Anton Flowers - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Anton Flowers is a public figure, the leader of the all-Russian movement "Strong Russia", an expert in the field of security and public control. For many years, actively participates in the work of federal and regional public councils under the authorities. Candidate of political sciences.

Childhood and youth

About the children's and youth years Anton Tsvetkov information is not enough. He was born in July 1978 in the Russian capital. Parents are military personnel. In the family, besides Anton, another son Andrei was brought up. It is known that he serves in the prosecution authorities.

Muscovite studied at the pedagogical gymnasium No. 825, which he graduated in 1995. In the same year, he joined the ranks of students of the Law Academy. Kutafina. In 2000 became a graduate lawyer.

On this flowers, she did not calm down and entered the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation by choosing the Department of National Security and the specialty "State and Municipal Management". In 2007, Anton Tsvetkov was awarded a diploma with honors.

Career and social activities

In 2008, the future prominent public activity was retrained in the Russian Academy of Public Service under the Program "State and Management Control".

Anton Vladimirovich defended two candidates. In 2004 - at the Law Academy, where he chose the topic revealing the development of the state regulation system and the support of individual entrepreneurs. And in 2007, he became a candidate of political sciences, defending his thesis at the Military University.

In addition to study, the flowers managed to be implemented on another field - successfully developed business in real estate and construction. The first steps did in 1997.

Charity entered the life of a young entrepreneur in the late 1990s. He gave part of the money earned for various social projects, including the needs of special military units involved in the anti-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus.

In 2002, responding to the request of the officer community, the businessman made funds to open their first printed media. Since then, the magazine "Officers" is regularly incorrecting - authoritative in circles of servicemen of power departments and control and supervisory authorities specialized edition, which is distributed free of charge.

From 2003 to 2007, Anton Vladimirovich collaborated with the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Central Federal District, providing assistance as an adviser to the head. In 2007, he was elected a member of the Public Council with the same management. In this capacity, he worked for 7 years.

The volunteer and charitable activities of Anton Tsvetkov did not pass by unnoticed by the operating officers and veterans of the service. In 2007, the entrepreneur and the patron was headed by the Supervisory Board of the All-Russian Public Foundation "Officers of Russia", worked in this post until 2012. In the same 2007, Tsvetkov was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Organization of Officers of Russia. He performed the responsibilities of chapter 10 years.

In 2008, Anton Vladimirovich received a membership card at the Moscow Public Council. The decree was signed by the mayor of the capital. Flowers headed the Commission for the Protection of the Rights of Citizens, which interacted with law enforcement and judicial bodies, where he worked until 2013.

In the summer of 2013, the authoritative Moskvich was elected head of the expert council of the Commission of the City Duma, which was in charge of security issues. In the same year, a new page appeared in the work biography of Tsvetkov: he received membership in the public council under the Federal District of the Russian Federation. Another responsible work is in the public council under the defense ministry of the country. Membership in the Council Anton Flowers received in the same saturated Events 2013.

The active activity and authority of the official were noted by the head of state, twice included Anton Tsvetkov to the public chamber of the Russian Federation.

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In May 2017, Moskvich stood up at the head of the All-Russian Movement "Strong Russia", before the 2019 wearing the name "for real affairs!". In this organization, he presides and today. During the reign of Tsvetkov, "Strong Russia" has become the largest public organization of the country, so the new name reflects the essence of the case.

In 2018, the duties of Anton Tsvetkov doubled. In February, he headed the Coordination Council of the NGO of the country, and in June - the expert Council, who had made issues of communication of Russian citizens with the law enforcement authorities.

In the piggy bank of the public figure dozens of reference, thanks, diplomas and awards. Among them - the honorable diploma from the president of the country, which the flower was presented in 2014. The federal and regional authorities have repeatedly called his name, expressing gratitude for the work.

Personal life

Anton Flowers is married, but personal life prefers not to advertise. About the family and children of public figure information. It is known that the wife of Anton Vladimirovich is called Sabina Tsvetkov.

The spouse does not lag behind the husband and shares his life principles, is engaged in public and charitable work, leads a famous far outside the capital by the Center for Good Deeds and the Social Project "Good bus", consists of a public council under the Russian Ministry of Culture.

Anton Tsvetkov has an account in "Instagram", information about its work is regularly updated on the page, about events in which it is involved or organizes now.

Anton Flowers now

In 2019, the flowers focused on the all-Russian movement "Strong Russia", which united people of different religions, nationality, professions and age.

Under the wing of the movement - representatives of both parliamentary parties and public associations. The main thing is that the members of the members of the "strong Russia" are an understanding and assessment of the situation in the country, activity and illiction to the problems of the state.

The movement headed by Anton Flower, not opposition. "Strong Russia" supports the presidential course of Vladimir Putin to a qualitative breakthrough in the economy and life of people.

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