor Johnny Depp, were sad and interrupted by tears, with other comrades, Ginzberg eagerly joked.

Ginzberg died on April 5, 1997 surrounded by family and friends. The cause of death is a liver cancer, which revealed from hepatitis. The body is cremated, and the remains were divided into equal parts. A third of the ash climbed on the family plot in Newark, between the graves of the father and the native mother. The second part of the ash was supposed to lie down next to Peter Orlovski after his death, which happened in 2010. The remaining third is buried in India.


"I think, even after time, people will remember many, many lines of Bob Dilan, some stiffs of John Lennon. But almost all academic poetry will be forgotten. "" We swore to each other that he could own me, my mind and everything I knew, and my body, and I could own them, and everything he knew and his body ; and so that we give ourselves to each other so that we can have a friend like a property, and do everything that wanted, sexually or intellectually, and in the sense of comprehending each other until we reach mystical "x" in which Our souls are merged ... "." I am happy with what I breathe. "


  • 1956 - "Cryat"
  • 1961 - "Kaddish"
  • 1961 - "Empty Mirror: Early Poems"
  • 1963 - "Reality Sandwiches"
  • 1968 - "Planet News"
  • 1970 - "Diaries of India"
  • 1972 - "Gate of the Gneta: Poems 1948-1951"
  • 1973 - "Flow of America: verses of these states"
  • 1973 - "Iron Horse"
  • 1978 - "Mind Breathing"
  • 1981 - "Plutonic Oda: Poems 1977-1980"
  • 1986 - "White Drowby Poems: 1980-1985"
  • 1994 - "Cosmopolitan Welcome Poems: 1986-1993"
  • 1996 - "Light verses"
  • 1999 - "Death and Glory: Verses 1993-1997"

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