Natalia Sumskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Soviet and Ukrainian theater and cinema artist Natalia Sumskaya during the creative career embodied the images of dozens of characters and became the owner of the National Award named after Taras Shevchenko and the many annual awards "Kiev Pectoral". The meaning of life, a woman who dedicated decades of art, see the ideas of national patriotism and cultural values ​​of independent Ukraine in loyalty.

Childhood and youth

Natalia Vyacheslavovna Sumskaya was born on April 22, 1956 in the small Ukrainian village of Katyuzhanka, located 50 km from Kiev.

Vyacheslav Ignatievich Parents and Anna Ivanovna worked at the Ivan Franco Academic Theater and received the titles of People's Artists of Ukraine. Naturally, in such a family, Natasha and her younger sister Olga Sumska from the Small years were addicted to stage art and imitated senior, playing scenes from the classic works of N. V. Gogol, and T. G. Shevchenko.

Since the acting life was connected with constant touring, the girls visited the "Common" kindergarten, who instilled communication skills with peers and stay in a large variekrastructal team. With adults, they were contacted at the rehearsals of performances and periodically went on stage in extras and small minor roles.

Natalia remembered the attempt to play a guide in the play "Slennik", which Mary's Lviv Theater set. Then the 6-year-old girl could not cope with emotions at the sight of a parent-filled under the blind cobbzar and, breaking away from fright and pity, flatly refused to participate in the performance.

Much more successful was the record of radio performance based on the works of Chingiza Aitmatov "Popolak mine in the Red Kosynka", for which Sumskaya received the praise of mother and salary, sufficient to buy winter fur coats from artificial fur. After that, the girl firmly decided to go at the footsteps of the parents and at the end of the school entered the theater institute in Kiev on the course of the famous actor Anatoly Grigorievich Reshetnikov.

Theater and films

In 1977, Sumskaya entered the service to the National Academic Drama Theater named after Ivan Franco and initially was a double actress, regularly appearing on the stage during the season.

Having enough free time, Natalia tried his own forces in cinema and unexpectedly became the main character of the film "Natalka Poltavka". A dark-haired beauty with a growing 175 cm and weighing about 70 kg managed to embody on the screen the image of a typical Ukrainian girl and conquer respect for the public and directories. Dad and Mom also approved daughters debut, organically imagined the team of popular Ukrainian actors.

The next work of Sumi was the role of fishermen of Christians in the film "Dudariki", who told about the adventures of charming and naked shepherd, played by actor Yaroslav Gavrilyuk. The girl again managed to fill the image of the heroine by the National Ukrainian Color, to dignify the estimated jury of the Kiev International Film Festival "Youth" in 1980.

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Then there were episodes in a few films of the film studio named after Alexander Dovzhenko, who made a beginner actress recognizable and in demand.

In 1981, the girl finally received roles in the theater and for several seasons participated in the play "My Profession - Signor from Sign Society", "Region", "Tribunal" and "Choice". Until now, Natalia believes that the popularity acquired in his youth has become a key point in its creative biography, successfully ongoing for several decades.

Actress was lucky enough to work with famous directors and create women's images in films and TV shows as the "State Border", "Mountains", "Shot to the Coffin" and many others.

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Natalia preferred classic roles and played heroines in the "Nights before Christmas" by N. V. Gogol, "three sisters" A. P. Chekhov, "Master and Margarita" M. A. Bulgakov and Pigmalion J. B. Shaw. The main criteria in the choice of work for the actress were and remain professionalism and ambitions of directors and a benevolent atmosphere in the creative team.

Based on this, Sumy agreed to the role in the series "servant of the people", invented by Vladimir Zelensky and "Studio Quarter 95". In 2015-2017, for 2 seasons, she played the role of Mother of President Vasily Goloborodko Mary Stephanovna. This humorous project became a cult brand of Ukraine and successfully broadcast on the national channel "1 + 1".

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In the interruptions between shooting, the actress continued to work in the theater and brilliantly performed the role of the Raisa Pavlovna Pavlovna's landowners in the play of A. N. Ostrovsky "Forest" and singer Florence Foster Jenkins in the work of Peter Kiootter "incomparable." The last image of the American lady without hearing and voices was especially difficult to Natalia, taught music and possessing wonderful vocalist data.

Personal life

The first husband of Natalia Sumskaya became the film operator Igor Mamai, who shot the paintings "in the call of the heart" and "Homes and forgive." Enchanted by the beauty of the actress, the man only after the wedding realized that his chosen was living in the world of illusions and loves not a real person, but a fictional image. Despite this, the spouses lived in marriage for quite a long time and became the parents of the girl Darya, who chose a pop-singer's career.

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The daughter took a double surname and after the divorce of the parents fell under the custody of the second husband's mother - actor Anatoly Housinikayeva. This union brought happiness to the personal life of celebrities, and in 1996 a couple had a son Vyacheslav.

The man with whom Natalia was familiar with the time of study at the Theater Institute, became not only a spouse, but also a colleague on the set. One of the joint work was the series "Roksolana", after which rumors about Hostikoev's novel with Olga Sumy's sister went. However, evil tongues were mistaken and did not lead to a family scandal, but only strengthened the already gentle and warm relations.

The couple continued together and attracted other members of the surname to participate in the performance of the theater company "Benyuk and Hostikov", with the success of the possession of Ukrainian and foreign authors.

Natalia is proud of relatives, but unlike the sister who demonstrates in Instagram photos in a frank swimsuit, prefers not to advertise the details of his personal life and closes from foreign pages in social networks. In an interview with journalists, the actress speaks primarily about filmography and theater projects, avoiding issues related to husband and children.

Natalia Sumskaya now

Now Natalia Sumskaya, which received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine, continues to work at the National Academic Theater named after Ivan Franco and is a permanent member of the troupe of the company "Benyuk and Hostikoev".
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Together with the actress in performances, her husband and children are involved in performances: Daria Mamai-Sumy and Vyacheslav Hostikov.

In early 2019, the woman shared his own thoughts and plans for the future with the leading television program "Magic", broadcasting on the Ukrainian channel "112".


  • 1978 - "Natalka Poltavka"
  • 1979 - Dudariki
  • 1984 - "In the woods under the jetty"
  • 1987 - "State border. Behind the Victory Threshold »
  • 1989 - "Mountains smoke"
  • 1992 - "Shot to the Coffin"
  • 1993 - "Crime with many unknowns"
  • 1997 - "Roksolana"
  • 1997 - "Roksolana 2"
  • 2007 - "When you are not waiting at all"
  • 2015 - "Server of the People"
  • 2017 - "Watchtower"
  • 2017 - "Server of the People 2: From Love to Impeachment"

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