Tyler Dedden - Character Biography, Fight Club Movie, Character Mom, Actor, Philosophy and Hero Appearance, Quotes, Photo


Character History

The character of the novel "Fight Club" American writer Chuck Palanik, as well as the same name of the director of the director David Fincher. Alter Ego Main Hero Roman.

History of creation

Writer Chuck Palanik

Roman "Fight Club" came out in 1996 in the American publishing house "W.W. Norton & Company. In 1999, Director David Fincher took a film with actors Brad Pitt in the role of Tyler Derden and Edward Norton as a narrator. Unbalanced Marla Singer in the film Plays actress Helena Bonam Carter.

The aggressive character of the Tyler in the film is emphasized by clothing and external appearance - red glasses and a red leather jacket. To create a necessary atmosphere, most of the surveys were spent at night, and when the day scenes were removed, then the shaded locations were chosen.

Chuck Palanik with a book

The idea to write a novel about the Fight Club came Chuck Palanik during a trip to the summer camp, where the young writer got into a fight. After the fight, Chuck was covered with bruises and bruises and was not obviously in order, but colleagues preferred to prefer to do that they did not notice anything, and no one asked the Palanik about what happened to him during the trip. This is unwillingness of people to know what is happening with others and intentional ignoring the consequences of violence and inspired the writer writing a novel.

Initially, the author wrote another novel - "Invisible Monsters", and tried to publish it, but the publishers called the novel "outrageous" and refused to publish. Palanik called publishers began to write the "Fight Club", which tried to make even more "outrageous" than the previous work.

At first the author wrote a short story for seven pages, which came out in the collection, but the idea turned out to be too good to leave it in this form. The Palanik developed the idea and created a novel, which is the initial short story included as chapter.

Tyler Derend - Art

The "Fight Club" was reissued twice, in 1999 and in 2004. To the last edition of Chuck Palanik wrote a preface, where she gave his own vision of the reasons for the popularity of the "Fight Club". According to the Palanik, he first among the authors of that time created in the literature a new social model for a man.

After the release of the book and the film, there were many imitators who repeated the illegal actions of Tyler, for example, in restaurants. The thermal burn with a negro lime, which Tyler leaves a teller in the film, got the name "Kiss Tyler", and some of the film fans began to cause themselves similar damage. The Palanik himself calls such imiters "monkeys."

Tattoo with the image of Tyler Derden

There are more peaceful manifestations of fan devotion. Fans of the "Fight Club" draw arts with their favorite heroes or copy hairstyles and make a tattoo with images from the movies. Manufacturers produce bathrobes like what Tyler wore, and the souvenir figures of the hero in the fur coat. Fascinating fans are trying to determine the Sociotype of Tyler.

"Fight club"

The biography of Tyler Derden is full of "TRASH". The hero sells soap, which is manufactured from human fat, allegedly for better effect. This felt sits from the clinic, where they produce liposuction. Prior to this, Tyler worked in a cinema with a mechanic and fun for the sake of pasted into family film directions with pornography. Even earlier, the hero worked as a waiter in the restaurant, where he added his own urine and feces to food, which was served by visitors.

Hairstyle Tyler Derden

The hero has no normal housing, and he has equipped "Nora" in an abandoned house, which will be demolished. The house is littered with old books and magazines, the water from the cranes flows rusty, and when it rains, it has to turn off the electricity, so bad condition at the roof and wiring.

Tyler smokes a lot and adheres to nihilistic nonconformist philosophy, with contempt relates to the society of consumption and culture peculiar to it, to capitalism and the entire system of hired work. In this sense, Tyler is the opposite of the main character, the narrator, who is just a typical product of modern society, the consumer and the hired office worker.

Along the heroes organize a fighting club - a place where people can come to breed each other and thus "release steam". Later from the Fight Club grows up the grouping of extremists called "defeat", which continues to function and after the "death" of its own founder.

Narrator in the film

Tyler Dedden - Alter Ego Narrator, born under the oppression of the inner discontent of the hero life and society. In the novel, the chronology of events is broken, and in the first chapter, the reader finds a Tyler who put the storytellor in the mouth of the pistol trunk and argues that in order to become immortal, it will have to die.

The first meeting of the storyteller with Tyler is postponed to the third chapter of the novel, where the heroes are found on the beach. In the film David Fincher, the meeting of the storyteller with Tyler takes place in the plane, the remaining events develop as in the book. In the sixth chapter of the Roman, the narrator remains without an apartment - there is an explosion there. The hero is found with Tyler in the bar, a fight is tied between them, after which Tyler and comes to mind the idea to establish a fight club.

