Furoof Nansen - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, researcher



Furoof Nansen - Norwegian researcher and traveler, scientist and public figure. He entered the Copenhagen International Council of Studying the Seas and was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Nansen came up with the technology for calculating the flow rates from the vessel in the drift, developed an accurate range and barometer. He led active social activities and was among the rescuers of the starving Volga region in 1921. The navigator also founded the Refugee Agency in Geneva, which in 1938 was awarded the Nobel Prize of the World.

Childhood and youth

The famous Norwegian was born near this Oslo on October 10, 1861. Then the city was called Cristia. The roots of his family tree lead to the Danes. In the 17th century, Nansen ancestors moved to Norway. As a child, the boy lived in the manor of the Father Fren. His parent was a successful lawyer. Three children were brought up in the family: Alexander and Einar brothers and Sister Sigrid.

Furoof Nansen in childhood

Nansenov had a discipline and order in the price. The love of sports was given to the son from childhood, and especially the mother contributed to this. From 2 years, Furoof has already been skiing, and in 15 he became a full and permanent participant in ski tournaments. Interesting fact: In 1877, Nansen put the world record in skating races at a distance of the 1st mile. A year later, he became a national champion in ski racing. Behind the shoulders athlete were 12 such championships.

Middle education Nansen received in the gymnasium. Father wanted the Son to choose a serious profession, perhaps, continuing his case. Therefore, insisted to Furoof submitting documents to a military school. Being creative in kind, the young man was fond of painting, but his science was attracted. He did not go on his father, took the documents from the School and entered the Christian University, deciding to study for zoologists.

Furoof Nansen in youth

Food liked to know the world, so by 20 years behind the shoulders of an intemeed young man had a 4-month swimming in the Arctic Ocean. As part of the practice on biology, Furofo walked on the Viking vessel among the ice, studying seals.

The fascination with the literature and art of Nansen continued: read the plays of Henric Ibsen and the poems of Lord Bairon. Young man knew english, french and German languages. He also began to take painting lessons.

Expeditions and research

The first journey gave the interest in the discovery of new places in the researcher and sent its activities in the bed in which he was realized. In 1883, Furoof received a diploma and appointment to the Bergen Museum, where he became a curator of the zoological department. He was 21 years old. In 1884, Nansen made a single crossing through the mountains from Bergen to Christia, and then won the jumping championship in Husybu. A year later, a researcher with versatile interests received a Friere medal for the work on histology and anatomy of myssomid.

Furoof Nansen.

From 1885 to 1886, Nansen worked at the University of Parma, as well as in Naples on the first European marine biological station. A young man was even awarded the Gold Medal of the Royal Academy of Sciences for research, which he led by studying the peculiarities of the nervous tissue. Soon a novice scientist received a doctoral degree for this work.

One of the main objectives of the researcher during this period was the transition through the Greenland ice plateau and the intersection of the territory from the east to the west. It was contrary to the usual preference of the western side, which was caught. Press was engaged in peres, and Nansen was packaged equipment, collecting an expedition. There was a sponsor, which provided a little financing of the campaign. And part of the costs compensated for the sold gold medal, the replacement of which was the bronze duplicate.

At the head of the expedition was Nansen himself. He invited with him Otto Sverdruup, an experienced polarist and survival specialist, as well as the skiers of Olaf Ditrichson and Christian Trana, a reindeer husband and Caiura Samuel Balt. The brave five went on a trip through Scotland, and then Iceland.

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Once in the east of Greenland, the group landed on floating ice 20 km from the coastline. The terrain on which the path lay was not studied, and people had to pull the harness themselves. Travelers caught frosts, at which the temperature dropped to - 40 C. Leaving on the specified way on July 17, 1888, the team arrived at the destination on October 3.

Travelers overcame 660 km of Greenland ice. They became the first in this matter, collecting scientific information and climate observations. In 1890 and 1891, Nansen issued 2 books about its expedition: "Skiing through Greenland" and "Life of Eskimos."

The next idea of ​​FuroFofa turned out to be even more risky. The researcher decided to pave the route to the North Pole. Nansen independently designed the ship called "Fram". The ship was supposed to surrender during freezing and ice compression, passing through the northeastern passage to the Novosibirsk Islands, and the team was drifting on the ship.

Furoof Nansen in Eskimo Suit

The Royal Geographical Society of Great Britain criticized a hike plan. The Norwegian parliament has allocated a subsidy of 250 thousand crowns, obliging Nansen to collect the team from Norwegians. Piece of expenses took over the patrons: Oscar Dickson provided electrical equipment, Eduard Toll organized auxiliary bases at the Novosibirsk Islands. At the disposal of the team handed 35 driving dogs. Sponsors of the campaign of the company "Kedbury" and "Knor", whose products the team stuck before being sent.

