Erwin Schrödinger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Schrödinger Cat



An outstanding physicist Theorient Erwin Schrödinger became the author of a number of works on the theory of relativity, cosmology, thermodynamics and other scientific disciplines associated with advanced hypotheses about the structure of the Universe.

Bust Erwin Schrödinger

Being one of the Rhodeschalters of Quantum Mechanics, Austrian received the Nobel Prize for the wording of innovative aspects of the nuclear theory and subsequently in the book "What is life?" contributed to the popularization of the ideas of young genetics. In addition, the scientist paid close attention to the issues of philosophy, ethics and religions and became the author of a mental experiment, known as the Paradox "Cat Schrödinger".

Childhood and youth

Erwin Rudolf Josef Alexander Schredinger was born on August 12, 1887 in the family of a solid Vienna manufacturer Rudolf Schrödinger and daughter Professor-Chemist Georgy Emilia Brands Bauer. Parents professed different religious views, but was equally interested in education and science.Embed from getty images

The Father, who owned the company for the production of polyethylene materials, was an amateur scientist who graduated from the School of Technology and chaired the Botaniko Zoological Society of the Austro-Hungarian Capital. The mother whose ancestors lived in Britain, owned English and received upbringing, allowed to participate in conversations with graduates of the largest European universities.

This contributed to the versatile development of the sole son, who from an early age was fond of reading and studied general educational objects under the guidance of the best governors. When the boy was 11 years old, he was easily entered into the oldest academic gymnasium and became the best student class on humanitarian disciplines, which included the study of foreign languages.

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The aesthetic views of Erwin were formed under the influence of the theater where the playwright of Franz Grilling and other Austrian and foreign authors regularly went. Soon the preferences of the future scientist changed, and, after graduating from school, he decided to study the exact sciences at the physico-mathematical courses of the University of Vienna. It was this period that was the key in the early biography of Schrödinger, who had fallen under the influence of one of the members of the famous family of exner and introduced to the theoretics of Friedrich Hazenurl.

Having mastered the foundations of classical physics and the theory of mathematical models of phenomena, Erwin took up experiments, subsequently presented in the grave dissertation. The project dedicated to the study of the impact of humidity on the properties of electrical insulating materials allowed the young man to successfully finish training and in 1910 receive a doctoral degree in philosophy.

The science

Scientific career of Schrödinger started in Franz Exner's laboratory in 1911. Following the ideas of the teacher, the young assistant was engaged in experiments in the field of electrical engineering, atmospheric electricity and radioactivity, and also continued to master the theories of classical mechanics, making emphasis on Brownian movement and mathematical statistics.

Erwin Schrödinger

In 1912, after the publication of the article for the university reference book, the name of Schrödinger became famous in academic circles, and the practical justification of the ideas of Physics Victor Franz Hess brought a novice scientist prestigious Haitinger-Preis award. At the same time, Erwin passed the exams for the position of Privat-Docessory and after serving at the fronts of the First World War, began combining research work with teaching.

Gradually, departing from the experimental verification of the existing theories, Schredinger took up the colorometry issues and contributed to science, publishing materials based on the works of Helmagolz, James Clerk Maxwell and Thomas Jung.

When describing the metric system of color space, which allowed identifying some quantitative characteristics of spectral components, Erwin proposed his own look at the physiological features of vision and after the publication of a number of thematic reviews became a recognized specialist in color theory.

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In 1921, Schrödinger moved to Switzerland and agreed with representatives of the Higher Technical School of Zurich Herman Weelem, Paul Shererent, Peter Debay and others. Colleagues pushed a scientist for research in the sphere of quantum theory, which opened the road to the creation of wave mechanics and the invention of a stationary equation, calculating the levels of the hydrogen atom.

Studying the works of Albert Einstein, Arnold Zommerfeld, Max Planck and other developers of the foundations of quantum mechanics, the Austrian scientist engaged in explaining the controversial theory of the atom and provided himself with a professor of physics in Berlin University of Friedrich Wilhelm III.

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The atmosphere of the European Center of Science has been beneficial at the health of Schredinger, which revealed to the formula of the Doppler effect and formulated new principles of quantum theory on the basis of existing relativistic considerations.

Since 1926, in the German edition dedicated to the problems of experimental, theoretical, mathematical and applied physics, the heads of one of the most famous works of Austrian "Quantization as a task in eigenvalues" began to be printed. In the 3rd part of the study published in May 1926, Erwin first proposed the term "wave mechanics" to denote the principles of its own scientific approach to the topic studied.

