Alexander Lipova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Sasha Kabaeva, Divorce, Prison, Instagram 2021



Russia is rich in skilled athletes who adequately represent the country at the National and World Arena. One of these - Kickboxer Alexander Lipova, who has repeatedly carried out champion titles from octagon. The endless list of sports and social merit convinces that Alexander is a person striving for the result, accustomed to win. But in the biography of Lipovoy, one defeat was: in February 2019, an athlete was accused of fraud and took under arrest.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Mikhailovich Lipova was born on July 26, 1976 in Odessa. Parents-soldiers brought up the Son on their own example: Mother has served before the ensign, and the father is a colonel of the Air Force, a master of sports of an international class on combat sambo and a manual ball. In such a surrounding, the future champion considered it improper to keep away physical development.

Up to 15 years, the young man tried himself in different sports: wrestling, karate, Taekwondo, and in boxing reached the title of Sports Master. Avechina Alexander found in kickboxing, to which the fighter himself says, "the deposits were since childhood." By the 17-year-old age, Lipova became a candidate for the master of sports on kickboxing, and a year later reached the vertex.

For training seirs Alexander did not forget about education. In Odessa, the young man graduated from high school number 82, began to study in the Profiliation of Technical School No. 26, but the diploma did not receive. Already later, having moved to Taganrog in 2001, Lipova mastered the jurisprudence at the Institute of Management and Economics.

Martial arts

In the youth, the kickboxer often moved, managed to live in Rostov-on-Don and Moscow. The scale of the capital allowed Alexander Lipov to put ambitious tasks in front of him and seek their hard labor. In 2004, the athlete won in the Russian championship, and a year later, he won the title of world champion.

According to the lime, the first major victory among professionals is what every athlete seeks, and upon reaching the goal I do not want to lower your hands, to surrender with a sense of accomplishment. On the contrary, there is a desire to multiply victory, increase the number of awards. In a short time, Alexander Lipova became a three-time champion of Moscow, the two-time champion of Russia and the three-time champion of the Kickboxing world.

To seek victory in the battles of the Lipov, the complex was helped: with a height of 189 cm kickboxer weighed 81-82 kg. Significant in the career athlete is considered not only medals, cups and belts, but also personal records. For example, in 2006, he entered the Guinness Book of Records, having completed 4 thousand blows in a 48-minute sparring - 2 thousand hands and legs. This result is still not sophisticated by anyone.

Social activity

Own achievements provoked lime to promote sports in the masses, so Lipovoy Gym International appeared in Moscow and Odessa. Open the Kickboxer Hall dreamed of all his life, because "he always trained not in the best conditions: lacked equipment, nutrition." Anyone can get to the club, regardless of age, the level of physical training and the past.

On the basis of Lipovoy Gym International, the program of the National Anti-Narcotic Union "Social Elevator" was implemented, which was aimed at rehabilitation of alcohol and drug addicts and adolescents. For the restoration to the younger generation, several directions were offered - from IT technologies to the media sphere. So, creative socialization was engaged in Vadim Samoilov from the group "Agata Christie", and Alexander Lipova took over the question of sports.

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Dependent adolescents were engaged in Lipovoy Gym International on a program developed personally Lipov. It included food, sports loads, even leisure. Thanks to the emergency control of the coach, in 2014, several non-drug addicted guys successfully performed at the international kickboxing tournament. The practice of sports resocialization was considered successful.

In 2017, Lipovoov presented the sporting direction of the social elevator to the members of the United Nations. The high efficiency of the methodology was noted by Yuri Fedotov, Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Thanks to international support, Kickboxer distributed the idea of ​​sports resocialization in Austria and the United States.

We tried to promote Sport Lipova in all fronts, including thanks to the deputy of the State Duma of the FS RS Rome Batalova, whose assistant was. The latter is a multiple world champion and European athletics among Paralympians.

Personal life

In October 2011, the personal life of Alexander Lipovaya became the property of the TV program "Let's get married" on the first channel. The athlete positioned himself as a wealthy man who lacks only the keeper of the focus for happiness. The model was claimed by the model, a master of sports on rhythmic gymnastics Alan Mamaeva (in Maubetov Hubetov).

On the air, young people admitted that several weeks have already been familiar. Allegedly Alan, having learned that Alexander plans to look for his wife in "Let's get married", decided to achieve it with such a non-standard romantic way. In fact, at the time of shooting the transfer, the pair has already been married. The appearance on the first channel was necessary for advertising the upcoming battle of the lime.