In David Fincher's film, the image of Tyler is interpreted as personalization of the unconscious main character, with all its instinctive attractions. The life of the storytellor is neat and boring, and Tyler appears to "undermine" this life, show her artificiality and return the hero lost tone.

Tyler Derden

In the plot, the main character torments insomnia, caused by disgusting to his own life. The hero works as an insurance consultant, travels a lot around the country and lives in a "one-time world".

Because of the insomnia, the hero perceives the reality of distorted, and the doctor, instead of writing the hero of the sleeping pill, recommends that the support groups for incurablely sick and dying - in order to look at people who are really bad. There, the hero meets Marle Singer - a healthy maiden, who, like the hero himself, goes to these meetings to get rid of the fear of death.

Tyler derand in glasses

After the explosion, who left the hero without an apartment, he moved to live to Tyler and gradually begins to live the same life as a new acquaintance, and to strengthen his circle of communication.

Fight club, which organized heroes, is gaining momentum. New branches are opening around the country, the club members are given by antisocial tasks, which are actively implemented, and the club acquires the features of a terrorist organization. Club members arrange acts of vandalism, then taken to capture local officials and cut off the vehicles. Tyler is preparing a major terrorist attack.

Torrs Tyler Derden

Hero, meanwhile, begins to face people who take him for Tyler Derden, and understands that there is no Tyler, he has a split personality. The hero is aware that the organization of terrorists created with their own hands. In the end, the hero is trying to shoot to stop his own aggressive alter ego, but does not die, but it turns out in a psychiatric clinic.

Interesting Facts

If you look closely, it can be noted that literally in each scene of the film "Fight Club" directed by David Fincher there is a cup with the logo "Starbucks".

Tyler dend with soap

In order for the scene in the film, where the heroes of Edward Norton and Brad Pitt are drunk on a golf balls, came out more convincing, the actors get drunk at him. The same happens in the scene, where the hero of Edward Norton hits the hero of Brad Pitt in the ear. Director David Fincher provoked the actor to hit Pitt truly, although it was originally assumed that the blow would be pretended. As a result, the audience can admire the genuine grimace pain on Brad Pitt's face and how Edward Norton laughs above it.

Instructions for assembling homemade explosives, which Tyler dend reads in the film, also originally had to be real. But the creators of the film were frightened that it would create a threat to public security, and replaced the instructions in the fictional. However, wishing to learn how they make explosives, they can read the novel of the Palanik. There is a real instruction.

Preparing for shooting, actors Brad Pitt and Edward Norton took the lessons of soap and boxing. When the "Fight Club" went on screens, Brad Pitt did not want his parents to watch this film.

In the film from Tyler Derden, there is a chip on the front teeth. This is not computer graphics. Brad Pitt actually went to Dentistist and temporarily removed the crown from his tooth, so that Skol was visible, which he had to eat.

The readers never manage to find out the name of the main character in the novel. He constantly comes up with fictional names that people use referring to him. At times, the narrator utters phrases in which a certain "Jack" appears, like "I - the pretty life of Jack." But "Jack" is not the name of the narrator, as it may seem. Just a narrator reads the Journal of Reertables Digest, where the peculiar comics are typing, in which the internal organs of people say monologues. Phrases about Jackie - parody of these journal materials.


"Emergency exit at an altitude of 30 thousand feet. The illusion of safety. "" The things you own, in the end begin to own you. "" This is your life, and it becomes shorter every minute. "" I don't want to die without a single scar. "" Having a lot of soap, you can blow it all IT IT. "" We saw our fathers with the gods. And if the fathers threw us, what does this tell us about God? ... Consider such an opportunity: the Lord turned away from you, you are in principle not interesting to him, but most likely, and disinterested. But there are things and more involved. We don't need it! In the ass Eternal flour, in the ass of redemption! Are we unwanted children of God? So let! "" Self-improvement is onanism, self-destruction - that's what we need. "" Stop you for everything to cling and press everything ... Spells! "" People all the time ask me: Do I know Derden Tyler? " "And Tyler Dedden is absolutely right: power is a rabbit if you are a boon. It's time to reset the excess fat. You need soap to clean the world."

(from the song "Fight Club" rock bands "LOUNA")

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