Azor Ahai - Hero's biography, TV series "Game of Thrones", prophecy, actor, photo


Character History

The series "The Game of Thrones", shot on the Saga George Martin "Song of Ice and Flame," disappointed some fans of the work, since the screen remains curious of mystical creatures. But the character mentioned in every book came to the frame and represented the audience. Prophecy about the prince had a place in the filmization. Azor Ahai became a mystery of several television series seasons.

History of creation

Writer George Martin

The story says that the mysterious hero was born 8 thousand years before the appearance of Aigon the conqueror. In times, called the period of a long night, Azor Ahai took the top over other. In battle, he was helped by a sword light. In different cultures, the character had excellent names, but the description was reduced to the fact that he was a knight, who won a fiery sword. The hero led like-minded people on the battle with darkness and defeated the enemy.

Red Priests worshiped Azor Ahai, believing in prophecy, considered the Messiah and expected the revival of the idol. Holy Scriptures The Millennium Created, created the prediction that long summer will end with the radiance of the bloody star and the coming of Azor Ahai, who rebelted from salt and smoke. According to the legend, the warrior will raise the fiery sword again and hit the opponents, bringing the eternal summer to his native lands. Death recognizes his defeat. From the dead rose those who took the battle for Azor Ahai. In the prophecy believed in Westeros. The signs adhered to Targarians.

"Game of Thrones"

Azor Ahai.

In the series, Azen Ahai is represented as the chief idol of the cult of red priests, which the Melisandra adheres to. This faith adhere to those for whom the name of the Fiery Divine of P'Glora is not an empty sound. The fans of this direction of religion believe that the enemy of God is the great other, on whose side of darkness and cold. White walkers embody a mystical creature.

The new coming of Azor Ahaya will entail another victory over other and cold. If the warrior is defeated, all living things will disappear on the lands of the kingdoms. The battle will solve the fate of seven states.

White Walker

The prophecy sounds extensive, and the wording is interpreted in different ways. The fans of the series are constantly building theories and assumptions about whose biography could allow such reincarnation. The appearance in which the knight will appear before the admirers remains under the veil of the mystery. The creators of telenovella allowed a large digression that helps to support intrigue. In the Valior language, the word prince, who called Azor Ahai, does not have a specific kind, therefore men and women are in the list of candidates for this role.

Azor Ahai: Theories of Origin

The prophecy predicts that the hero's revived hero will resist the king of the night. He will have to wake the stone dragons and master the sword of the light, to return the heat to the Earth of the Seven Kingdoms. Each of the characters "Games of Thrones" may be the Savior. But among the heroes of the television series, probable applicants for this image are obvious.

King of Night

In the first season, the audience said goodbye to the character, which was not long attended on the screen. Khal Drew married DeEneris and helped the leadership features in the character of his wife. She became the main contender for the iron throne and an outstanding heroine. Khal, the legendary warrior, before his death planned the transition to Westeros. At his disposal was a dragon, which can be attributed to the prophecy, freely interpreting the definition of a fiery sword.

Stannis Barateon survived in the literary source, but he died in the screen embodiment of the work. About the immortality of Azor Ahai in the prophecy there is not a word. But Melisandra suspected that he was the carrier of the Great Power. The hero lived on a dragon stone and possessed a sword by the name of the light-base.

Stannis Barateon (Shot from the series

Samwall Tarli is called the applicant for the role of Azor Ahai. He visited the Citadel, looking for a way to confront with white walkers. The man studied the mention of them in the books.

It is permissible that the Knights will be the theone of Grazey, a cripple with difficult fate. He sponsored sins completely and managed to stay alive. He joined DeEneris and did not discourage the glory of the hero. But the more likely an unexpected reincarnation.

Yara Grage, the sister of the theon, could also qualify for the role of Azor Ahai. Especially if you listen to the covenant about deciphering the word "prince". Along with my brother, she swore DeEneris. Brilliant fighting skills are a significant argument not to write off a girl with bills, withdrawing the theory about the great hero.

Theon Griad.

Dog, Sandor Kligan, more than other heroes are associated with fire, which caused his trouble. In this case, you can count on the game to resistance. The hero was alive, but supported the legend of his own death. His valor is continued, and a thin touch with a dragon stone still takes place.

Berik Dondarrion - Among those who did the Toros bet, the priest of the corresponding cult. The hero was more resurrected. His sword was fought by a mysterious flame, but the relationship with the dragons in this case is not observed. Berick stands for the people of Westeros and does not dispose of mystical creatures, although in this case the metaphor is appropriate.

Jame Lannister

Could the Azenist Ahai Jame Lannister? According to the legend, the light sword will be created from the blade, which pierces the heart of the wife of the Great Warrior, Nisa Nissa. According to rumors, Sersa may die from the hands of Jame. If we assume that the heroes are descendants of targaires, then the connection with stone dragons becomes logical.

Bran Stark has power enviable for the heroes of the Games of Thrones. He is able to manage everything alive, teleported in time and changes the past. The hero is able to master the Dragons of Deeneris to attack white walkers. Such a finale fans of saga are considered predictable, but explained.

Young Bran Stark

If no one kills Deeneris Targaryen, then the mother of the dragons will retain all the chances of the role of Azor Ahai. At its disposal, fire-haired monsters, it stands for Westeros, and the victory over the walkers can be a peak of its power. This event option is so obvious that it is unlikely that the creators of the project are unlikely to embody.

If John Snow will appear in the image of Azor Ahya, it will become a big disappointment for fans, because such a completion of the television series is predictable. He is the perfect applicant for the role of the Great Warrior. The hero has a Valirya sword, the genital tree of Targareyov includes his biography, and the hero once resurrected. The fans relieve that John and Deeneris's child can become Azor Aham. Such a turn of events would arrange many.

John Snow

The fans of the series for several seasons will be a look at the television screens, building guesses and creating art fan fiction about Azor Ahaye. For some assumptions, a great warrior could be a mournful EDD, Gengri, Davos Sivort and other characters. Whoever he actually - will be known in the final of the series.

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