Fannie Flagg - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Books, Films 2021



Like Jackie Collins, the writer Fanny Flagg came to literature from the set - by the shoulders of the novelist, an impressive filmography. But if the Creator of the "Hollywood Zoo" described predominantly the morals prevailing at the "Star Factory", the author of "Fried Green Tomatoes" talks about the fate of countrymen - residents of the southern states of the United States. Creativity FLGG was awarded the praise of the classics of American literature Harper Lee.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in the city of Birmingham, located in the south of the United States, in Alabama, in 1942 and received the name of the patrician when baptized. The population of the native city of the writer then counted 300 thousand people, and by 2019 decreased by a third as a result of the closure of industrial enterprises and the migration of "White" in the suburbs.

The girl was the only child in the family of William Herbert Nile and his wife Marion Leona. An interesting fact: the study of the future actress and writer at school overshadowed Dyslexia - Patricia was difficult to reproduce words on paper. Nevertheless, the first play girl composed at 10 years old.

At the age of 14, Patricia debuted in the Birmingham theater troupe, where first served as the working scene function, and at 17, after participating in the Miss Alabama competition, won a scholarship for training at the local acting school.

Soon the girl had a need to register in the trade union of theatrical workers, but there was a problem: in a public organization already consisted of actress Patricia Neil, the future owner of the Oscar Award and the wife of the writer Roald Dalya. Young Yuzhanka in an hour came up with a pseudonym, now famous to the world - Fanni Flagg.

Films and television

The acting talent FLIGG allowed her to play in films like "five lungs" with Jack Nicholson and "Stay Hungry" with Jeff Bridges and novice artist Arnold Schwarzenegger. The actress also regularly appeared on television, in particular, performed episodic roles in the "Hidden Camera" show. But sometimes Fanni was hard to voice replicas, born in foreign heads, and she began writing scripts for comedy gear.

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Playing on Broadway in the play "Best Little Bridal in Texas" and suffering from the unusual for the South of the Colds, Fannie wondered if she would take roles from actresses, more prone to hystage and more talented than she, and not time to return to the children's dream About writing.

The artist resigned from the theater and began to shorten the days at the desk. And although FLGG was sometimes returned to the role of the actress (for example, in 1999 he played from Melanie Griffith in the film Antonio Banderas "Woman without Rules", and for prying the audiobook award was awarded the Grammy Prize), literature became the main occupation.


The literary debut of Fanni Flagg was the novel "Daisy Fei and Miracles", originally released called "Attractions approach". The autobiographical work about the growing is written in the form of a diary, which is a heroine - a 11-year-old girl - begins to lead in 1952.

The through idea of ​​creativity FLGG is the paraphrassed quote of Lion Tolstoy:

"Life does not end in NE 31, nor in 48, no 86 years old.

For the first time, this topic appeared in the second novel of the writer "Roasted green tomatoes in the cafe" Film ". If the first work of the former actress was immediately taken to print, then the "green tomatoes" editors considered a worthy but not having a reader's reader, because:

"No one wants to read a grandmother's biography ending life in the nursing home."

FLGG faced two dozens of failures before signed a contract for the publication of the novel. The result exceeded the expectation: the story of Evelin, overcoming the middle-aged crisis and dissatisfaction with the alienation of her husband and crowded children thanks to communicating with Ninni, rejoice in the ninth ten, became an international bestseller. FLGG supplemented Roman Collection of Recipes "Cookbook Cafe" Films "", and also reworked the work in the script of the film, published in 1991.

The thought "And to die to us is too early, we still have the houses of the case" is also the motto of Fanny's novels "I'm still dreaming about you" and "Paradise is there somewhere nearby." In the first work of the heroine, an ideal woman, on the threshold of the 60th anniversary of suicide. But when the optimal plan of suicide is fully formed, it turns out that there is no need to go away from life.

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In the second, the author first retreats from realism: Elner, who died as a result of an accident, falls into paradise and communicates with the Almighty, who comes to the conclusion - a woman early to the world, without her, the lives of loved ones turns into existence.

Among the most famous works of Fanni Flagg also novels "standing under the rainbow" and "welcome to the world, baby!", In which the writer affects the themes of racial discrimination and decline of morals on television. In total, the bibliography of Prosaika for 2019 has 10 books.

Personal life

A little about the personal life of the novelist is known: the few Flegg love novels had a "pink shade". In the late 70s, Fenni had a romantic connection with an activist gay movement, a fertile writer, the author of the book "Ruby Jungle" Rita May Brown, subsequently fell in love with Martin Navratilov's tennis player.

According to Brown, FLGG for 8 years cohadled with the actress, the star of the soap opera "Bold and beautiful" Susan Flannery, shyring his homosexuality.

In an interview with Melissa Parker from Smashing Interviews Magazine, the author of Green Tomatoes reported that, although he loves picnics with friends and tennis classes, the main hobby considers observation of people.

"I love to look at people, as well as ornithologists love to consider birds," the writer said.

Fanni Flagg now

Now Flegg lives in California. The photo attached to the interview on the occasion of the publication of the next novel "What the whole city is about what the whole city", Fanny looks no less impressive and well maintained than in the youth. However, the writer claims that its growth has decreased and the volume of its works will begin to shrink.

In 2017, Prosais promised readers to write a collection of stories called "I cringe." Probably in 2019, a woman continues to work on announced works.


  • 1981 - "Daisi Fei and Miracles"
  • 1987 - "Fried green tomatoes in the cafe" Film "
  • 1993 - "Cafe Cafe Cafe" Films "
  • 1998 - "Welcome to the world, baby!"
  • 2002 - "Standing under the Rainbow"
  • 2004 - "Christmas and Red Cardinal"
  • 2006 - "Paradise somewhere nearby"
  • 2010 - "I'm still dreaming about you"
  • 2013 - "On the gasoline only girls"
  • 2016 - "What is the whole city say"


  • 1969-1974 - "Love in American"
  • 1970 - "Five Easy Pieces"
  • 1975 - "Home Cooking"
  • 1976 - "Stay hungry"
  • 1977 - "Sex and married woman"
  • 1977-1986 - "Love Boat"
  • 1978 - "Broccolin"
  • 1987 - "Juice Vampire"
  • 1991 - "Fried Green Tomatoes"
  • 1999 - "Woman without rules"
  • 2010 - "Red Bird"

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