Sadi Sink - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sadi Sink is a young American performer who has become famous for participating in the project "very strange things." The girl from a young age came to the acting career and confidently went to the goal. Today she is recognizable face of American television and theater. A bright appearance of Sadi helps to make the first steps in the fashion industry.

Childhood and youth

The place of the birth of the future movie star Sadi Sink has become a small town of Brene, which is in Texas. The girl became the younger sister of three brothers - Caleba, Spencer and Mitchell in the family of a football coach. After Sadi, her sister Jazei appeared. Children brought up in a creative setting. At 7 years of age, the sync has already participated in the amateur formulation of the "Classical Musical". Mitchell's brother helped her in this.

After the successful speech of children, the mother decided to give them to the acting studio. The classes had to go to the suburb of Houston. But efforts were worth it: soon Sadi began to make great successes, and at 10 years old were approved on the main role in the musical "Annie." During the preparation for the play, the girl did not stop the learning process of dance and vocals.


Cinematographers noticed the young actress while she played on stage. The girl received a proposal to participate in the creation of the series "Americans". This is a spy story telling about the confrontation of the US Securities and the USSR during the Cold War. Sink was to embody an episodic heroine Lana on the screen.

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The first cinematic experience was important for the creative biography of the young artist. The girl finally decided on the choice of the future profession. Another role that the performer was entrusted to play at such a young age is the image of Daisy character in the criminal multi-sulfur film "Blue Blood".

In 2015, Sadi received a role in the Broadway statement "Audience", where Helen Mirren played the main character. Schink itself appeared on theatrical stage in the image of the Queen Elizabeth II in his youth. At the same time, the filmography of the performer was replenished with the TV projects "American Odyssey" and "Unbendable Kimmi Schmidt". Together with Brie Larson and Naomi Watts, she starred in the Drama "Glass Castle".

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Star hour expected a young actress ahead. Sadi became a customer participant in the 2nd season of the TV series "Very weird affairs" of the Daffer brothers. The girl was approved by Max Mayfield. Blue with great responsibility approached samples. Later, she told that he had led himself very much on the site: after each listening, he left the text on the floor in the car and did not raise the script until the process is completed.

There was a moment when the Daffer brothers lambered in the candidacy of Sadi - she was somewhat higher than guys, performers of major roles. But this problem soon decided by itself - its partners soon caught up with an actress in growth. Today the sync parameters are as follows: with a height of 160 cm its weight does not exceed 45 kg.

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The first series of the film Spectators saw in the summer of 2016 on Netflix ether. The tape in which Finn Wolfeard, Milli Bobby Brown, Gaiten Matarazzo, was introduced by the main heroes, Furior. In the film, we were talking about the disappearance of the Willla schoolchild (Noa Schnapp), which falls into the parallel dimension. The exit to other worlds was opened in a secret laboratory located near the town where the boy lives, his family and friends. The role of mother played Winon Rider.

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Sadi appeared in the 2nd season as a new classmate of Will's Friends. The girl has boyish manners, rides on a skate and likes to play video games. The guys take a new one in their company. After her boyfriend, Lucas, McLafter Caluba Hero becomes her boyfriend. Senior Free Brother Heroine Max played Deiqre Montgomery.

An interesting fact related to the project, the actress calls a long time meeting with the acting ensemble of the film - Gaiten Matarazzo and Caleb McLaughlin in New York, while Sink also played in the performances on Broadway.

Personal life

The actress makes the first steps in the work, so her thoughts are engaged in a career and study, and the Sadi's personal life is not thinking about. The main people for her are family and friends. Sink loves his younger sister who was born when the future actress was 7 years old. Photo and video of the little Jacy regularly appear on the page of the performer in "Instagram".

Like other stars of the screen, Sadie thinks about their appearance. The girl monitors the figure, good, she managed to easily. Especially since the filming in the film "Glass Castle" she began to practice a vegan diet. The girl earlier showed interest in vegetarianism, adhering to his principles. But to become Vegan, she convinced her daughter Woody Harrelson, with whom she starred in the "Glass Castle".

Sadi loves animals. Her houses have two dogs and a cat. Also, the actress is interested in photography. Successful Career Sink helped the whole family to leave the provincial town in Texas and settle in New Jersey.

Like other performers from "very strange cases," the sync became a face of a fashionable brand. She signed a contract with Miu Miu, which is known for its cooperation with Chloji Sevignani, El Fanning, Dakota Fanning and Julia Garner. The young performer person also became interested in Chanel and Valentino trademarks.

Sadi Sink now

Now the artist continues his way to the heights of international glory. In 2019, filming the film "Elai" took place with her participation. This is a horror in which Sadi performed a major role. The film also starred Kelly Railley and Max Martini. For work in the project, the actress received a fee of $ 80 thousand.

July 4, 2019, on the Independence Day of the United States, started showing the 3rd season of "very strange cases", in which Sadi Sink appeared again. Events unfold 2 years after the case with the disappearance of Will.


  • 2013 - "Americans"
  • 2014 - "Blue Blood"
  • 2015 - "American Odyssey"
  • 2016 - "Unbendable Kimmi Schmidt"
  • 2016 - "Real Rocky"
  • 2017 - "Glass Castle"
  • 2017. in. - "Very weird business"

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