Andrei Bogdan - Biography, Personal Life, News, Photos, Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky 2021



Before Andrei Bogdan became the head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, his personality was interested in. Throughout the career, a man would not once ran into the Verkhovna Rada and tried in every way to express himself in the political sphere, working for many years in the government in different positions.

Childhood and youth

The future politician was born in early December 1976 in the Ukrainian city of Lviv, the questions about their nationality is a man bypass. About Andrei's childhood is not known, but on the network in free access there are information about his father, from which it is clear that the man had a serious job.

Joseph Ignatievich was born in the Lviv region, after school he did a university, in 29 years he became a deputy of the Lviv city council and was in this position for 2 years. In 40 years he defended his master's thesis. In the early 1990s, the Department of Law Faculty was worked at the National University. Ivan Franko in Lviv. Now it works as a teacher of the Civil Law Department. There is no other information about his family.

After school, Bogdan entered the law faculty of LNU. Ivan Franko and at the age of 21 received the qualifications of a lawyer and economist. For some time he worked in his hometown, the lawyer license got only in 2001. Already later, he again entered his university again, but this time on the financial faculty, graduated from him in 2007 and immediately defended his candidate on legal sciences.

Career and politics

Bogdan law career began to develop back in 1998, when he settled on the company "Violet" by the legal adviser, and then to the Lviv railway. There he stayed until 2001, after he fell to the company "Rules", which was founded by Alexey Reznikov and Sergey Vlasenko.

Andrei Iosifovich develops further in the Kiev capital, where it becomes a partner of Pushkin and Partners, which in 2007 was renamed the association "Legal Advisors", there it serves as a manager. This position is a man combined with work in the Kiev appellate court (assistant judge).

In no parties, in 2007, Bogdan tries to run into the Verkhovna Rada, but then he never became a deputy. But after a year, Nikolai Onischuk, who was at that time the Minister of Justice, appoints Andrei Ignatievich his deputy, the man was involved in the fight against corruption. And in 2010, the post of Deputy Minister of Ministers of Ukraine and an authorized person from the government in solving issues of anti-corruption policy appeared in his biography.

After 3 years, his last position was eliminated, but Bogdan did not leave the government. Nikolai Azarov, who then held the post of Prime Minister, again appoints Andrei Ignatievich authorized Cabinet of Cabinet for Anti-Corruption Policy. When in 2014 the Azarov government resigned, Bogdan was also fired. The lustration of government officials has become one of the requirements of the Euromaidan's participants.

After the dismissal, Andrei was not long sitting without work. Almost immediately, he begins to cooperate with Igor Kolomoisky, the Ukrainian Oligarch, who occupies the position of the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region at that time. Andrei becomes his personal advisor and lawyer, closely communicating with a man. But at the same time, he does not leave attempts to become a deputy and in the fall of 2014 again running into the Verkhovna Rada.

If last time he was in the list of "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" block, now he is trying to become a people's deputy from Petro Poroshenko's party. However, according to the information provided by the CEC, at that time he was non-partisan, and as a place of work indicated the company "Status". This time, his number in the list was passing, but Bogdan never took his place in a number of Ukrainian deputies, because the BPP canceled his registration as a candidate. A man decided to challenge this decision after 4 years, but the court took the side of the CEC.

Personal life

About the personal life of Andrei Bogdan nothing is known. Free access is information that the man has a wife and four children. What the spouse is engaged in the politics and how old children are also not specified.

A photo of a family, a man prefers not to exhibit on public visible, although registered on social networks. In the personal profile politics in Facebook a lot of interesting pictures. On some, it rests at the ski resort, on others - in Switzerland on the Lake Geneva, but there are more modest photos.

Andrei Bogdan now

As soon as the presidential campaign began in Ukraine, in 2019, Bogdan's press began to call the Kolomoisky curator at Zelensky headquarters, although this information was refuted. The only thing they did not hide is his legal assistance provided to Igor Valerevich. As for his work at Zelensky, Speaker Staff Dmitry Razumkov was announced that Andrei Ignatievich occasionally helps them in legal matters, since he is a long-time comrade Vladimir Alexandrovich.

The cooperation of Zelensky and Bogdan has never been hidden, the lawyer participated in important negotiations with Vladimir and throughout the election campaign was located near, including a member of the working group on the inauguration of the president. Already then began to happen that with the most likely Andrei Ignatievich, it is the place of the head of the presidential administration.

So it happened, on May 21, 2019, Bogdan was appointed to this position. Such action from Zelensky caused many questions. After 2 days, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine sent a letter to the presidential administration, according to which a lustration checking on Andrei Ignatievich will be conducted. This was announced by Sergey Petukhov - Minister of Justice. Bogdan's name was made to the lustration registry.

On the other hand, the decision on lustration and does not touch Bogdan. The Deputy Administration of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine Ruslan Ryaboshada said that Andrei missesses the law "On the purification of power", since at the time of his adoption was already dismissed from the post of government-authorized on anti-corruption policy issues.

Also, the man noted that it does not fall under the requirements of the 2014 Resolution, since the administration is not a state authority. Therefore, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has no right to appeal in court to this post.

Nevertheless, on February 1, 2020, Bogdan was dismissed from his position. After the resignation, he repeatedly criticized the actions of the former associates, in particular, the president of Zelensky. In November of the same year, Bogdan agreed on a frank interview with Ksenia Sobchak, in which he called the cause of his own dismissal "mutual loss of trust." Also, the conversation touched the modern Ukrainian and Russian politics, Minsk agreements, some historical events.

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