Oleg Berekrovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Aziza 2021



The incendiary song with the words "my dear, your smile ...", executed by the star of the 1990s Aziza, instantly became a hat and a business card of the singer. But few people know the author of the music for a hit. And they became the Russian composer and the musician Oleg Torzonny. Today, the name of the composer is again on hearing, but this time it was not creativity for conversations, but a personal life of bloodless and his romantic relationship with the famous singer.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the composer consists of a plurality of white spots, fill that only the close attention of journalists for the person of the future husband of Aziza or the story of the most bloodless. While he is in no hurry with revelations, leaving a place for rumors and speculation.

It is known that Oleg Beregrovnaya - Native Moskvich. He was born on September 16, presumably 1964, and is the same as aziza Muhamedova. About the musician family, the profession of his parents and youthful hobbies information is missing.

After the end of one of the Moscow schools, bloodless became a student of the Institute of Electric Power Engineering. But whether a young man worked in a specialty or immediately after graduating from the university, he sent foot into the world of Russian show business, the story silent.


Little lit and the first steps of Oleg Becroeve on a musical field. The first loud mention of Muscovite as composer falls on the 1989th. In that year, two stars came up - a little-known singer from Tashkent Aziza and a young author of music for her triumphal hit.

Since then, a burning brunette with an oriental-cut eye has become the muse of bloodless: a third of songs Aziza laid on his music.

"The best works in my repertoire is his songs," the performer is recognized.

And continues:

"Your smile" has become a hit or, as we call it, songs out of time, space, mods, competition, format. "

Muhamedova has compositions on the music of Raymond Pauls, Ilya Reznik and Victor Seagull, but they can be counted on the fingers.

"And for each year to 33, this is only Oleg Bloomnny!".

But Muscovite, skillfully selecting notes to someone else's poems, and the talented author himself. On YouTube you can hear the voice of Oleg Tornless and see how he looked in youth. The resource has preserved the video of 1992 to the song "In the heart of a knock". Found fans who have seen a similarity in the styles of performance and appearance of the singer and the fan of Belousov.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Oleg Berekronovnaya to his novel with Aziza did not find. Whether he had marriages, wives and children, unknown. Schits light on some events singer itself. According to her, the first proposal of the hand and the heart of Oleg did it in 1989, when their cooperation began only. But then Aziza refused bloodless - she had an actual marriage with Igor Malakhov.

The composer of 30 years walked around the life. With a star, who survived the tragic story with the murder of Igor Talkov, a boycott of colleagues and a ban on the appearance in television, Oleg Berekrovnaya did not interrupt relationships, supporting a woman in joy and grief. He knew about all the novels of the singer and waited for his o'clock.

At the very beginning of 2019, in Yalta, under the battle, Besravnye made his beloved woman, a second sentence that she answered consent.

The fact that her faithful friend and long-time colleague turned into a groom, the star told the program "Exit to People". Aziz's fans were quite a lot, because she had a 9-year-old romance with another man - a businessman from the Northern Capital Alexander Brodulin. On the transfer of Andrei Malakhov, he even announced a wedding for January 2016, but they did not reach the passage.

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Perhaps the reason lies in the desire of Aziz to become a mother, which Brodeline did not support. Bloomless, knowing that the beloved woman after the tragedy with Talcov lost the child and dreams of it for dozens of years, seriously reacted to her initiative to adopt the baby.

The fact that the bride will soon be, the singer guess in August 2018. At the wedding ceremony of Ilya Reznik, walked in one of the churches of Crimea, Aziza caught a bouquet, abandoned by his wife Irina.

Joint photos and video with Oleg Bescarova are in the "Instagram" stars. Subscribers congratulate the favorite and her chosen one with the upcoming event, wanting this time fate to them favorably.

Oleg Bescarova now

Bloomless and now continues to cooperate with the singer, without interrupting the creative connection, originated in the late 1980s. He writes music for her compositions and often accompanies on an acoustic guitar. In the repertoire, Aziz is hardly half of the songs, abundant eastern motifs, therefore, the tool with which Oleg Bescro-free scene is irreplaceable.

Real pearl in the collection of musician - GiBSON EpiPhone Guitar 1979. The photo of the renovated tool Breakless laid out on his page in Facebook. In social networks, fans of the composer's creativity share rumors about the soon outlet of the album of bloodless. But the musician itself does not make clarity and does not confirm the information.

The exact date of marriage of Oleg Bless and Aziz is unknown. The singer chooses a wedding outfit and tells that he dreams of a magnificent celebration, which will invite old and new friends. It is possible that the wedding will be held in Cyprus, where the rest of Aziz Muhamedov likes.

Here she met Alexander Brodulin and planned that he would go under the crown on the island of Goddess Aphrodite. But it happened as it happened:

"There, at the top, the Lord God better know with whom you will be better on this earth. So, he realized that I would be better with the composer, and not with a businessman! ".

Aziza says that with Oleg bloodless they look "one way". Their 30-year-old creative union has long made a pair of one whole. Together they are comfortable and calm. It is logical if this union becomes a family, as the composer wanted a long time ago.


  • "In the heart knock"
  • "The Tsar Bell"
  • "Your smile"
  • "I returned to you"
  • "Rainbow Island"
  • "Autumn Blues"
  • "Candle in the castorgal"
  • "There, away"
  • "And we - Pilgrims"
  • "Rainbow Island"

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