Ivan Apuarin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Headquarters Vladimir Zelensky 2021



When Vladimir Zelensky, who became President of Ukraine in April 2019, represented the voters to the team of advisers and assistants, it was not about specific positions in the government. Stressing that the new government will strive for European innovations, the head of state called the main directions and identified people who will be engaged in them. Among others, the name of the colonel of the stock of Ivan Eposhan, who should develop the armed forces and control the army responsible for national security and the protection of the country's internal and external borders of the country.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Mikhailovich Aparins was born on May 25, 1956 in the capital of GDR, Berlin. Probably his father was a secret military personnel, and therefore practically nothing known about the early biography of the future adviser to Vladimir Zelensky on security and defense issues.

Until 1977, a young man remained a "dark horse", and then his name came up in the lists of cadets of the Kiev Higher Communication Command School, where in the column specialty there was a "engineer of caterpillar and wheeled vehicles".

This was not enough to build a successful army career, and in the early 1980s, Ivan entered the Nikolaev Military Academy named after Mikhail Vasilyevich Frunze, who was preparing officers who held senior administrative and team positions in the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Ivan Aparshan

At the same time, the apartarean entered the military service under the contract and stopped persistently in the direction of the new titles and posts for 13 years. Starting with the command of a platoon, rotary and battalion, a certified officer reached the head of the regimental headquarters, and then settled in the chief military body for the defense planning of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

The top command decided that Ivan became the right and reliable employee, and sent him to raise the qualifications, where he received a scientific degree of Military Magistracy.

Career and politics

After passing all the stages of the necessary military education, the apartors in the rank of Colonel unexpectedly resigned from the Armed Forces of Ukraine and took the post of legal advice in the company Nikolai Yankovsky "Stiloloptfarmitorg".

Under the start of a new leader, the former member of the Party of Regions and the companion of Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, Ivan Mikhailovich began the necessary links and in the early 2000s returned to military service. Having told the post in the office of Anatoly Gritsenko, the apartors began to build a political and public career and in a short period became the head of the Strategic Planning Department, and then took the post of chief inspector of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

The colonel's area of ​​responsibility included issues of personnel army policies and the distribution of forces in accordance with the needs of the state. According to colleagues, Ivan Mikhailovich did not cope with the task and constantly demanded to increase the already rather large budget. True, with the new Minister of Defense of Yuri, Yukhanurov, Eparshan "cooled" and began to criticize the army for unnecessary spending and misuse of funds.

Thus, having lavish between constantly changing managers, the Colonel was able to hold out in the National Department of Defense and Security for a decade, and only the 2014 State Coupling expelled it from the Obligo Cabinet.

The Aparshina had to turn the old ties, and shortly before the elections to the Verkhovna Rada he joined the "Civil Position" party created by the former patron Anatoly Gritsenko. Having received the status of a candidate for people's deputies, Ivan Mikhailovich tried to get a place in the government of Peter Poroshenko, but he was ahead of the appointed Defense Minister Stepan Poltorank.

Colonel Ivan Apuranin

Until 2018, citizens of Ukrainian nationality did not hear about any activity of the Apartress, but with the beginning of the 2019 presidential campaign, he again appeared on the political arena behind the back of the candidate Anatoly Gritsenko. Then the applicant for the post of head of state directly stated that he trusts the Colonel and in the case of Victory would include him in the government of Ukraine.

However, in the first round, the former defense minister did not gain the right number of votes, and the Apartress as an expert in the field of military policy and defense "was leased" to the team of a more successful candidate Vladimir Zelensky.

Ivan Apuarin in 2019

The news was leaked to the Ukrainian press and surprised the former colleagues and colonel colleagues. In an interview with Internet editions, many of them said that Ivan Mikhailovich had no necessary qualities to manage any of the highest government departments, he does not know how to make tough solutions required by the country at the moment.

In response to the criticism of the Apuarin, to whom Zelensky, the role of the Security and Defense Advisor, stated that he plans to reorganize the Ukrainian army and raise the wages of the military, translated into a voluntary contract basis. The main way to achieve this goal, the Colonel called the sale of "unnecessary" resources of the Ministry of Defense, including land on which municipal and private facilities are located.

Personal life

About the personal life of the adviser Vladimir Zelensky is known very little. Official sources do not mention the family and related links of Colonel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ivan Apuarin and his wife Lyudmila

However, after reporters have conducted a thorough investigation, the journalists have conducted a thorough investigation, information about the wife of Apartress Lyudmila appeared on the Internet, in Maiden Lukyanova.

Until 2014, a woman who received 2 higher education and operating at OJSC "KB Expobank", was actively used by the social network "Odnoklassniki" and placed photos from foreign trips. In these pictures, the spouses are depicted together in minutes of privacy from the son and grandson.

Ivan Apuranin Now

After Vladimir Zelensky won the presidential election in Ukraine, the adviser to the apartors began to actively give interviews and promote his own ideas in the media.

Ivan Apuarin

Now, in anticipation of the new appointment, military politician continues to make program statements and distribute sometimes impossible promises. In an effort to raise the post of Minister of Defense as soon as possible, Ivan Mikhailovich intends to speed up bringing the army to NATO standards and excludes the possibility of negotiations with Russia and LDR and DPR leaders.

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