Robin Sharma - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



Robin Sharma is one of the most famous writers advising on self-improvement, leadership and making motivation. A man stands in one row with such professionals of his business as John Maxwell, Jim Collins and Jack Welch, who also belong to successful representatives of such a genre. Charm's life position is well reflected in the famous quotation of Dr. Kazins Norman:"The tragedy of life is not in death, but what a person allows you to plunge inside him, while he lives."

Childhood and youth

Biography of Robin Charm began in the Canadian city of Port-Hortsbury, which is located in the state of New Scotland, March 18, 1965. Parents were Indians by nationality, which in the youth moved to Canada from their native country. Robin was brought up in a family with traditional Indian customs.

From the early years, the young man dreamed of becoming a lawyer, so when he reached the necessary age, not thinking, filed introductory documents to the University of Dalkhau to the Faculty of Law. Charm completed higher education with honors and received a doctoral degree, as well as master of legal sciences.

After studying Robin, for several years, a lawyer was successfully held by a lawyer in one of the local companies. During this time, the guy was able to earn good finances, but he never managed to get moral satisfaction from daily activities.

A talented young man decided to radically change the course of his own life, and the first step was to care with the unloved work. To many of his familiar, such an outcome seemed at least strange, because Charm had a successful career, success and wealth. However, he was in search of not only these goods.

Psychology and books

Robin asked help from his mother with the editing of his debut work. After the work was completed, the young man took the manuscript to the typography of the Kinko store, and after some time 2 thousand copies of the first book of the future specialist in leadership were ready.

The presentation of the next work of the beginning of the author did not have to wait too long. It was it that brought a man good luck and fully successful. The book entitled "The monk who sold his" Ferrari "," is an extraordinary combination of Eastern spiritual wisdom and the desire for possession inherent in Western realities.

The main character of this story is called Julian Mentle. He is a successful lawyer who is experiencing a deep mental crisis, forcing him to appeal to the responses to the culture of his ancestors. Strengthened work on himself helped a man to cope with mental doubts, overestimate life goals and find harmony with their real spiritual needs. The psychological work has become so successful that he was published on 70 most diverse languages ​​of the world.

The first two works from the bibliography Robin Sharma issued to his own finances. However, after such a bright triumph on the writer, the former head of the Publishing House Harper Collins Ed Carlson. Subsequently, the author composed and published another 9 books, each of which was devoted to the Councils and methods on how to achieve personal and professional success.

Tips and principles set forth by the charm in his literary works are successfully applied in practice. So, employees of the largest companies in the world are addressed to 500 gigantic corporations. The most popular of these includes Microsoft, Panasonic, IBM, FedEx, General Motors, Kraft.

Robin practices in his philosophy such a simple truth that for the lucky and long life is not enough of the spiritual self-improvement. The man is confident that it is also necessary to carefully observe and for the health of their physical shell.

He believes that those who are not dedicated to sports exercises, it is inevitably necessary to spend it on the fight against diseases. Sharma himself is fond of triathlon and Taekwondo, as well as skiing. It periodically mentions that life resembles skiing:

"A larger person comprehends not on a light highway, but on complex."

Robin is an educational activist. He acts as lead lectures and seminars telling on the topics of success in the world and the psychology of leadership. The man became a frequent guest on television and radio broadcasts of the largest international companies, such as CBC and CBS. Charma lessons can be found on the pages of famous print publications, such as USA Today, National Post, The Globe and Mail.

Another area in which the talented man of Indian origin was able to prove, is charity. He became the organizer of the children's charity foundation called him by his name, whose employees help the guys from low-income and poor families to achieve positive results in life.

The writer is also a founder and an active head of his own company "Corporation of the International Leadership named after Robin Charma". The slogan of his company sounds so - "We will help people all over the world leading without titles and ranks." It is safe to argue that this motto is related to the vital philosophy of the owner itself.

Company employees are lecturers and speakers with world name. Programs that are held in the corporation are intended not only for some corporate clients. Most of them are aimed at helping to change their lives and discover creative ambitions to individual personalities.

Visitors to Corporation Charm All the first year are trained under the leadership of the owner itself. The primary task of such a serious step by Robin is his desire to force people to rethink their own life values ​​and priorities to allow them to disclose talents and prerequisites of the leader. The most ordinary people who do not have any titles and titles are addressed to the psychologist and the author, and according to the final are transformed in these leaders.

Robin Charm's company is actively operating and now in 50 countries around the world. All these years, the work of the Corporation is in favor of people and helps them to find their own life path and become truly happy.

Personal life

Of course, like any coach-trainer, learning the search for happiness in professional and personal life, Robin Sharma has no right to be dissatisfied with at least one of these most important components for the full life.

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The man has a wonderful not only work, but also a family - a beautiful wife and two children. The spouse is Alca, she helps her husband in all his endeavors and tirelessly supports. The daughter of Bianca Sharma and the son of Colby love their father and grateful to him for all the worldships, which man gives them.

Robin is an active user of the instagram social network. On his personal page, the writer lays out photos with motivating quotes and video from their own training and lectures. Charm growth - 178 cm, and weight - 70 kg.

Robin Sharma now

In 2019, the motivational coach continues to write books, lead lectures and trainings around the world, and also raises their daughters.


"Do not hurry to follow the crowd - it may be a funeral process." "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible owner." "The one who does not give time to physical exercises will inevitably spend it on the treatment of his diseases."


  • 1996 - "The monk who sold his Ferrari"
  • 1999 - "Who will pay when you die?"
  • 2000 - "Lessons of family wisdom from a monk who sold his Ferrari"
  • 2002 - "Saint, Surfingist and Director"
  • 2007 - "200 lessons of life"
  • 2010 - "Leader without title"

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