On June 24, 1893, 13 people under the command of Nansen went through the province, which should have been enough for 5 years, and with a fuel volume sufficient for 6 years of expedition. Of the 600 sneakers, 13 people took place in the team. Having passed along the northern part of Siberia, without reaching the islands, Furofo took the course to the north and by the end of September "Fram" drifted in the ice.

From the Pole of Travelers, a little longer distance was separated than the scientist planned. Furoof decided to make a breakdown and in the company Yalmar Johansen headed for the destination. The task turned out to be difficult. Researchers turned back and changed the direction to the Earth Franz Joseph. The team did not get to the pole, but was closer to him all in comparison with other researchers.

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After 3 months, the men were on the Earth Franz Joseph, where they survived the wintering in the dugout from the skins of animals and stones. Sophisticated climatic conditions, the difficulties of existence in the uncharted locality demonstrated the ability of scientists to adapt and survival. In the summer of 1896, the "Windward" vessel expedition was discovered, which delivered travelers in Vardo after a 3-year-old campaign. "Fram" arrived home week later.

Nansen not only correctly built the trajectory of the drift, but also provided a huge contribution to science, collecting data on the geography of the terrain, weather and climatic conditions of the indoor territories and the ocean. A new engineering invention was carried out from this campaign, which became a furnace capable of heating space in polar conditions. It was invented by Nansen himself.

The discoveries that Furoof did have influenced its further activities. He became a oceanographer. Several years left for the processing of information obtained in the expedition. From under the pen Nansen published the book "" Fram "in the Polar Sea, which was immediately transferred to several foreign languages. The work was published under a different name - "in the country of ice and nights." The writing has repeatedly reprinted.

Furoof Nansen.

Among the subsequent expeditions of the researcher were a trip to Svalbard and the alloy on the steamer to the mouth of the Lena River. He was also gathered at the "Fram" to the campaign to the Antarctic, but, the sick, handed over to the ship by Rule Amundsen in 1905. Furoof also traveled through the Trans-Siberian Highway. From the 1928th traveler participated in the preparation of the expedition to the Antarctic, which was planned to be held on the airship.

Scientific work Furoof Nansen combined with public activities. In 1906, he became the Norwegian ambassador in the UK and held this post 2 years. In the first world war, the researcher was the same position in the United States, and from 1920s for 2 years he was the High Commissioner of the League of Nations. He worked with the affairs of prisoners of war from the USSR. In 1921, the oceanographer created the Assistance "Assistance of Nansen", which provided support for the starving the Volga region on behalf of the International Organization of the Red Cross.

Nansen was loyal in relation to the Bolshevik movement and construction of the USSR.

Personal life

His spouse Eva Sars was played a big role in the saturated biography of Fogrodfa Nansen. The traveler took the daughter of the famous zoologist and the priest Mikael Sars in 1868. The girl was a chamber singer and owner of a pleasant mezzo-soprano. She sang romances, interested in art and loved skiing. Eve belongs to the invention of a female costume for skiing.

Furoof Nansen with family

The personal life of the traveler has developed happily. He loved his wife and entrusted it to the consecration of "Frama" before an important expedition in 1892. Eva waited for a spouse's return. While he was in the departure, the woman gave birth to a daughter. Little Liv saw the Father already at 3 years of age. While the husband was absent, Eva was engaged in creative development, and her career was successful. In honor of the favorite women, Nansen called 2 islands on the Earth Franz Joseph. Subsequently, it turned out that this is one island, and today he is called Evlas.

After 1898, four children appeared in the Nansen family: ODD and Osmund, Core and Irmelin. In love and harmony with their elect, Furocho lived until 1907. Eva died in the period when Nansen worked as ambassador in the UK. Repeated scientist married in 1919. His beloved became Sigrun Munte.


The last days of the life of the Oceanographer Furoof Nansen met in peace and peace in his own estate Lusaka next to Oslo. A scientist suffered several years from problems with the cardiovascular system, which was the cause of death.

Furoof Nansen on mortal

Nansen died, playing on the veranda with his granddaughter. The researcher bequeathed to cremate his body and dispel the dust over the Oslo fjord, which was made by his relatives and relatives.


Today, a monument to the famous oceanographer is located in the Big Levshinsky Lane. There is a building of the Russian International Red Cross, so the statue turned out to be no coincidence in this place. The opening of the sculpture took place in 2004 and was timed to the 100th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Russia and Norway.

Monument to Formufu Nansen in Moscow

Portraits of the researcher are now published in books and textbooks. They can be seen in museums and on the Internet. In honor of the oceanographer, the UN High Commissioner Prize is named, which is awarded annually.


  • 1904 - "In the Far North"
  • 1915 - "To the country of the Future"
  • 1928 - "Among the seals and polar bears"
  • 1937 - "Skiing through Greenland"
  • 1937 - "The Life of Eskimos"
  • 1956 - "Fram" in the Polar Sea "

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