Tungussky meteorite - where fell when, photo, interesting facts, fall place


Sometimes there are thin stripes of light in the sky, quickly disappearing and leaving after themselves a resistant fascinating impression. People call them falling stars. In fact, these are meteors, remnants of comets or asteroids, burning at the entrance to the atmosphere of the Earth. But it happens that the cosmic body can overcome the earth gas shell and reach the surface of the planet, inflicts a significant damage to the environment, "the Tungusian meteorite has become such an uninvited guest at the beginning of the last century.

About where and when an unexpected visitor from a distant cosmos fell to Earth, as well as on interesting facts and theories, connected with it - in material 24cm.

When and where the Tungusian meteorite fell

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The Russian Empire, who has yet existed at the time of the incident, the river pool of the River River Tunguska in Eastern Siberia - it was there to the Tungusian meteorite and fell in 1908, on June 30 at about 7 o'clock in the morning.

The event was accompanied by a strong flash of light. Casual phenomenon witnesses noted a change in the color of the car swept over the sky - he became red, then yellow, then whites. And people who were in the radius of anomalous impact were tested by an unbearable heat, comparable to what is felt when it is in the immediate vicinity of open fire.

Characteristic object

A dazzling bright spherical object of cosmic origin, the dimensions of which were unambiguously determined, entered the atmosphere of the Earth. In parallel with this, sounds were heard, similar to rollers of thunder. According to Ivan Murzinov, a member of the Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky, an extraterrestrial body was a stone meteorite, flying at a speed of approximately 20 km / s and exploding at an altitude of 35-45 km from the ground.


After the alleged fall of the meteorite and the explosion that followed him, which happened over the Taiga region, in which there were no settlements, there was a deafening sound - his echoes spread to 1000 km, while the consequences of the explosive wave recorded seismographs at different points of the planet. The explosion power was equal to 15-40 MT in a TNT equivalent, which is comparable to the energy indicator from the average hydrogen bomb.

Taiga Forest Trees were doried with roots - such a picture was observed on an area of ​​more than 2000 km ^ 2. Following this, a large-scale fire broke out, and as a result of the impact of an explosive wave in homes, which were hundreds of kilometers from the epicenter of the explosion, knocked out glass. The next few days, starting with Central Siberia and ending with the Atlantic, at night in the sky, bright light effects were observed - the specific phenomenon was maintained over the next week, ending only at the end of summer.

Photo Places of falling Tungusky meteorite (https://nauka.tass.ru/nauka/3949743)

Story study

The date of the first full description of the events of that time is considered July 15, 1908, when the opinion on the Tungus catastrophe for the authorship of S. Kulesh appeared in the Siberia newspaper. Awarded for three days earlier in the "Siberian life" a note of the traveler and ethnographer Alexander Averyanova was based on more degrees on rumors and could not boast of confidence. In any case, research expeditions began only a couple of years after the fall of the meteorite, in the 1920s, but the process moved extremely slowly.

For example, the expedition 1921-1922. Only a number of new reviews from local residents achieved, which made it possible to more specifically understand which place was the point of the intended landing of the cosmic body, while there was no doubt about the fact of the explosion. They also noted a strange feature expressed in the fan of the Forest - while in the center of the trees continued to stand, losing the branch and branches.

More meaningful information appeared in 1927: a group of researchers did not find a substance from which the Tungusian meteorite should have been held, but discovered traces of silicate and magnetite balls. In addition, it was possible to establish elements found on Earth, probably arriving from space.

Despite the absence of a crater, the Soviet mineralogue Leonid Kulik adhered to the hypothesis of the meteoric origin of an extraterrestrial object. However, subsequently refused the opinion of the passage through the atmosphere of the land of a solid cosmic body, preferred an option about its fragmentation into small parts.


There are dozens of hypotheses regarding the nature of the appearance of the Tungus cosmic body, but there is no uniform opinion that scientists would adhere to.