Alana and Alexandra born the son of Alex. Soon the marriage collapsed, but the athlete continued to communicate with the heir after the divorce. The child is one of the few reasons why Lipova retains good relations with his ex-wife.

In 2016, the athlete went for love for the TV project "Dom-2". Alexander visited Victoria Romanets, which for the sake of the athlete threw the beloved. Roman Ugas is also spontaneously as it appeared: after a couple of weeks after the care of the perimeter, the champion and his "Choosing" stopped communications. It is believed that it was another PR-move.

On December 18, 2016, the press appeared reports about the wedding of Alexander Lipovaya and Sasha Kabaye, model. The event was preceded by happy photos in "Instagram", public discussions of personal life. The champion did not cease to be a popular person on TV show. So, in 2018, the fans saw the idol in the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether".

This time, Alexander appeared in the studio not as a discussed guest, but as an expert, because at the shoulders of the athlete - the highest legal education. Regarding the appearance in the transfer, the champion wrote a big post, which posted in an instagram account. The problem of the sexual harassment of the school teacher to a minor was discussed on the air, and therefore Lipova shared with subscribers with his own opinion on this matter.


On February 8, 2019, Alexander Lipovoy arrested on charges of committing a crime provided for in Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Fraud". According to the case of the case, which is considered in the Presnensky Court of Moscow, the kickboxer lent $ 4.5 million by Alexander Prokhorov. to open a business. Without waiting for the return, the man submitted a statement to the police, on the basis of which Prokhorov was announced.

When the suspect was detained, a little linden court seemed little. According to the press, the champion "created the visibility of the presence between him and law enforcement agencies of trust relationships and corruption ties, guaranteeing Prokhorov's punishment in the form of a conditional condemnation." For the liberation, the athlete asked 14.5 million rubles.

As a result, Prokhorov accused Lipovoy in fraud, and the kickboxer was in the Sizar Silence. Lawyer Vadim Lyalin claims that his client "does not deny his guilt, but in fact he fell on Prokhorov provocations. It turns out that a professional fraudster planted behind the bastard of the one who decided to give him a rebuff. "

By the court decision, the athlete was punished in the form of imprisonment for a period of 2 years. Alexander was transferred to prison in Vladimir. As the kickboxer later informed, finding the bastard completely changed his life. Particularly difficult for Lipovoy became awareness that the wife remained without his support in a difficult period - it became known that Kabaeva is waiting for a child.

In the "sailor silence" champion had the opportunity to occasionally get into touch with relatives. In Vladimir prison, such a "luxury" became inaccessible. Alexander tried not to fall in spirit, developed a special training system for himself, read a lot. First, the time spent in the SIZO, Lipova called the hell, but, hitting the camp, realized that "silence" is the "hotel five stars".

Sasha was seriously worried about separation with her husband, because of the nervous exhaustion almost did not leave the hospital: doctors sought to alleviate the sufferings of a young mother and give the child to be a healthy. Fearing miscarriage, made injections to open a lung child, "so that in the critical situation he was able to survive." The birth of the heir, who was called Demid, passed without a father. But in February 2020, the athlete ahead of schedule issued freedom.

In an interview with the "Starhit" magazine, the champion admitted that, taking a newborn son in his arms, I realized that it was necessary to rebuild life priorities. Now the first place Kickboxer was going to put a business, but a family. The arrest revealed before Alexander and the strong character of his spouse: Sasha supported her husband all this time, defended the innocence of the lime in court.

The champion appeared many plans for the future. In conclusion, he not only read, but also learned to sew. It prompted Odessa to open his own clothing store.

Alexander Lipova now

First time after returning from prison, the spouses lived in harmony. However, in March 2021, Kabaeva shared with the subscribers of instagram account with the news that she broke up with Alexander. As the celebrity noted, the broken-produced process lasted several months. In March, Lipova gave an interview in which he told that the former wife forbids him to see the Demid.


  • 2005, 2007 - Champion of Russia
  • 2005 - Finalist World Championship
  • 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013 - World Champion
  • 2011 - Moscow Cup Winner
  • 2012, 2014 - Moscow champion
  • 2014 - Finalist of the Russian Championship
  • 2018 - World Cup Champion

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