Guitanas housing - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of Lithuania 2021



Lithuanian President Housing was elected to this position in 2019, almost immediately began to make statements about establishing relations with Russia, if Moscow changes politics against Ukraine. True, there are few people hoped for this, and therefore several options of the Board prophesitate to the new chapter of the republic - either it will become an obedient conductor of conservatives, or will try only to visually stabilize foreign policy.

Childhood and youth

Future politician was born in May 1964 in the city of Klaipeda, in the third largest village in Lithuania after Vilnius and Kaunas. In the same place he spent his childhood, the boy studied at the local school, was fond of music, and therefore the parents recorded the Son in the choir. As a rule, the summer holidays spent in the village of Budahade, visiting grandparents.

Housing grew in a simple family, his father Antanas housing worked all his life on the pulp plant in Klaipeda, there he worked in the position of chief energy and engineer. Mother She Stas is found from the Lithuanian village of Lazdininkai, taught physics and mathematics at school. In addition to him, parents brought up the daughter called Vilia, like the younger brother, she also has an economic education.

Having received a certificate of maturity, huge submits documents to the university, but the young man failed to pass entrance exams. He took the next attempt only a year later, this time Gitanas was enrolled in the University of Vilnius, at the Faculty of Economics of the Industry.

In 1987, after the protection of the diploma, the young man decides to receive additional education. After completing training and there, he successfully defends his doctoral dissertation on social sciences. At the same time, with the receipt of profile education, the guitanas further studied English, Russian and German, which now fluently owns.

Career and politics

The first job in the biography of Gitanas appeared at the moment when he failed to enter the university. To ensure independently, settled in the Klaipeda pharmacy Plumbing, however, he lasted there for long. Bested dreamed of a career of an economist, and therefore did everything possible to get a profile education and get a specialty.

While still a student, Gitanas took practice in the University of Mannheim, and later also in Bonn in Bundestag.

At the beginning and mid-1990s, Lietuvos Rytas worked at the Lithuan newspaper Lietuvos Rytas, where he led the economic column, and also headed the department of the financial market in the Antimonopoly Committee, then the deputy head of the department for commercial banks in the bank of Lithuania was settled. At the same time, for 17 years, the University has taught the economy in Vilnius University. True, after a time he returned to politics again.

In 2004, huge supports the election campaign of Valdas Adamkus, who at that time ran for the presidency of Lithuania, and when he won the election, the newly elected head of the republic appoints Gitanas with his adviser, in this position it is up to 2009. And in 2008, he becomes the main economist of SEB Bankas and the adviser to the President of the Financial Organization.

The fact that huge is going to run into the president of Lithuania in the elections of 2019, it became known in September 2018. During the election program, he together with his wife visited many cities and visited local social institutions. At the same time, a man did not belong to any of the parties operating in the republic.

Personal life

With the future wife, Gitanas met in student years, their personal life was successful. Diana Nepaite-Founded - the peer of the spouse, has engineering and technical education. But before you get working in the specialty, a woman led a sewing studio. Having received a higher education, began to teach the International Protocol in the Business School of Vilen University.

During the years of marriage, a couple had two children - both girls, they received higher education abroad. Senior Gingle has studied in Belgium on the archaeologist, the youngest hijan - in France at the University of Vincenne-Saint-Denis.

In addition to politics, Gitanas is fond of sports, playing guitar and chess. In his free time, it loves to read books. At 33 years began collecting antique literary publications. Communication with citizens of the country huge is trying to maintain through social networks, a man is registered in "Instagram", where it is regularly divided with subscribers with new photos.

Guitanas housing now

In the elections of President Lithuania in 2019, Gitanas housing won the truth, not immediately. In the first round, she scored a little more than 30% of the votes, and therefore was forced to meet in the second stage with Ingrid Shimonite. The number of votes for a man collected from 1972 polling stations was 65.86 in percentage ratio, while ingreed scored only 32%. Since in the first round, the leaders of the election race went to the leg, no one could reliably predict the victory of politics.

His 55th anniversary of huge noted just in the period between two tours. And therefore, the daughters who came to their homeland congratulated the Father at once with two important events. The spouse was also near and supported her husband all the time. With pleasant wishes to him addressed ingrid, which adopted a decent defeat.

Immediately after the election, the leader of the opposition party of conservative conservatives SO-HDL Gabrielus Landsbergis voiced the forecast for serious changes in the factions of the Seimas and the ruling coalition. A man suggested that in the near future, political "shifts" will occur in Lithuania, but the specifics did not express them on this. Previously, he invited Gytanas to run for the presidency from his party, to which he received polite refusal to be found with an explanation that he plans to advance as an independent candidate.

Now Gitanas is preparing for an official announcement of the voting results, which will be held on June 12, 2019. The first visit, which plans to commit the head of the republic in the new status - Poland. A man believes that with this country in Lithuania there are many points of contact, since two states together carry out energy projects.

As for cooperation with other countries, then housing is expressed by optimistic thoughts on the establishment of connections. In particular, he speaks of Russia and Belarus, relations with which were brought to the crisis state. Guitanas positions itself as a supporter of pragmatic looks and understands that the Lithuanian business and the economy of the country as a whole depend on contacts with neighbors in a large extent.

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