Yuri Slok - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The Russian actor, Yuri Shlykov, filmography, and Tens of paintings. Starting still in student years, a man to this day remains in demand on the set and theatrical scene. The Soviet viewer loved the artist for the main role in the detective mini-series "Inspector of Losev". Today, Yuri Sllykov - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, professor of theatrical school. Schukina and lead actor theater. Evgenia Vakhtangov.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Veniaminovich was born in 1953 in Moscow. The desire to become an actor was not a children's dream. Carefree young years, the boy spent with the book in his hands and was fond of everyone gradually. School liked different items, but the story was especially inspired, so I planned to do on the historical faculty of Moscow State University.

Yuri Sllykov in youth (frame from the movie

The acting road began by chance: the guy met a group of passionate young people, and they turned out to be applicants arriving at the acting branch. Yura decided to join them and also try happiness. As a result, the introductory tests of the sludge was successfully and became a student of the Higher Theater School. Schukina, hitting the course of the teacher of Faith Lvovaya. In 1974, the young man received a diploma. Mom has not approved the professional selection of his son for a long time, but seeing his graduation performance, agreed that he was on the right track.

After graduating from the school, the graduate went to the army, and after 2 years later, at the age of 23, Yuri began to teach in his native school at the department of acting skills. The accident was again helped again: it took urgently to replace one of the teachers, and called Shlykov. Since then, he left the work of the mentor, graduated from graduate school, becoming as a result of a professor. Among his graduates - Artists Valery Lanskaya, Oleg Dolin and Yuri Chursin.


An acting biography Yuri began, while still a student. A young man in 1973 starred in the historical tape "origins", and then received a couple of episodic roles. The first serious work is the character of Nikolai Sanin in the teenage drama "Lullaby for men", where the hero has to do a difficult choice between mother and strong romantic passion. The young actor got the main role, and Lucien Ovchinnikov and Natalia Andreichenko became part of the shooting partners.

However, the real fame of the artist brought the character of Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Losev, whom whose slab woke up famous. Detective mini-serials on the books of Arkady Adamova "Inspector of Losev" and "Loop" were filmed in the early 1980s and told about the struggle of Soviet law enforcement agencies with robbers, murderers and reprehensors of state ownership. After that, Yuri Veniaminovich many more times on the screen the form of law enforcement defender.

Yuri Shelkov as an inspector Losev (frame from the film

The fruitful union with director Kira Muratova brought films such as "Chekhov's motives" filmography, as "Chekhov's motives", "Sensitive Policeman", "Adjusor" filmography. In the "change of fate", filmed in 1987 by the story of Somerset Moem, Slods perform a major role. "Moyny you are my ..." and "bread of that winter" - the result of another successful cooperation, this time with the director Timur Zolovyev.

Perhaps there was no such period in the life of the artist, when it did not participate in the shooting. Even in difficult for Russian cinema, the 90s Career Yuri Veniaminovich was not put on a pause, and to this day he remains in demand on the set.


The theater career of the sludge began on the stage of the theater on Taganka, where came in 1976. At that time, stars were played there as Vladimir Vysotsky, Valery Zolotukhin, Leonid Filatov, Alla Demidov. He led the team to the famous director Yuri Lyubimov, however, to get into the number of artists who played at the base was very difficult, competition was too high.

Yuri Slubs in the play

Not wanting to remain on the second roles, Yuri leaves the troupe in 1979 and later goes to the theater. Vakhtangov. It is here that the scenic Career Shlykov will be formed and he will take part in dozens of performances that have become a classic repertoire. He will play in Vronsky in Anna Karenina, Izmoha in the "princess of Turandot", Stepan Verkhovensky in the "demons". In 2006, on the scene of the native theater will perform as a director, putting the play "Dog on Seine".

Personal life

Yuri Shelkov from those people whose personal life happily developed even in youth. With the future wife of Natalie Sanko, a man studied at one course. Natalia from the family of the famous veteran of the Great Patriotic War, her father was a Colonel-General, and Mom is an actress. They began to be friends on the 2nd year of study, participating in joint student productions, and the 4th course had already decided to get married.

Yuri Sllykov and his wife Natalia Sanko (Frames from films

In an interview, the man admitted that the couple in love did not think about where and how to live, the main thing was - not to part and be together as much as possible. As a result, the family of 11 years spent on removable apartments, but did not lose the sensations of happiness from the real kinship of the soul. Two children were born in this union - Anna and Ksenia daughters. Anna Shlykov is now working as a teacher, Ksenia - a medical sister. The daughters presented five grandchildren to parents.

With the birth of girls Natalia left the acting career for a long time, devoting himself to care for a homely focus. When the daughters grew up, began to engage in creative work, organizing events and holidays at the Committee of the culture of Moscow. Later began to help her husband in teaching in Schukinsky School. Since the 2000s, a woman returned to the screens, starring in such serials like "Forester", "Escape", "men and women."

Yuri Shlykov now

Now Yuri Veniaminovich continues to work in the theater and cinema, and does not leave pedagogical activities. In 2014, the actor was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of Russia. Every year, a man participates in the shooting of several projects, among the latter - the series "Bloody Baryn", "Mada Mrs. Kirsanova", "Alien Life".

Yuri Sllykov (Frame from the series

The artist plays on the scene of the theater. Vakhtangov, participating in the performances of "demons", "Eugene Onegin", "Uncle Vanya". In the repertoire of 2019, the creative evening of Yuri Shlykov is included in the wave of my memory ... ", where he reads poems and prose, shares memories, reproduces fragments of performances and movies. The event takes place in the Art Cafe Theater.

The actor remains active and energetic, does not complain about health and, judging by the fresh photo, is in good shape. A stateless man with an increase in 182 cm weighs no more than 70 kg, so he is the role of impressive princes, officials and military who performed in recent years.


  • 1973 - "East"
  • 1975 - "Lullaby for men"
  • 1982 - "Lose Inspector"
  • 1983 - "Loop"
  • 1987 - "Change of Fate"
  • 1992 - "Moyny you ..."
  • 1993 - "American Grandfather"
  • 1999 - "Turn the key"
  • 2004 - "Admitter"
  • 2008 - "Bread of that winter"
  • 2011 - "Zhukov"
  • 2018 - Bloody Baryna
  • 2018 - "The Secrets of Mrs. Kirsanova"

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