Ichigo Kurosaki - character biography, quotes, character


Character History

Anime Character and Manga "Bleach" (Bleach). Teen, school student, part-time "Soul Guard" (Sinigami).

History of creation

Ichigo Kurosaki in manga

The first manga number "Bleach" came out on April 5, 2001. Manga was published fifteen years and was finished only in the summer of 2016. During this time, the Creator of Manga Tomoto Cubo and the Shueisha Publishing House managed to release 74 volumes. The genre of manga is defined as an adventure fantasy with elements of the militant and comedy, and the main audience - adolescents are 12-18 years old.

Manga "Bleach" began with spontaneously arising from the calo of Cubo desire to draw sinigami in Kimono. The image liked the author, and around this first image an idea has grown with which Cubo came to the Shonen Jump weekly manga magazine. The initial idea was easier that in the end it turned out. Cubo was going to "divide" with a manga in five years a maximum, a complex hierarchical structure of the characters and other details appeared as the plot develops.


The author was inspired by world cinema, rock music and borrowed individual elements from foreign languages. Ichigo in Anime voices Japanese Seyia (actor voice acting) named Masakadz Morita, and in episodes where hero's childhood is depicted, Matsuok Yuki's voice sounds. In Russian dubble, Ichigo is voiced by actor Andrei Levin.

In 2004, the Anime series "Bleach" started, filmed by the director Noriyuki Abe at the Studio Pierrot studio. The series went on the channel "TV Tokyo" for eight years, until March 2012. During this time, 366 twenty-minute episodes came out.

The popularity of Anime was so enormous that already two years after the start of the broadcast, the series came out in English, and a bunch of souvenir products appeared on sale for Bleach fans, toys and statuettes of characters. Fans draw arts with the image of Ichigo and even composed rap about the hero.

Ichigo Kurosaki - Art

In addition to the series, the director Noriyuki Abe has also released four animation films through the Bleach Universe, plotted with the series not related.


Amazing ability to see the ghosts of Ichigo Kurosaki was different in childhood. The hero even has a ghost girlfriend, to whose death of which Ichigo brings flowers. Once the hero is faced with a strange girl by the name of the Kuchick's hand. It happens at the moment when Ichigo attacked the evil spirit.

Ruki Kuchika

Rukia comes to the aid of the Kouarosak family, however, in battle with ghosts, he gets a serious injury. The girl has to pass the Ichigo part of his own supernatural opportunities, so that the young man can continue the battle instead of her. So the hero becomes one of the "shower conductors" - people who are accompanied into the world of other good spirits, and evil spirits do not cause harm to people.

Being the main hero of manga and anime, Ichigo is rather similar to the villain. This is a typical "bad guy", which makes the heroic deeds forced, contrary to her own will. But there is a hero and a positive side - attachment to friends and willingness to protect those with risk to their own life.

Ichigo Kurosaki with long hair

In school, Ichigo keeps a mansion, often gets involved in fights and demonstrates a disregard of someone else's opinion. At the same time, the character studies diligently and succeeds. Ichigo pays little attention to people and does not recognize half of his own classmates in the face, does not remember and distort the names.

Having received supernatural forces, Ichigo does not rush to save strangers and get involved in battle with monsters. The hand demands that the hero helpers her, but Ichigo initially refuses.

Smile Ichigo Kurosaki

The appearance of the hero is spelled in detail. This is a teenager 15-17 years in 174 to 181 cm in different moments of life. The hero celebrates his birthday July 15, weighs from 61 to 66 kg, even the blood group of Ichigo is known. The name of the hero, according to his father, means "the one that protects". However, in Japanese, Ichigo sounds the same as the word "strawberry", which becomes a reason for endless jokes over the hero.

Ichigo has two younger sisters. Hero's father leads a hospital, and the mother is dead - when hero was only 9 years old, a woman was killed by a powerful evil spirit. Ichigo with warmth refers to the sisters and protects those, however, with the father of the hero, an atypical relationship was established. Characters are constantly quarreling, however, they belong to each other more friendly.