The following are a number of occurring versions of the occurrence, originate both in the scientific sphere and in the field of fiction:

  1. Astronomers of different countries believe that the comet was obliged to disperse in the earth's atmosphere, because of which only asteroid from stone could be used in a Tungusk meteorite. Scientists believe that the object matter of the object varied and was carried out by the stream of the wind.
  2. In the 1940s, the author of fantastic literary works Alexander Kazantsev, pushing away from the reviews of the witnesses of the explosion under consideration of the extraterrestrial body, made the assumption that the nature of the object is not natural, but artificial. According to the writer's proposed version, the Tungusian phenomenon is a sign of the visit of representatives of the alien civilization arriving on the ship to our planet, but the victims of the catastrophe at the planting stage.
  3. In 1965, scientists from the United States of America suggested that the substance of the Tungusse extraterrestrial body included the antimatter, which, in touching with the earth's atmosphere, made annihilation. Combined together and becoming a single energy, they did not leave any noticeable traces.
  4. One of the most amazing hypotheses is that Nikola Tesla conducted another study, in the course of which he decided to send the energy bunch to Eastern Siberia, choosing a region for an experiment due to delicacy. It is noteworthy that the scientist on the eve of the relevant books in the library. Also on the card hanging in the office of the inventor, markers were revealed just in those places where the Tungusian phenomenon was observed.

Films, songs, books about the Tungusian meteorite

Events associated with the presumptive drop in the Tungus Cosmic Object, stood out not only the scientific community, but also cultural figures. In their literary writings, the events of that time reflected writers Manuel Semenov and Alexander Kazantsev.

The most popularity of the Arcadia brothers and Boris Strugatsky brothers, proposed by them in the story "Monday begins on Saturday". There is a speech about the spacecraft who arrived from another space where the time stream flows in the opposite direction, that is, after the clock arrows overcome the midnight mark, it comes not "tomorrow", but "yesterday".

Tungussky meteorite - where fell when, photo, interesting facts, fall place 119_3

In the cinematic plane, the Tungus phenomenon was mentioned in the unsolicited series "Secret Materials". In the episode of Tunguska, it is told about the virus, mined by scientists from Russia from the fragments of a fallen meteorite. Domestic cinema representatives also touched upon the subject of the space object under consideration. Yuri Moroz in the Multiserry Picture of Ugryum-River completed the plot story with the fall of the Tungusian meteorite in the area of ​​Eastern Siberia.

Representatives of the musical industry also did not bypass the Tungus phenomenon. For example, in one of the clips of the Metallica group, the story describes the disputes of extraterrestrial disputes found at the fall of the meteorite, which help the USSR to establish total control over the planet.


Relying on the approval of scientists from the US University and their colleagues from Russia, it is possible to say that the case with the Tungusky object has become luck for humanity, since the "guest from space" landed in an unbending area, minimizing the number of victims - the map shows that the fall place Significantly removed from how many large settlements.

Photo of the consequences of the fall of the Tungusian meteorite - so the taiga around the disaster site looked in 1927 (https://ria.ru/20190627/1555960856.html)

The researchers conducted a large-scale survey among eyewitnesses of those events - they included about two thousand citizens. It was possible to establish that at the time of the explosion in the area of ​​the defeat, only 30 people were found. Many fainted and gained weighty injury, known at least about three dead.

Other places of fall on the world map

Among the fall of the Tungus meteorite, there are at least two events.

  1. Brazilian Tunguska. In August 1930, after the sun became bright red, it began to rain out of the ashes, and the earth sounded next, land trembled. The loud sounds spread to 240 km from the epicenter, they were heard in the cities of Esperance and Atalaya-do Northy. Local residents perceived everything that happened as military exercises - only after five days they learned from the missionar of Fedele D'Fedoro on the existence of meteorites and that those fall to Earth.
  2. Vitim's car. In September 2002, near the village of Mom Irkutsk region, eyewitnesses noticed sparkling car, the phenomenon was accompanied by specific sounds and glow. According to eyewitness reviews, the body had comparable with the visible moon, and its radiance over a long time illuminated the taiga forest. On the territory where the space facility landed, the situation was formed, on a smaller scale, a repeating occurrence in the Podcast Tungusky Pool.

Cases of passage of cosmic bodies Through the atmosphere of the Earth are not single. Fortunately, during the existence of humanity, this kind of events did not lead to global catastrophes. At the same time, the Tungusian meteorite, as well as the examples like him, prove: people should always stay alert, and scientists are to follow the near-sole space so that in case of an emergency to have time to develop a plan to prevent an extraterrestrial threat.

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