The academic community immediately picked up the ideas of Austrian theorist and began to be widely used to solve the fundamental tasks of quantum theory. Schrödinger began to invite European physical societies to meetings, and then organized an extensive lecture tour of the US cities.

Erwin Schrödinger and participants of the Solveyevsky Congress of 1927

In 1933, when a political situation in Germany has changed, Schredinger left the University of Berlin and after moving to the UK learned that he became a laureate of the Nobel Prize in the field of physics together with the Anglicin Field of Dirac.

Becoming a member of the teaching staff of the Oxford College Magdalene, Erwin, and not used to the famous behavior of colleagues-professors. In 1936, the scholar returned to his homeland briefly, and then received the position of director of the department of theoretical physics at the Irish Institute of Higher Research and Lecturer at Dublin University.

During this period, the scientist presented a mental experiment to his colleagues, known as the quantum paradox "Kota Schrödinger", according to which the object deprived of observation may be in two opposite states at the same time. Spaving a previously published study of Einstein - Podolsky - Rosen, Austrian proved the need for a number of rules that indicated the conditions for the instant change of the state of the object and tried to solve the complex problem of quantum intricate.

Erwin Schrödinger - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Schrödinger Cat 11910_4

In subsequent years, Erwin became carefully familiarized with the works of the German founder of theoretical physics and began to create a single theory of the gravitational field and conducted research in the field of electromagnetism. In the 1940s, Schrödinger became interested in biology and published a collection of lectures called "What is life?", Dedicated to the consideration of the issues of genetics in terms of physics and philosophy.

In the late 1950s, Erwin returned to the Austrian Earth and became an honorary professor of the metropolitan educational institution. Until now, in historical archives, the Honorary Place is held by the photo of the Bust of Schrödinger at the University of Vienna, where, in addition to the name and dates, the physical formula invented by scientists engraved.


In the 1950s and 1960s, the public met with the philosophical views of Schrödinger, presented in the works of "Science and Humanism", "Nature and Greeks" and "Mind and Matter". By giving a tribute to antique thinkers, Erwin tried to free the mind from prejudice to the objects under study and know the true essence of nature behavior.Embed from getty images

Historians argue that Austrian was an idealist, but in fact, in the views on human society, science and religion, he adhered to an objective study method, hoped from Indian and Eastern traditions. The same was with questions of science, ethics and unity, which were the central theme of works on philosophy.

Personal life

Erwin Schrödinger, who was brought up in a cultural family with strong moral and moral strata, was not an exemplary family man in his personal life.

Despite the long-year marriage with a woman named Anneyari Bretel, the Austrian scientist had many mistresses and was the father of several extramarital children. Interesting is the fact that wisdom of Erwin became the wives of friends and colleagues on the work, closing their eyes on numerous treason and free family relationships.

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The top of immorality, biographers considered a connection with two teenage girls in 1925-1930.

Anneari did not remain in debt and also had novels with men from the academic environment. Moreover, for 2 years she shared her shelter with the wife of the Austrian scientist Arthur Marha, who gave birth to Schrödinger, a daughter, who was named Ruth Georgina.

However, the indifference of the legal spouse did not continue forever, and in the early 1940s, she began to suffer from the attacks of depression, which brought to a regular stay under the supervision of doctors.


In the depths of the soul, Schrödinger, recognized as contemporaries by one of the most prominent physicists of the beginning of the 20th century, suffered from eternal wardings and separation from the homeland. His health was undermined by tuberculosis found in Zurich in 1921-1922.

Erwin Schrödinger's grave in Alpbach

Despite regular treatment in sanatoriums under the supervision of the best European doctors, the disease progressed and eventually caused the cause of death, overtaking physics in the Vienna Hospital on January 4, 1961.

The scientific world grief about the death of the famous colleague, and the followers of his teachings regularly visited the grave located in the Tyrolean village of Alpbach.

Awards and Prize

  • 1920 - Highinger Prize
  • 1927 - Matteuchchi Medal
  • 1929 - Member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences
  • 1933 - Nobel Prize in Physics
  • 1934 - Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • 1937 - Max Planck Medal
  • 1937 - Member of the Papal Academy of Sciences
  • 1949 - Member of the London Royal Society
  • 1956 - Erwin Schrödinger Prize
  • 1957 - Austrian Honorary Sign "For Science and Art"

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