SUREN TSORMUDYAN - photos, biography, personal life, news, books 2021



Russian Writer Suren Tsormudyan publishes fantastic novels since 2007. Although there are few people about the biography of men, the author's books are increasingly becoming the cause of hot disputes on the Internet. Someone his works touches the soul and leave indelible impressions, while others criticize the stories and heroes.

Childhood and youth

Suren was born in Vladivostok in the winter of 1978, nothing is known about the parents of the writer, except for the fact that the Father is by the nationality of Armenian. In 12 years from his native city, he moved to the Kaliningrad region, where she ended the school, and later went to the army, where he made a good military career.

Starting as the usual ordinary, it was accustomed to the title of the chief seniority of the WCPP and Wed. However, the guy's military case preferred creativity, and therefore was fired to the reserve and engaged in writing books.

Without having no higher education, Suren still decided to receive him when he graduated from the service, and in the mid-2000s he entered the International Slavic Institute, he studied at the Kaliningrad branch.


For the first time publish the story of Tsormudyan managed in 2007. Although it was a small literary collection "Reflection", and it was enough to put the beginning of literary activities. Another story "Black Sun" entered in 2008 in the collection of the Stalker series - "Clean Sky".

In 2009, the Inter-Metro 2033 Universe International Book Series of the Metro 2033 International Book Series first appeared on the store shelves, which describes the adventures of the "Metro 2033" novels, "Metro 2034" and "Metro 2035". At the same time, participation in their writing was taken by both professional writers and beginner authors. Tsormudyan also had the honor of entering the list of participants in the creation of this project. In 2010, a man published the book "Wanderer", which entered the aforementioned series.

On this, Sureren does not stop and in the same year produces a two-volume novel "the second chance will not be", which began to write long before the presentation. The first Tom called "when they envy the dead," and the second is "hell is already here." There was also a work "Latest Passengers", which describes the existence of people 20 years after the nuclear war.

In the conditions of the eternal winter, the remaining lives their century, it seems to them that the world is no longer threatened, but no. They are still waiting for something that threatens the planet. Both works are written in the genre of the apocalyptic, it is a science fiction that tells about the offensive of a global catastrophe.

Another book, which caused the great interest of readers, Tsorsumyan presented in 2011. The fantastic novel "Reflection in the MGL" initially was to enter the cycle "Universe of the metro 2033", but the writer was ahead of Sergei Moskvin, providing his description of the Novosibirsk Metro "See the Sun". This event did not affect the intention of Suren to publish the story. Just a man introduced it as one of the parts of the "second chance will not be", creating a parallel history that does not have a relation to the original novel.

In the same year, the Bibliography of Cormudyan is replenished with a new product. They became a novel "Reservation 2051. Wolf Flya", which, according to the plans, Suren will become part of the postpocalyptic series, its name man has not yet invented. A year after that, he again writes for the "Metro Universe 2033".

This time, in his novel, the "legacy of ancestors" describes the events of the former Eastern Prussia. The Hero of Sasha Zagorsky's story since childhood was fond of the search for mythical dungeons of the Third Reich under Kaliningrad. This leads to a personal tragedy of a young man and to other, larger events.

Soon, a new series of works "Bowl of the First Bowl" appears in the list of works of Surena. The first book included in it called "Battle Bulletin" was published in 2013, and a year later the 2nd part of the "Blood Kings" came out. Roman in fantasy genre tells about Greenweld, to which the wandering kingdom approaches. And this is not the only trouble, imagining a fragile world.

The author then wrote a small novel "last futility" and disappeared for some time from the field of viewers. As it turned out later, he stubbornly worked on the creation of a new series "Edge of the Earth", which entered 2 novel. As Tsorumyan told in an interview, the idea of ​​her creation arose spontaneously in 2015, and the man almost immediately took up work. This time, the events unfold on Kamchatka, and the heroes are foreigners who collided with each other under unusual circumstances.

Both novel came out only in 2018, after the presentation the writer shared his impressions about work with journalists. As Surren notes, he likes to write in different genres, in addition to the apocalyptics, creates humorous stories and fantasy, they include the "Bowl of the Varobory" and "Cat Scientist" from the Anthology "S.W.L.K.E.R: Stars above the zone". He likes to work in other styles, especially when one genre comes.

Also, the author says that he independently writes soundtracks to their stories, and while working on another work, he likes to listen to his own music or melodies from movies, serials or games. The main thing is that without words, because listening to the text, it is distracted by writing. In his opinion, the work of the writer in Russia does not bring big profits, but to create stories further than him to motivate inspiration, a new idea or a plot that is so asking for paper.

TSORMUDYAN stories are filled with smart thoughts and veiled "messages", and therefore often quotes from his books enter the Internet. For any writer, such attention from the public is considered to be a great achievement and speaks a lot.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of Cormudyana Press, a man prefers not to advertise its details, and therefore the question of his wife and children remains open. At the same time, he gladly shared personal photos on the page in Vkontakte, however, most of the publications are devoted to the author's books.

Although literary activity does not bring the Suren of a large revenue, it refers to this case as hobby. In addition, a man is engaged in free from writing books.

Suren Tsorumyan now

Suren and now continues to write books, draws inspiration and again sits down the feather to please the readers with another fantastic novel.

The author has not yet reported on the presentation of new books in 2019, but his fans hoped soon to acquire and read another story about fictional heroes falling into incredible stories.


  • 2008 - "Black Sun"
  • 2010 - "The second chance will not be. When they envy dead "
  • 2010 - "The second chance will not be. Hell already here "
  • 2011 - "Reflection in the MGL"
  • 2011 - "Reservation 2051. Wolf Flying"
  • 2013 - "Bowl of the original. Battle Bulletin "
  • 2014 - "Bowl of the original. Blood kings "
  • 2018 - "Edge of Earth"
  • 2018 - "Edge of Earth-2"

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