Niels Bor - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Physics



Nielsa Bora is called one of the creators of modern physics. In 1922, the global scientific community considered Dane's worthy Nobel Prize. More than two dozen academies of the world, among whom were the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, counted for honor to present a membership card for himself.Embed from getty images

Bor - the discoverer and the father of the quantum theory of the atom, the developer of the bases of quantum mechanics. His contribution to the development of nuclear reactions is difficult to overestimate. And Niels Bor became famous as a philosopher and thinker, who was looking for and found answers to eternal questions in the phenomena of the surrounding physical world. Being involved in the development of an atomic bomb, he realized the danger of the nuclear war and to the end of his life fought for the ban on the use of deadly weapons.

Childhood and youth

Niels Henrik David Bor was born in the Danish capital in the late autumn of 1885. In Copenhagen, the family of the future scientist was listed among the local elite. Her head of Christian Bor was twice among the applicants for Nobel Prize for discoveries in medicine and physiology. Bor-senior taught at the University of Copenhagen and served to the highest scholar title - Professor.

Niels Bor in childhood with family

Ellen Adler, Mom Niels Bora - daughter of the parliamentarian and the Jewish banker David Adler and Jenny Raphael, representatives no less influential in Britain by the Jewish banking dynasty. In addition to Niels, two more children have grown in the family. A lot of photos of the family of Bor, where Nils is captured small.

The Bohr family was respected not only in Bancakers, but also in political and cultural circles. Christians and Ellen were intellectuals and very hospitable, sociable people. Niels grew up in the house where the color of the scientific intelligentsia was intended often, the local elite. Lively discussions, philosophical disputes, discussion of scientific discoveries - the environment in which the future scientist was brought up.

In school, Niels Bora was a tendency to accurate sciences and philosophy, which is not surprising, after all, the regulators of the house and the closest friends of the Father were theologian and philosopher Harald Heffding and Physicist Christian Kristiansen.

Niels Bor in youth

Niels and his brother Harald, later achieved considerable heights in mathematics, showed interest not only to the sciences: adolescents turned out to be excellent football players. They performed for the city football club: Niels on the position of the goalkeeper, brother - midfielder. In the youth, Bor became interested in skis and walked under the sail.

In 1903 Nils, Henrik David joined the student fraternity of the university, who was dedicated to the life of the Father. In the biography of the scientist, the base obtained in the oldest university Denmark was determined. Here Bor thoroughly studied physics and mathematics, paying attention and chemistry with astronomy.


In 1907, the name of Bora was associated with brilliant knowledge. The teachers have referred to the young researcher a great future, and his graduation work on the surface tension of the water received a gold medal. Nilsa handed it from the Royal Academy of Sciences. After 2 years, he became a Master of the University, and his doctoral dissertation colleagues recognized as a model and in anticipation of great discoveries. In it, Niels Bohr described the behavior of electrons and magnetic fluctuations in metals. Working on the dissertation, the physicist discovered "white spots" in classical electrodynamics.Embed from getty images

In 1911, becoming a doctor of science and having received an inceneal scholarship, Danes went to Cambridge. In the oldest English university he dreamed of working under the Nobel Laureate of Sir Joseph Thomson in the legendary Cavendish laboratory. But Thomson, the topic of the thesis of the Danish scientist did not cause interest - at that time he switched to other works.

Niels's disappointment was soon changed by a creative rise from acquaintance with another Nobel laureate Ernest Rutherford. "Father of Nuclear Physics" worked at the University of Manchester in the North-West of Britain, where Bor and went, leaving Cambridge. Danish physicist in the early 1912, with his head plunged into the development of the nuclear model of the atom, studied the radioactivity of the elements.

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Joint work with Rutherford pushed a scientist to create its own model of the atomic structure. Copenhagen Bor returned in the summer of 1912 and settled in Alma Mater Assistant Professor. Two years he fought over the solution of the problems associated with the nuclear model of the atom and the quantum theory of its structure.

In 1913, boron postulates appeared. These are the main assumptions that the scientist formulated to substantiate the pattern of the spectral series of hydrogen and the quantum nature of light. The work of the scientist gave rise to the development of quantum physics. Contribution to the science of Danchanin highly appreciated Rutherford and Albert Einstein. The latter called Bora "man with genius intuition", and his research is extremely important for the development of chemistry.

In the spring of 1914, Danish physics was invited to teaching work in Manchester, where he read students lectures on mathematical physics. After 2 years, he returned to his homeland, where he continued to study the structure of the atom. The university created for Niels Bora post professor.

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In the 1920s, the eminent physicist founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics in the Danish capital, which headed to death. Achievements of the Institute in the development of quantum mechanics is difficult to overestimate. In the 1920s, a more complex quantum-mechanical can be replaced by the model of the Bohr atom, in the foundation of which the studies of Niez's students were studied.

In 1922, for achieving the structure of atoms and their radiation, the Nobel Prize was awarded to the scientist. Soon, the Master formulated the principle of conformity and the principle of complementarity, fundamental for the development of quantum mechanics.

