Vasilisa Pereliagina - Photo, History of creation, Composition, News, Films 2021



The name of Vasilisa Pereragina - new in Russian cinema. A young actress has a modest filmography, but after the exit of the sensational drama "Dlatta", few people doubt that a talented girl who demonstrated such a deep and "multi-layered" game in the picture, will also tell his weightless word in art and find her own niche on the national film college.

Childhood and youth

The future star "Dlatti" was born in the Russian capital in February 1996. Since childhood, Vasilisa was immersed in a creative environment, because he grew in the theater family.

According to the girl, the theater replaced her kindergarten, school and native home, after all, for the first time in the scenes she turned out to be a 6-month-old baby. But at 6 years old, Little Vasilisa Perelzygin-Mironichev already defined, playing a conscience or haliturite plays.

After graduating from 9-letters, the girl continued his school in a film, realizing that further biography would be inextricably linked with the screen and scene. In 2013, Pereliagin becomes a student Studio Studio MCAT, but next year it goes to the workshop of playwright and theatrical director Sergei Ivanovich Yashin in Rati-Gitis. In 2018, he received a diploma of higher education.


The first role went to Vasilis when she studied in college. The girl was offered a small job in the detective-criminal series Olga Musealeva "And in our yard." The experience of filming in the tape, where Sergey Pustopalis and Ravshan Kurkova were played by key characters, turned out to be helpful. The premiere of the film took place in May 2017 on the first channel and got a warm welcome of viewers and film critics. The creators and cast was waiting for a pleasant surprise - the Golden Eagle Prize.

The two following roles in the movie Beginner actress also played, being a student. In 2015, a 12-serial drama "Red bracelets" was released on the screens. Vasilisa rehearse entrusted the image of a classmate of the main character. The work did not bring popularity, but on the set, the artist met with the famous colleagues Anna Mikhalkova, Maria Shalyaeva, Sergey Yushkevich and Alexander Ilyin.

The third role in the 2-serial detective melodrame of the director Olga Lysenko "Queen upon performance", where Olga Arntgolts and Stanislav Bondarenko were reincarnated in the main characters, Bondarenko brought a recognition of a young artist. But all previous works are releasing in cinema filled, when in 2019 the premiere of the director of the director of Cantemir Balam "Dlatta" took place.

The picture about the fate of two girls who survived the war-free war and returned to a peaceful life, in their native post-round Leningrad, heavy and dramatic. Sanitarku Ja (she is a dilda), the commissioned from the front after the contusion and who came home with his son, played Victoria Miroshnichenko. Perezgina got the role of the girlfriend, which remained at the front to take revenge on the deceased husband and father of the child.

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Young and little-known actors are involved in the tape, whose faces did not have time to take the audience. Of the recognized stars of Russian cinema only Ksenia Kutepov.

Balagov admitted that the desire to remove the drama about the war and the broken fate of women inspired the work of the Nobel Laureatki Svetlana Aleksievich. Alexander Rodnyansky and Sergey Melkumov took to produce the film.

The first passages of the unfinished drama Balam saw guests of the European Kinoryanka in Berlin in February 2019.

Personal life

With an increase in 1.65 m Vasilisa Perelzygin weighs 49 kg. An elegant and charming Muscovite, whose career is rapidly developing, thoroughly hides their personal life. It is known that the artist is not married, but whether her heart is free, is unknown. The girl does not abuse cosmetics, and in many photos of her account in Facebook, a face without a gram of makeup. Vasilisa has pages in "Instagram" and "Vkontakte", where it is divided by events from life, fresh pictures and video.

In his free time, the actress does not like to read. Among your favorite authors Sofokl, Brodsky, Sallinger, Tolkien, Shakespeare.

Vasilisa - a versatile gifted and multifaceted person. She plays a piano and guitar, sings the songs of his own essay, dancing ballroom and modern dances, strong in acrobatics and is fond of horse riding, improves English and from the 7th grade dreams of playing Hamlet. According to her, the main principle of existence is to live here and now.

Vasilisa Perelzygin now

In the spring of 2019, it became known that the drama of Kantemir Balam, where Miroshnichenko and Perelzygin played the main characters, took place at the Cannes Film Festival. The tape showed not in the main competition, but in the second most - a "special look." The student of Alexander Sokurov Balagov recognized the best director, and his creation was awarded the prize of Fipression.

The Russian drama came to the nomination established in 2010 by the director Jacques Martino and Olivier Ducastle Special Awards of the Independent Jury Queer Palm. "Quir-Palma" is awarded in Cannes with two pictures (short-drawing and full-length ribbon), in which LGBT topics is illuminated.

At the 72nd Queer Palm Film Festival was handed over to the French director Celin Schiamma for the historic drama "Portrait of a young woman in the fire." Unconventional relationships in this tape seemed to members of the jury more convincing than the hint of them in "Dilda".

Together with the director in Cannes, Victoria Miroshnichenko and Vasilisa Perelogina arrived in Cannes. For young actresses painting, so warmly taken at the Cannes Festival, has become a great start. There is no doubt that the career of the girls after the appearance on the Red Track of the 72nd International Film Festival will go on increasing.

In mid-June, the premiere of the drama took place in Sochi, where the film was shown on the non-competitive program of the Russian Festival "Kinotavr". The film was presented director Kantemir Balagov and producers. Together with them, Victoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa Perelzygin, Timofey of Eyes, Igor Shirokov and Andrei Bykov, came to the press. In the same month, the all-Russian premiere of the picture took place.


  • 2012-2014 - "And in our yard ..."
  • 2015 - "Red Bracelets"
  • 2017 - "Queen when appliance"
  • 2019 - "Dilda"

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