Nora Gal (Eleonora Halperin) - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, translations



Eleanor Galperin, known to the real connoisseurs of foreign prose under the name of the bar of Gal, is still considered one of the best translator of the works of Alber Kama, Richard Oldington, Antoine de Saint-Exupery and James Aldrjj from French and English to modern Russian.

Literary critic and editor of a dozen famous Romanov developed its own principles of working with the text and in 1972 published the book "The Word of Living and Dead. (From the "Little Prince" to the "ship of fools") ", which is now a relevant teaching manual and includes the main points of the theory of translation.

Childhood and youth

Eleanor Yakovlevna Galperin was born in Odessa on April 27, 1912 in the family of educated Russian intellectuals. The father of Jacob Isaakovich, a Jewish-therapist of Jewish nationality, had an extensive practice that allowed the closest relatives to move to Moscow.

After arrests in 1937 and 1950, the spot of unreliability fell on the entire genus of Halperin, and Mother Frederica Aleksandrovna cost much effort to get a job in the Soviet People's Commissariat of Finance and determine the daughter in the Moscow Editorial and Publishing Institute.

When the educational institution disbanded, Eleanora switched to a university specializing in pedagogy, and took up the study of foreign literature, parallel to mastering English and French.

Creativity from childhood was fascinated by Halperin, and, as a schoolgirl, she wrote a few poems. In student years, continuing the literary experiments, the girl began writing the prose and the 1930s could publish his own work in popular print publications.

In graduate school, Eleanor defended his thesis, covered by the biography and creativity of the French poet Artur Rembo and in the status of an educated author began to regularly appear in periodicals with articles on classical and modern foreign literature.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, a girl who in publications began to use the alias of Nora Gal, the editorial office of the journal "Foreign Literature" instructed to write an article on the new product of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Planet of People". Because of the sudden attack of the fascists, the work was not published, but the girl remained under a strong impression of the read and stayed in anticipation of the new books of the French author.

Translations and editing

The situation was severe, and in order to earn money, Nora worked at the Printing Institute and lectured and seminars on foreign literature of the 20th century. In his spare time, she, without possessing the abilities of the polyglot, read the original books and translated them into Russian with the dictionary. Unsure in his own talent, Gal at first did not show these works to anyone, and they dust in the table box for a long time.

The situation has changed after Nores gave the French book "Little Prince", the author of which once fascinated the young teacher. After reading the work, Gal in a short period made a literary translation and after a couple of weeks showed a draft of a close girlfriend.

The general efforts of the woman were edited by leading literary journals, but before 1959 no one wanted to print the work of Eleanora. Only after the Gal became a professional translator and citizens of the USSR with its help read the books of English, American and French authors, "Little Prince" published, taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the hole.

Over time, the professional writer itself began to choose the works and stopped performing orders of book publishers, newspapers and magazines. Preferring Modern work with an exciting story, Gal translated the stories of the famous creator "Above the Pie" Jerome D. Sallinger, the story of the little-known writer Harper Lee "Kill Mockingbird" and dozens of fantastic books of popular foreign authors.

Of course, not all the work of the bag publishers were printed immediately, some novels for a long time dust in the shelves before Soviet people got the opportunity to read them. Such fate suffered the "ship of the fools" Catherine Ann Porter, "Krysolova" Nevila Shut, "Do you love Brahms?" Francoise Sagan and "Diaries" Roman Rollan.

It was much better about the case with books for children and adults, in which Gal successfully applied fundamental editing principles. Publishers gladly released the novels of Alexander Duma, Theodore Drier, Main Reed and Herbert Wells, who passed through the hands of the already famous translator.

The accumulated experience of Nora was subjected to painstaking analysis and in 1972 finished work on theoretical labor, known as the "Word of Living and Dead". In it, Eleanor led examples of proper and improper work with the linguistic material and protested against the use of the office and inappropriate foreign words.

The first edition was widespread and was partially printed in the journal "Science and Life". However, Gal did not cease to work and in 1979 introduced readers a new version, supplemented by the head of the "Wizards" chapter. Viewing translations made by Matrai Literature Evgenia Davydovna Kalashnikova, Natalia Albertovna Volgin, Nina Leonidovna Daurosaes and others, the author emphasized the natural simplicity of Russian and workshop work with "speaking" own nouns.

As a result, the book became a desktop benefit for beginner translators and was reprinted 8 times until 2015. In the latest options, new additions appeared, and the article was included in the work of Julian's "Three Cami", analyzing the literary experience of Halperina, and the biographical essay of Risa Oblon, who told about the personal life and the work of the main author.

Personal life

Nora Gal has lived a long, but rather lonely life and only one day was married. Its chosen was the young philologist Boris Kuzmin, who semi-disperse himself called himself a direct descendant of Walter Scott.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, lovers legalized the relationship, and soon after this Nora gave birth to daughter Edward. This unusual name Girl received in honor of the family's close friend Edward Kabalevskaya, and a joke immediately appeared in the literary society that the elder and youngest Eddy are surrounded.

After the death of a husband, shot by the fascists in battles near Smolensk in 1943, Gal alone brought up a small child and earned money to lectures and conduct practical training.

Becoming a famous translator, Nora settled in the Moscow communal service and only a dozen years old could earn his own apartment. Financial well-being did not relax the woman, still worked at 14 o'clock a day with a break for sleep and short walks.

The daughter, brought up in such a situation, could not do not penetrate the kicking creative spirit and at the end of the Pedagogical Institute became the editor, criticism and member of the team of the literary magazine.


Nora Gal did not become July 23, 1991, and at the request of relatives, the reason for her death was not disclosed.

In memory of the famous translator, colleagues and fans released a collection containing memories, articles, verses, letters and bibliography, and in 2012 the heirs of Edward and Dmitry Kuzmina were established by the Gal Nora's Prize, handed over to the authors of the best English-Russian translation of small prose XX-XXI centuries.


  • 1935 - "Tale of friends"
  • 1936 - "Death of Hero" R. Koldington "(article)
  • 1938 - "France Ellens" (article)
  • 1945 - "What was offended by Sonya S.?" (article)
  • 1959 - "Feeling of the Partnership" (article)
  • 1960 - "Above the Possible" (article)
  • 1963 - Antoine de Saint-Exupery (article)
  • 1972 - "Word Live and Dead"
  • 1973 - "On the knives" (article)
  • 1975 - "And about the Office" (article)
  • 1991 - "School of Cashkin" (article)


  • Ray Bradbury "Shore at sunset", "Concrete mixer"
  • Jack London "Pearls Pearls", "An adventure in the air ocean"
  • Charles Dickens "obsessed, or a ghost deal"
  • Herbert Wells "Food of the Gods"
  • Edgar Allan on the "Frog", "Fall House of Ashers"
  • Colin McCalow "singing in a thorns"
  • Catherine Ann Porter "Ship Fools"
  • Richard Oldington "Death of Hero"
  • Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince", "Planet of People"
  • Albert Cami "Strying"

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