Bobby Deol - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The fans of the Indian cinema are well known the name of Bobby Deola, which is the representative of the famous acting dynasty from Bombay. In his career, covered decades, there were a number of commercially successful projects and a series of prestigious national awards. Becoming the best debutant of the film "Rainy Season" of 1995, a man has fixed on top roles in militants, thrillers and comedies and in 2007 received the Filmfare Best Actor Award Award for the image of Karan Singha Chaudhary, created in the sports drama "Native People".

Childhood and youth

On January 27, 1967, in the family of the popular Indian actor, Dharmendra and his first wife Prakash Kaur was born a boy, whose name was called Singh Deol, or simply Bobby.

The family, who has already raised the eldest son Sunny, lived in Bombay, where his father was filmed in Bollywood films "Zita and Gita", "Favorite Raja", "Revenge and Law" and others. The mother was not a public person and, like most Indian women, was engaged in the house and triggered Sanny, Bobby and their younger sisters to Adjit and Wytry.

At some point, parental relationships were spoiled, and Dharmendra fell in love with a scenic partner - the charming Ham Malini. Because of this, the novel from the actor arose family problems, walary, he received the permission of the Council of Brahmins and married the beauty without terminating the previous marriage. After some time, the girls of Esha and Ahana were born in this union, who became Soviet sisters of Bobby and other children.

The boys did not suffer because of the lack of paternal attention and often appeared on the set, where many popular Indian films were filmed in the late 1970s. Sometimes they fell into the crowd and perceived it as a fascinating game.

At the 10th age, Bobby received a more responsible task and played the role of a young hero in the film entitled "Eternal Fairy Tale of Love." But to finally plunge into the acting profession, Deol was able only in 1995, when he was invited to work in the romantic drama of Rajkumar Santoshi "Rain Season".

Movies and music

The creative biography of Bobby began with a very successful work, which brought him the oldest Bollywood award as the best debutant among men actors. In addition, for the "season of rains", a young man received a cash prize, which made it possible to survive the loss of advertising contracts due to the fracture of the feet obtained on the shooting in Scotland.

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Since 1997, Deol has appeared annually on screens in Hindi's national films. For an acute thriller "Hidden threat", a young man received positive feedback from critics and got into one row with famous Indian masters Rajoy Barbara and Om Puri.

One of the few projects that did not bring satisfaction and failed at the box office was the debut melodrama of the ascending star Aishvaria Paradise "In Love Affairs", after which Bobby returned to the "Male" movie and played colorful guys in the films "next to you" and "Good name" .

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In 1999, the older brother of the actor Sunny Deol mastered the director's profession. The film called "fascinated by you" was criticized by the public and journalists, but entered the history of the cinema as the first joint project of the descendants of the Great Dharmandra.

Then Bobby embodied a number of images of young riskers separated from the Society and held on the path of revenge. He especially successfully performed in the political picture of the "murderer of the university" and the Indian interpretation of Leon called "Scorpio". In the last film, Deol failed to be born in the character of the character, and Observers of the online edition of sharply condemned this work and advised the performer to complete the acting courses.

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As unsuccessful, the remake of the American picture "By mutual agreement", which came to Indian rental as a triller "Covarian Stranger". And although the experienced partners of Akshai Kumar and Bipasha bass deserve the praise of critics, Bobby was accused of static and a non-modest game. A little better was the reception of the historical drama "Martyrs, March 23, 1931", where the deole brothers tried to reproduce the events that turned around the personality of the Indian revolutionary-underground school of Bhagata Singha.

Finally, in 2002, fate smiled at the actor, and he was nominated for the FilmFare Award award for the role of a gallant wealthy businessman in the movie "The Dream of Scarist", which became an Indian version of the American thriller "perfect murder." Critics appreciated the professional growth of Bobby, but noted that the real skill was manifested only at the end.

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After that, the actor took time to recover from failure performances and issue a series of entertainment and commercially successful film. Bobby was engaged in musical projects and recorded songs and video clips in the company of partners and famous representatives of Indian culture.

Returning to work, Deol has played expressively in an israged film "In the vice of betrayal", and then awarded international recognition after the British premiere of the 2005 picture "Friends forever".

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Journalists noted that progress in the works of Bobby appeared thanks to cooperation with such talented people as a pleasant of Chopra, Sanjay Datt, Amish Patel and other recognized masters of Indian cinema, next to which a weak game would be a manifestation of disrespect and bad tone.

Most likely, they were mistaken, because the films of the mid-2000s, who twisted by the famous actors, were distinguished by the mediocre game of Bobby and received low ratings on surveys of viewers and authoritative publications. The exceptions were the musical comedy "Shakalaka Boom Bum" and the sports drama "Native people", in which a man revealed in the image of a negative character, and it dwells in the family trio, who included his native brother Sanny and the famous Father.

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These works returned Bobby's lost confidence in Bollywood directors, and in 2008-2011 he appeared in a number of top Indian films with positive reviews and high cash gatherings. Against the background of other film, the melodramatic comedy of Tarun Masukhani "close friends" and the adventure fighter of Samira Karniki "Heroes" were singled out.

However, the stability was not a distinctive feature of Deola, and two parts of the film "Crazy Family" and the Criminal History "Players" failed at the box office by beating the desire to continue shooting.

Personal life

Observing the Hindu traditions, Bobby does not like to spread on the topic of personal life. And although in the official Instagram actor there are many seed photos, on which Tatiana Deol's wife and Sons are present, Ariaman and Dharmaam, the details of their relationship remain mystery for seven seals.

The only thing that a man speaks openly is unlimited love and devotion to the family and friends, the best of whom were children who were crowded and almost reached the growth and weight of the father (176 cm, 76 kg).

Bobby Deol Now

In 2017-2018, Bobby appeared again on the screens of Indian cinemas in the film "Facials from the Poster" and the 3rd part of the "Race" picture. And although these works did not fall into the ranks of the best examples of the entertainment industry, the actor ceased about the completion of the career.

Now he finishes work on the film title called "Housefull 4", which should appear at the box office in 2019.


  • 1977 - "Eternal Fairy Tale of Love"
  • 1995 - "Rainy Season"
  • 1997 - "Mystery"
  • 1999 - "fascinated by you"
  • 2000 - "The killer is involved"
  • 2001 - "Covarian stranger"
  • 2002 - "Hot Heart"
  • 2005 - "And the rain is missing"
  • 2008 - "close friends"
  • 2008 - "Heroes"
  • 2011 - "Crazy Family"
  • 2013 - "Crazy Family 2"
  • 2018 - "Race 3"

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