Ichigo's Girl - Orihima Inoue

Later, the Hero appears the Orihima Inoue's wife, the former friend of the hero. In anime there is a moment when a kiss almost occurs between the heroes. One day, Orihimee kidnap the villain, and to return the girl, Ichigo has to oppose Ulkirara Siefe, a member of Espada. To defeat this opponent, the hero has to go to the state of Berserka.

At a four years of age, Ichigo went to engage in karate and met there with a milk girl named Tatsuki Aryvas. The girl often beat Ichigo, why the hero began to cry and sought consolation from the mother. Because of this, Tatsuki teased Ichigo "Mamienikin Son". The hero was strongly tied to the mother and sharply worried her death, deciding for himself that he would be strong and would be strong and will protect closest.

Ichigo Kurosaki with a sword

After a forced battle with perfumes, when the hands of Ichigo's supernatural forces, the girl itself becomes an ordinary person, and the hero is forced to take her place in the ranks of the sinigs. Hands are not restored, and the shower community about it becomes known. The girl is other blue, and for the fact that the hands handed over the power to a simple mortal, the heroine threatens the execution. Protecting the hand, the hero opposes the Kuchicks of Byakuya, a consolidated brother, which was sent to pick up a girl, but it turns out to be defeated.

In the world of perfume, some events are constantly occurring in which Ichigo is forced to intervene, but every time the hero wants to share the next problem most and return home to hear the normal life of the Japanese schoolchild.

Ichigo Kurosaki in mask

To effectively protect close, the hero is constantly increasing strength, but after the final battle against Eysen, Ichigo loses all the supernatural forces and about a year and a half lives a common life. Then the next community of strange people comes to the hero, and the life of Ichigo is again filled with adventures.

As a "soul guide", Ichigo showed himself a great fighter. The hero is easily mastered by new techniques of battle, for which other synigas takes significantly more time. Hero began to engage in early childhood. At the same time, Ichigo combines the strength and abilities of different supernatural creatures, some of which are formally incompatible, which makes the hero unique.


Later, the hero learns that his abilities of the "Conductor of Souls" appeared not from scratch. Ichigo - Son Sinigami. Father handed over her hero inheritance. In the Sinigami community there is an inner hierarchy. For example, the father of the hero, Iscin, was in the rank of captain.

Ichigo has such a huge amount of spiritual energy that the hero is not even capable of controlling. Therefore, in particular, the hero is not able to hide its own presence from other otherworldly creatures.

For the same reason, the hero is beyond the spell, so in battle Ichigo has to rely on the Sword Zanpakto. But Ichigo has a useful ability to feel where comrades are located. From the mother of Mother Ichigo passed the forces of Quinsi.

True Bank of Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo also owns a banking - technique that allows you to free the spirit of the sword, the materialization of that in the physical world. Sinigami, who mastered the bank with two swords, gets a huge force and capabilities.

Also, the guy owns the technique of "Final Getsuga Tershow". In this form, Ichigo changes the appearance, it gets the opportunity to emit black energy and create from the blade, can produce attacks on the area and cause massive destruction.

Ichigo Kurosaki is empty

Ichigo and the ability of the "empty" - evil spirit. Ichigo appears in anime in a white tooth mask "empty". An evil spirit penetrated Ichigo at the time of birth and "transmitted" the hero from the mother. For a long time, "empty" inside Ichigo did not show itself, until then, until the hero itself was on the verge of turning into an "empty" as a result of one fight. Since then, the awakened "empty" lives in one body with Ichigo and dreams to take possession of this body completely. This moment creates a mass of dramatic turns in the biography of Ichigo.


"Your story was so long that I forgot my first half!" To be part of the team - it means to know about the abilities of everyone. You can't know, it is useful or not until you try. But if you can't believe in the strength of your friends, we will not be able to fight. "" Enough, Grimmjow. You lose. I don't care, the king or not, but to kill everyone who you do not like and become a king when you can rule already, is just stupid. If I'm so fighting for you, I will fight you at any time. Therefore, now stop, Grimmget. "" While we are alive, there will be moments in which we will not agree with others. But only you decide how this will affect your life. "" Yesterday I fought, because this monster attacked my family! And for the sake of any unfamiliar perfume, I'm not going to fight! I am not from those! "

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