Alan Moore - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Keepers" 2021



If you manage to meet Alan Mura on the street (or at least take a look at his photo), then you can confuse it with homeless. It is difficult to accept the fact that the legend of comics and the creator of "V - means Vendetta", "Keepers", "Constantine" and "League of outstanding gentlemen" looks like a dyed man with a descended beard. In addition, he is a recovery who is fond of magic and believes in the Roman glicon snake.

Childhood and youth

Alan Moore appeared on November 18, 1953 in the city of Northampton, which is located in the UK. The maternity hospital, in which he was born, was located in the work district Bororaz. It was here that the future writer spent the whole youth.

In one of the interview, the author admitted that, despite the fact that life in the area was not the most simple due to illiteracy and low income, Moore loved him and did not expect that you could live somehow differently. He from childhood was fond of reading not only books, but also comics about Sherlock Holmes, Captain Nemo, Fantastic Four and Flashe.

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In primary classes, Alan was the best student thanks to love for literature. However, later he was transferred to one team with children from secured families belonging to the world, the existence of which the boy did not even think. One of the best students of the school from the poor district was not able to cope with competition from more educated and secured peers, because of what the position passed.

Throwing his studies, Moore was carried away by the use and distribution among the peers "expanding consciousness" of substances. For illegal trade, it was expelled from the school, and the school director also distributed information among his colleagues and asked for no way to take a young man into his schools and universities. The path to higher education was closed for Alan. He found a job at the leather factory, from where he was soon dismissed due to smoking marijuana. After that, it began to clean the toilets and parallel to create comics.

Books and comics

At the beginning of his creative activity, the future master of the word not only invented small plots, but also illustrated them. The first characters created by Murom were animals - the ironic cat Maxwell, the mouse - a political activist Anon, Panda Saint-Sakhras, Detective Rava Mosko. In 1979, the first regular earnings brought the guy's first regular earnings in 1979, and the adventures about Maxwell pleased the readers until 1986.

Soon the writer decided that he had been paying too little time to think about the story details, and focused more on the text than on the illustrations. He composed for the popular Almanach 2000AD story about the judge Dredde, thanks to which, despite the refusal of the publication, the attention was paid to Alan.

After working on the short stories of Future Shock and "Doctor who" Moore began to receive more serious orders, including from Marvel UK and Warrior. It was in the publishing house of the Anthology started the exit of the monthly series MarvelMan (later renamed Miracleman) and "V" means Vendet ", which overnight transformed Mura from a promising beginner to the superstar.

The author achieved fame and ocean. The popular American DC Comics Publishing House asked him to develop a script for not the most successful Comic Series about Bolotnaya Cvari. Moore independently created a character's history with a clean leaf, having thought out a sharp turn in the biography of the creature. The sip of fresh air has benefited from the series and attracted not only old, but also new readers.

In these comics first appeared the occult Detective John Konstantin, resembling the author himself - the same cynical and incredulous Englishman from the working class. The hero immediately found his fans and soon gained a solo series, which became popular.

"V means Vendetta" and "Keepers" were born out of ideas of other authors. The first series tells about the events that occurred after the nuclear war in Britain, when the fascist party came to power. The former prisoner of one of the concentration camps, the face of the mask of smiling Guy Fox, carries the idea of ​​an open anarchy in the masses. The hero successfully breaks the system, exploding government buildings and hunting for party leaders.

The history of the "Guardians" (which is the joint work of Mura with the artist Dave Gibbons) started from the unexpected killing of one of the superheroes and with each chapter it became all confusing and deeper, immersing the reader into the atmosphere of the end of the world. At the time of the comic release, he was unique in everything - starting with the details of the characters characteristics and ending with non-standard applications to each part.

Repeating question "Who will fit the keepers?" Set readers to think about questions: why most admire the avengers in masks operating outside the law; Have heroes have the right to their actions; Whether they change the world for the better.

Next, from under the writer's pen, works were published about the two main characters of the DC Universe. In the comic "What happened to the person of tomorrow" he told the final story about Superman, and in the "murderous joke" wondered how long a host could continue between Batman and Joker.

In 1987, after DC has rejected one too bold Moore's idea, he decided to stop working with corporations, which from year to year duplicate films and comics about the same characters.

At the beginning of a new decade, when Alan ripped contracts with large publishers, he worked on the comic about Jack-leaving "from hell." In the new graphic novel, Moore argued about what reason the wave of murders took place, and gave a fresh look at the identity of the famous killer.

The writer comics are a fruitful source for Hollywood blockbusters. Thus, five of his works are already decrees - twice "Konstantin", "League of outstanding gentlemen," from hell "," V - means Vendetta "," Keepers ". However, the creator itself does not recognize the paintings, prohibits the use of its behalf in the credits and does not receive a cents for the rental of shields. The fact is that Moore considers comics full-fledged art that does not require additional interpretation.

Personal life

Alan Moore is happy not only in professional, but also in his personal life - his wife is an artist Melind Gabby.

Young people met as part of cooperation over the erotic comic of "Lost Girls", and a month later, the girl had already transported her belongings to Moore's house. Lovers entered into an official marriage only in 2007. Alan has to Father two children - Amber Moore and Lych Moore.

Alan Moore now

Now Alan continues to engage in writing and artistic creativity.

In 2019, a new comic of the author called "Providence", in which Moore again affects the topic of Lovecraft mythology. According to a man, the idea of ​​the novel has matured in his head for 4 years.


  • 1982 - "V - So Vendetta"
  • 1986-1987 - "Keepers"
  • 1989 - "From hell"
  • 1999 - "League of outstanding gentlemen"


  • 1996 - "Voice of Fire"
  • 2016 - "Jerusalem"

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