In the 1930s, the study began in the field of nuclear physics and soon in the Commonwealth with colleagues presented a drip model of the kernel, which had a division. The discovery in the late 1930s allowed scientists to advance in understanding nuclear fission, which before the beginning of World War II was of great importance. During research, Niels Bor learned that Uranus-235 could split, exciting unprecedented energy. This discovery served as a starting point for the development of an atomic bomb.

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In the first war years, the scientist continued to work in German occupation, but the "semi-European" nationality of boron and the warning about the arrest forced him to flee to Sweden, and from there to Britain. He believed that it was technically impossible to create an atomic bomb, but the development of deadly weapons had already begun in America. The United States appealed for help to a scientist, and he, together with his son, arrived in the States to participate in the Manhattan project.

Bor-senior, "Aksakal" among the scientists involved, became the author of a number of developments, but at the end of the war the possibility of using weapons such a destructive and deadly force was increasingly disturbed by Dane. He achieved a meeting with President F. Roosevelt and U. Churchill's British Prime Minister to convince them to establish control over the race of the weapon, but the efforts were in vain.

In 1955, Nils Bor reached the 70th anniversary, the age of mandatory resignation, and left the professorship post, but he remained the head of the institution established and continued to work on the development of quantum physics. At the end of his life, the scientist showed acute interest in molecular biology.

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The book "Atomic Physics and Human Cognition" is the fundamental work of Niels Bora, saw the light a year before the death of the scientific luminary, in 1961. A scientist repeatedly performed in the press, taking care of the peaceful use of an atom and its energy produced by it, warned about the danger of weapons based on nuclear splitting. And in 1950 he applied to a letter to the UN, calling for international control over deadly weapons. After 7 years, the physicist became the first laureate of the premium established by the Ford for the Peace Atom.

Colleagues were very loved by boron for humanity and the excellent sense of humor. In the institute established by him, the relationship in the team resembled family: Nils was sincerely interested in the life of employees, was extremely friendly and hospitable. The shine did not have a star disease, although Nobel laureate and scientific degrees of Cambridges, Manchester, Oxford, Edinburgh, Sorbonne, Princeton, Harvard and other leading universities in the world gave reasonable right to pride.

Personal life

In the summer of 1912, Niels Bor led under the crown of the sister of the best institutional friend Niels Eric Nølund. Margaret became a wonderful wife who gave her husband a strong rear, comfort and six children. One of the sons, the boron, went in the footsteps of his father and achieved tremendous success in physics: in the mid-1970s, the Nobel Prize was awarded the scientist.

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For services to the country and science, Niels Bor in the early 1930s received a gift from the Brewery company "Karlsberg" - the residence "House of Honor", built specifically for him. Visiting Bora was visited by the Queen of Britain Elizabeth, the head of the powers from all over the world, prime ministers and celebrities.

The scientist survived the tragedy: in 1934 Nils Bor lost the eldest son of Christian. The 19-year-old guy washed off the yacht during the storm. Bohr did not find the body.

A family of eminent physics for many years has supported close friendship with the Rutherford family. Nils called Ernest by the second father.


Bor's biographers say that the religious views of the scientist were formed at the age of 16. Attitude towards God Niels was thrift, although he rejected the spiritual claims of religion.

"There is no other thing to prescribe to God, how to manage this world," the physicist repeated.
Niels Bora's grave

At the end of the life path, he wrote articles on philosophical topics, was engaged in public operation and advocated lectures.

The cause of the death of a scientist became a heart attack. Bora did not become 77 years old. The urn with his greek was placed in a family grave at Copenhagen's cemetery.

Interesting Facts

One of the guests of Bohr, seeing on the doors of his house to the horseshoe, asked, really a scientist can believe that Horseshoe over the door brings happiness. Bor with a smile answered:"Of course, I do not believe! But Horseshova brings happiness even to those who do not believe it. "

In Nazi Germany banned the adoption of the Nobel Prize. German Physists Max Background Laue and James Frank trust the storage of Golden Medals Nilsu Bor. When in 1940 the Germans occupied Copenhagen, Bor dissolved these medals in tsarist vodka. After the end of the war, gold hidden in the royal vodka, gold and handed over to its Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences, where they made new medals and were re-handed.

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In Motherland, Bor was so respected man that, especially for him, the Brewery Karlsberg company held a pipeline in the house, for which fresh beer was supplied around the clock and free. Bor's House has always been full of guests.

In 1997, the 107th element of the Mendeleev table received the official name of Bory in honor of Niels Bora. Until 1997 in the USSR and Russia, the name in honor of the Great Physics - Nielsborii was carried by the 105th element of the Mendeleev table, later renamed Dubna.


  • Since 1965, the Copenhagen Institute of Theoretical Physics is named Institute Niels Bora. After the death of his founder, the institute was headed by the son of the Og Bor.
  • In 1963 and 1985, brands depicting Niels Bora were released in Denmark.
  • Bor's name is asteroid 3948, opened in 1985.
  • In honor of Niels Bor in 1964, a crater was named on the moon.
  • In 1997, the Danish National Bank issued a banknote to the dignity of 500 crowns depicting Niels Bora.
  • In 1998, a play "Copenhagen" of the English playwright Michael Frein, dedicated to the historical meeting of Bora and Heisenberg.

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