Gustavo Bermudes - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Series 2021



Gustavo Bermudes - the star of television melodram. The role of this Argentine actor is the romantic heroes, charming young people, tempted female hearts. Russian spectators know Bermudes on his main roles in the TV shows "Antonella" and "Celest", held on television screens in the 90s. It is for this period that the creative career of the Creative Career is Gustavo. In the new century, the artist almost stopped being removed, but still does not cease to delight with his talent of numerous fans all over the world.

Childhood and youth

Gustavo Ariel Bermudes Riccardi was born on July 21, 1964 in Rosario, Argentina. Father Manuel Bermudes - entrepreneur, Mother Isabel Riccardi - Housewife.

Gustavo grew in the company of Senior Brother Gabriel. The guys living in a secured family were carefree and could afford expensive entertainment. Engaged in different sports, especially loved tennis. In his youth, Gustavously became interested in motorcycles and once pleased in a serious accident, than heavily frightened his parents, who adored. The guy's father had always warm trusting relationships.

"He gave me advice to me and my brother Gabriel regarding our life and the mission that is designed to us fate. He taught us to be honest, decent and, moreover, taught us to respect other people, "says the actor.
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Bermudes-Sr. saw a younger son walking in his footsteps and wanted to make a businessman from him. But the young Gustavo Romantic Romantic (no wonder the zodiac sign) and fell in love with the world of cinema. According to his recognition, it happened after watching the film with the participation of the King Western John Wain.

No matter how much Bermudes-senior wanted to let the younger son in the ghost world of cinema, he supported him in solving the artist. The guy graduated from Lasalle College and in 1982, 18-year-old went to Buenos Aires for acting glory.


The first time in the capital had to be not easy: the future actor was up to the thresholds of television studios, but everything was unsuccessfully. Once, the lucky fortunely smiled: a high handsome (Gustavo's height - 185 cm) noticed on the transmission samples "as people" by choosing it out of 200 candidates. And soon the first contract was also followed: the newcomer suggested a role in the comedy "Jungle here." Since 1984, Bermudes flashes in different telenovella in episodic roles: "24 hours", "compromise", "Rossi", "a man who loves."

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A charming guy with a charming smile briefly densedly on the second plan. Soon in the filmography of the actor, the main roles were gaining. In 1987, Gresia Kolmanares in the series "Gresia". Kolmenhares played a girl who had experienced a terrible tragedy in childhood - her parents killed in her eyes.

After several years of education in the monastery, she falls into the house of a rich power reland person and actually becomes servant. And only a meeting with Gustavo (Gustavo Bermudes) attaches a new meaning of her life. This blow is becoming the news that beloved - the killer of her parents.

Telenovella passed with great success and brought Bermudes into promising artists. The further acting biography is firmly related to the name of the popular actress Andrea Del Boca. With her, Gustavo is removed in their best films, and their on-screen pair is called the best in the history of Argentine cinema.

For the first time, the actors met on the film crew "I want to shout, I love you" (1990), where Mario and Charo played. Love them began with deception - Mario argued with friends that he seduce the charly, and then seriously fell in love with her. When the charrel found out about it, then left the liar. And only many years later they are reunited.

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In 1991, the series "Selesta", in which Gustavo and Andrea once again played the main characters. She is a servant coming into a rich house of the powerful family Ferrero, he is the eldest son of the host house - Franco. The guy and the girl, despite the belonging to different worlds, fall in love with each other, but on their way there are many obstacles that they will have to overcome. After the "seletes", which was watched in many countries of the world, Bermudes's popularity reached an international level.

At the peak of success, he is filmed in the TV show "Antonella" (1991). This story has expanded the framework of classical melodramas, the scripts fell into it a detective line. Antonella (Andrea Del Boca) enters the service in the house of a rich businessman Nicholas (Gustavo Bermudes) to find out the true causes of the death of his sister Natalia - Ta worked at Nicholas secretary. But, conducting its own investigation, the girl is only more falling in love with the charming Nicholas. And he meets her reciprocity.

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In 1993, there is a continuation of the series about Celeste - "Selesta, always Celest", in which Bermudes and Del Boca are already playing a couple of Ferrero, overcoming new tests. Until the late 90s, the Argentine actor is filmed back in a number of popular projects: "Nano" (1994), Sheikh (1995), "Labyrinth" (1997). The same period includes its first theatrical work.

In the New Millennium, the Gustavo filmography began with the main role in the Israeli-Argentine project "Love lucky" (2002). Bermudes plays a young man from the poor quarter, which unexpectedly fell a multimillion inheritance.

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The star of Teenovel participates in two TV shows - "Game in Love" (2005) and "You are my life" (2006), in the second tape, he works with a television and singer Natalia Oreiro. After that, takes a creative vacation and almost 8 years disappears from television screens. There were rumors that the actor is seriously ill, but he refuted the information, stating that he just needs to relax. Only in 2014, the artist accepted the offer to play in the project "We - Family".

Personal life

Gustavo Bermudes married even in early youth. With the educator Andrea Gonzalez, he met on the set in 1984. The director of the show in which Gustavo was filmed, invited his sister to the studio. Acquaintance quickly turned into a romantic relationship, but only 5 years old, the couple officially became her husband and his wife. By this time, Gustavo and Andrea had already brought up two children - daughters Camilla and Manuel.

In 2011, actor fans learned about a sad event in his personal life - he divorced. The cause of the divorce Bermudes never voiced. It was rumored that it happened because of the numerous celebrity novels on the shooting sites, the most passionate of which is considered an adulter from del Boko.

Gustavo Bermudes now

The glorious acting biography of Gustavo Bermudes continues, although he is not removed so much now.

Argentine is actively engaged in charity and attends different countries with this mission: a lot of trips are also planned. In social networks ("Instagram", "Vkontakte", etc.) a lot of his fan clubs that still remember the old films of the actor, post his photos.


  • 1987 - "Gresia"
  • 1990 - "I want to shout that I love you"
  • 1991 - "Celest"
  • 1992 - "Antonella"
  • 1993 - "Celeste, always Celeste"
  • 1994 - "Nano"
  • 1995 - Sheikh
  • 1996 - "Alain, Light of the Moon"
  • 1997 - "Labyrinth"
  • 1998 - "Wings, power and passion"
  • 2002 - "Love of lucky"
  • 2005 - "Game in Love"
  • 2006 - "You are my life"
  • 2014 - "We - Family"

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