Ryuk ("Death Notebook") - Biography of the God of death, quotes, image and character


Character History

Manga Character and Anime "Death Note", as well as films and computer games based on manga. The God of Death, because of the boredom threw into the world of people "Death Notebook" - artifact, which serves to kill people. In order for a person to leave death, it is enough to enter the name of this person in the Death Note. Then he was entertained, watching Yagami Light, a Japanese schoolboy who picked up the notebook and began to use, killing criminals.

History of creation

God of death Ryuk

The image of Ryuk invented and developed to the finished concept of the Japanese writer and screenwriter Tsuugami both, and the character design created the artist Takei Obath. When the tsuugum was asked why the apple was chosen as an attribute and beloved food Ryuk, the screenwriter explained that the choice was made on the basis of visual effects of the picture.

The character looked good with apples, and the red fruit was a spectacular combination with a black color and a huge toothy mouth of a ruck. To the question, there were no extensive cultural and religious associations here, which the image of the apple was loaded, both straight stated that he did not think about anything like that, simply "apples cool".

Ryuk and Yagami Light

It is difficult to believe, but the monstrous Ryuk in accordance with the initial intent of the artist should look like a human young man, outwardly similar to the Light, only with black wings and brunette. The artist wanted the gods of death to look like rock stars and were attractive to the reader.

However, then the Oboat came to the thought that an excessive attractive Ryuk would draw attention to the audience. Then the light will be the character of the second plan, and not the main character, as thought. Later, the editor demanded that Ryuk did not look like a person at all, and as a result hero got a monstrous appearance. In the official manga guide "Death Note 13: How to Read", the artist tells that he represented a monstrous face Ryuk as a mask under which an attractive face was hidden.

Anime "Death Notebook"

Death note

Anime-series "Death Notebook" was released by Madhouse studio and broadcast in 2006-2007. A total of 37 twenty-minute episodes. The director of the series - Tatsuro Araki, Sayia (actor of the voice acting), who voiced Ryuk, - Sido Nakamura.

Anime's creators closely reproduced the plot of manga, so that the character of the character, and the events in which he participates in anime, almost no different from what is happening in the manga. Only some side lines disappeared from anime and several minor episodes appeared, which were not in the manga, however, it did not affect the overall storyline.

Ryuk and Yagami Light - Art

Ryuku is boring in the world of death gods, where nothing interesting happens: the gods are idle and played in the bone. Fun for the sake of Ryuk throws up the death notebook to the world, accompanied by the instruction, to make a notebook that the notebook could use. It later finds out that the needed notebook belonged not to the Ryukov himself, but another death of death by the name of Sido.

In the world of people, the notebook picks up Light Japanese - Japanese schoolboy, the son of the police chief, intelligent, but slightly asocial teenager, who is decided to use the notebook for the destruction of criminals and misunderstands himself "by the God of the New World", where people will remain only.

Ryuk watches the actions that takes the light, but there is no friendly feelings for a teenager. Ryuk follows the light everywhere, accompanying even at school, but no one, except like Light, does not see Ryuk. The God of Death is only having fun, watching the light, and is not interested in helping or, on the contrary, to interfere with this.

Ryuk adores apples

However, Ryuk has weakness - he loves apples. In exchange for apples, Light managed to "promote" Ryuk not some services. For example, the God of Death told Light about the pursuers who watched him, discovered the cameras that El had installed to watch the light, at the request of Light, fake fake rules. All for the opportunity to eat apples.

The only serious discrepancy between Anime and Manga is the final. In Anime Ryuk kills Light under other circumstances.

In addition to Ryuk, there are other gods of death in the series, for example, Ram. This death god is watching another character, a missie - a girl who "acquired" from God's death to see the names and terms of life of people. In Manga and Anime, Ram is depicted as a woman, but in films taken on the "notebook of death", the man plays this role.


Ram can not tolerate people due to the characteristic of those cruelty and experiencing disgust for the Light due to the methods that he uses. However, Ram has to help Light because of Misa. Visually RAM was created as a contrast character to Ryuku.

The character also appears in the Full-length Anime "Death Note Rewrite: The Visualizing God", which is a compressed retelling of the series. According to the plot, Ryuk is in the world of death gods, where he retells to the death of the death of the death of his own memories of Laat and related events.

Ryuk also appears in the Japanese Mystical Thriller 2006 of the Death Note, where the hero is voiced by actor Shidô Nakamura. In 2017, the film based on Manga released the American director Adam Vigard. The names of the heroes are distorted here, the American city of Seattle becomes the place of action, and the plot is also very smashed regarding the manga. The role of Ryuk in this film game is played by American actor Willem Defo.

Ryuk in the film

The gods of death in anime are supernatural characters who are essentially not responsible for the death of people. In the plot, people are perfectly dying and without the interference of the gods. Killing people, entering the names of those in the notebook, the gods need to extend their own life, since the remainder of the years not lived by a person because of the fact that the death of death fitted the name in the notebook, translates "at the expense" of the very death of death.

Interesting Facts

  • In the new Japanese mythology there are gods death - sinigami, but this type of characters appeared relatively recently. This is a personification of death, an image that can be found on engravings and other pictures. It is used in modern Japanese art. Presumably the image of the sinigami penetrated the Japanese folklore from Europe, where the image of death is personified in art, or from Chinese mythology, where there were different types of death gods. For the first time, the image of the sinigami appears in Japanese literature in the middle of the XIX century.
Cosplay Ryuk with an apple
  • Ryuk's design turned out to be so catchy and recognizable that some fans began to make a tattoo with a character. Other serial fans arrange a very spectacular cosplay, convincingly depicting Ryuk, or paint art, showing love for the character.
Squeeze on the fresco
  • The series has a lot of reference to the real world. For example, in a screensaver, which opens every new series, there is a moment when Light and Ryuk "depict" the Maelangelo fresco "Creation of Adam". Ryuk is in the position of God, Light - in the position of Adam, and Ryuk takes from the hands of Light Apple.


"But if you kill all the criminals, then you will be ultimately the only criminal." "" Apples - for me it's like a narcotic or tobacco addiction for people. "" People ... they are such employee! "" They are looking for each other, not Knowing no names or individuals. And the one who will find the first will die. "" You won't kill people? What are you boring ... "" Why do people these papers ... Although you can buy apples on these papers, so I understand them. "

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