Napoleon Hill - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Napoleon Hill worked as adviser to two US presidents - Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt, but became famous for the books in which 16 laws of success. The ideas set forth in the works of Hill and the biography of the writer motivated millions of people to overcome difficulties.

Childhood and youth

The future gurus of motivation was born in 1883 in a shack in the town of Pound in the south-west of the American state of Virginia, where his grandfather emigrated from England in the middle of the 19th century. In 10 years, Napoleon Wosapital: Mom's mother Sarah's mother died. Father James Monroe badly understood in a diploma and pedagogy and soon lost his influence on the Son dreaming about Hangster's career.

The boy returned to school and church due to the effect of stepmother. A woman named Martha was a widow director of the gymnasium and sent the energy of Napoleon into a positive channel. She drew attention to the Big Language of the stepper and the skill of the teenager to extract information and advised young Hill to become a newspaper. The young man gave Marta's favorite revolver, and instead he got a typewriter.

Napoleon began journalistic activities as a newspaper reporter for farmers. Soon luck twice smiled at the young man. At first Hill noted the Governor of the State of Tennonesie Robert Taylor and invited to work in his edition. And then commissioned a series of interviews with American businessmen.

One of the first interlocutors of the future writer was the richest American, steel magnate Andrew Carnegie, who prompted the guy with the idea to write a book about the secrets of success. The businessman did not sponsored Napoleon, but promised to acquaint the newspaper with other successful entrepreneurs and kept his word.


Hill is a pioneer in the genre of business science. The first book "Law of Success" Napoleon published exactly 20 years after a fateful conversation with Carnegie. To survive and feed the family during these two decades, a man not only established magazines and colleges, but also engaged in the most different destinations of entrepreneurship - speculation of sawn timber and assembly of cars, confectionery and management of the coal mine.

Economic depressed sometimes prevented the publication of Hill's books, but contributed to the formation of the army of his fans from among the American unemployed, eager to "find their way to wealth."

The secret of freedom and success Napoleon saw in perseverance, reinforced concrete confidence in the correctness of the selected path, readiness to cooperate with partners and attitude to failures as a useful experience. "Thoughts are material" - the writer argued, and almost all depends on the proper work of the brain.

Bibliography Hill has 11 books. In Russian, the work of the American business coach was first published in the era of reforms of Egor Gaidar.

Personal life

The first marriage of Napoleon took place when the young man was 15 years old. A neighbor girl stated that he was pregnant from the guy, and he was forced to go with her under the crown. Soon, the spouse reported that the culprit of her "interesting situation" is another man, and Hill got a divorce.

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10 years after the completion of a stereotane youthful marriage, Napoleon decided to establish a personal life, published an announcement of acquaintance in the newspaper and was already going to date, as Hornor suddenly met the cousin, and saw an attractive girl in a relative. Marriage with Florence lasted until 1935 and brought Hillu three children - James and Napoleon Blair, as well as the youngest son David. The cause of the divorce was numerous moving Napoleon - a man sometimes worked for thousands of miles from the family.

The middle son of the writer was born without ear-sinks, and the doctors believed that the boy would not hear, talk and would grow mentally retard. However, Blair was able to communicate almost like ordinary people, studied at the college, and having acquainted with the books of his father, began to conduct motivating classes for hearing impaired people.

The history of the guy, according to Napoleon, served as a confirmation of the quotation:

"Everything that is capable of believing the human mind is achievable."

The next wife Hill became Rosa Lee Bilend, with whom Napoleon met in 1937. An enterprising girl not only helped a man in writing and publishing his most famous book, but also implemented her catchy headline "Think and Rich": under the terms of the marriage contract, the state of the writer, numbering $ 1 million, passed the former spouse after the divorce.

From 1943 to the end of the life, Napoleon was married to Anni Lu Norman, who worked at the time of dating with a journalist's writer at Jacobs Presters and lived with his sister's family in the house where Hill was stopped. In the last published book of the book "Rich! With sincere calm", the writer argued that in the creation of works he was helped by the spirits, who voiced the secrets of success and who wanted to transfer the sacred rules to readers and students.


Hill died in November 1970 at the 88th year of life. The cause of death has become age-related changes. Napoleon's life could break up for 44 years earlier - in 1926, a killer who killed his companion Hill Don Melleta was waiting for a man at home at home.

In a number of manuals on finance management, it is reported that the author of books about the paths to wealth died in poverty. These statements are a lie. In the photo in old age, Napoleon appears a respectable gentleman.

Divorces, world wars and economic crises have repeatedly ruined Hill, but the writer each time was reborn from the ash, like a Phoenix bird. Up to the death of Hill led lessons in the "Academy of Personal Achievements" created by him. Partner and co-author of Napoleon Clement Stone founded the Foundation in honor of the writer and appointed Anni Lu Norman by the head of the organization. The motto of the Fund has become quotation Hill:

"You can achieve everything, if you correctly formulate a goal."


  • 1928 - "Law of Success"
  • 1930 - "Magic staircase to success"
  • 1937 - "Think and Rich"
  • 1938 - "Reach the devil"
  • 1939 - "How to sell your way in life"
  • 1945 - "Master-key to wealth"
  • 1953 - "How to raise your salary"
  • 1959 - "Success through positive thinking"
  • 1967 - "Rich! With peace of mind "
  • 1970 - "Experience and get rich due to conviction"
  • 1971 - "You can create your miracles"

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