Dmitry Razumkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Headquarters Vladimir Zelensky 2021



Spring 2019 is rich in rearrangements in the political positions of Ukraine. With the arrival of the new president, the management apparatus is updated, and new faces appear on leading positions. Thus, the former representative of the electoral headquarters of Vladimir Zelensky Dmitry Razumkov was chosen by the chairman of the properresident political party "servant of the people". The man was replaced by Ivan Bakanov, appointed by the head of the Main Department for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Central Department of the SBU.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Razumkov was born in 1983 in the city of Berdichev Zhytomyr region and became a political scientist in the second generation, since Alexander's father was connected with politics all his life and was engaged in promoting applicants for senior posts. The man was part of the election headquarters Leonid Kuchma, who headed Ukraine in 1994, and after the victory of the candidate became the first assistant to the president.

Natalia Kudry's mother is far from politics, but no less than Pope is known, as the acting career brought a woman the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. Parents divorced, and his father began to live a civil marriage with a jelly bridge journalist. In 1998, the second son of Alexander Razumkova was born in 1998 - Gleb. After the death of Alexander in 1999, Julia was married to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine Anatoly Gritsenko.

Dmitry's school years have passed in Kiev, where he visited Lyceum No. 38, and graduating from school, began to study at the Kiev Institute of International Relations, engaging in the world economy. Later received legal education at the National University of Tax Service.

Career and politics

After graduating from the university, the young man went in the footsteps of his father and took up political consulting and electoral processes. The scope of his influence includes strategies for the formation of public opinion, as well as work on the construction of a candidate image. Dmitry is engaged in analyzing internal and foreign policy to adapt political technological processes.

The party biography of Razumkova began with entry into the ranks of the Party of Regions in 2006, where he went to protest against the policy of Viktor Yushchenko. Here he stayed for 4 years, leaving the organization after the election of Viktor Yanukovych for the presidency of the country.

Dmitry Polittechnology Works carried out in the framework of the Ukrainian Politconsulting Group, where he consisted on partner principles with Vasily Mokan and Nelli Yakovleva. A team of international experts specialized in domestic politics, managing and conducting election campaigns of federal and regional levels. Since 2010, Razumkov began working with Sergei Tigipko, promoting the position of the Government's Deputy Prime Minister.

By the time Vladimir Zelensky's nomination, Dmitry had sufficient experience in the field of electoral processes. He joined the team, becoming an adviser to the future president of internal politics. Razumkov did a bet on the youth, choosing the style of free communication with the press, where there was always a place for jokes. No wonder his boss is a long-time specialist in the case of humor.

Communicating with journalists, the speaker refuted the situation that the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky is behind Zelensky. Dmitry denied the participation of the latter in managing, financing and making decisions of the campaign. At the same time, the political analyst made the emphasis on the fact that his candidate ceases to be a media person, gaining the status of a political figure.

This was facilitated by numerous Zelensky meetings with politicians and specialists from different spheres, from which he gained new knowledge and awareness in the state management issues.

The adviser emphasized that Vladimir has managerial experience and the ability to create projects from scratch, so objections about the political inexperience of the candidate called insignificant. The main thing is that the story of Self-Made candidate inspires the generation of young Ukrainians to come to the elections and begin to change something in the life of the country.

Razumkov repeatedly called the election campaign of 2019 by one of the most dirty in history. At the same time, in his own work, the methods of "black piano" excluded, saying that opponents and their own well coped with the collapse of their reputation.

Personal life

Dmitry gently protects the space of personal life from curious eyes. It is known that he has a wife and two children, but the political scientist does not apply to their names. Photo family is also not easy to find in the open access. In an interview with Razumkov, prefers to answer questions included in the sphere of his professional competence.

A man is active in Facebook, places posts on the evil of the day, and the blog leads in Russian. With the press, the political scientist speaks on it, stressing that, like other people of Russian nationality, living in Ukraine, does not need the "protection of the Russian-speaking population." Accounts in the "Instagram" and "Twitter" from the former adviser to Zelensky.

Dmitry Razumkov Now

On the eve of the election of the President of Ukraine 2019, Dmitry Razumkov held the position of the speaker of the election headquarters of Vladimir Zelensky. The political technologist took over the work with the press and objections, answering uncomfortable questions and trying to strengthen the positive reputation as a candidate. At the same time, the man emphasized that the Zelensky team works as a volunteer, without being related treaty relations.

Now there is a rake leads the party "servant of the people", organized in December 2017 and named in honor of the most popular series. Dmitry joined the post on May 27, 2019, as reported at a press conference to Interfax-Ukraine. The party will participate in early elections to the Verkhovna Rada, the previous convening of which the new president dissolved immediately after the inauguration.

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