Group My Chemical Romance - Photo, History of creation, Composition, Songs, Reason



My Chemical Romance (or abbreviated MCR) is one of the most notable alternative groups of the 2000s. For 12 years, the musicians created 4 albums, including the Black Parade, who loved listeners around the world and almost awarded the Grammy Prize. The extensive fan army and millions of sales did not convince My Chemical Romance to continue the creative way, and in 2013 the group broke up.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of MCR is inextricably linked with terrorist acts in New York on September 11, 2001: Under the impression of the fall of the Turkings of the World Trade Center, Gerard Way wrote the song "SkyLines and TurnStiles". His desire to perpetuate the memory of the victims of the tragedy supported the drummer Matt Pelisser. Soon the guitarist Ray Toro joined the duet.

The name "My Chemical Romance" (from English "My Chemical Romance) invented Mikey Way, the younger brother of Gerard. The source of inspiration was the novel of Irwin Welsh "Ecstasy: three fairy tales about the chemical novel" (2002), which Mikey saw when he worked in the largest American company for the production of Barnes & Noble books.

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The first records of the musicians did in the attic at the House of Pelissee in Newark, New Jersey. The songs were united under the appropriate name "The Attic Demos" (from the English. "Inspectoral demo"). Hearing them, T-shirts Way left the college and joined the MCR as a bassist.

During the studio entry on Eyeball Records, the musicians became acquainted with Frank Ayer, leading vocalist and guitarist Pencey Prep. After the collapse of the group in 2002, Ayero became a member of the MCR. Rhythm guitarist entered a few days before the recording of the debut album "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love."


"I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love", created in 12 days at the Eyeball Records studio, was released in July 2002, just 3 months after the official creation of MCR. Interesting the fact that all 12 days soloist Gerard Way suffered from abscess tooth, but sang, despite pain.
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Music with a debut album MCR combines several genres: emo, posthardcore, symotum, punk rock, gothic rock, pop punk and garage punk.

"I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" is a conceptual album, in the center of which characters like Bonnie and Clyde, who are killed in the desert. Fans suggest that the next album "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" (2004) history continues. The man who shot lovers is in purgatory and concludes a deal with Satan. The murderer has to be revived and become an infant devil.

MCR has never officially confirmed this storyline, but songs on two albums really echo.

Another topic that is revealed on the debut plate is the nature of "vampires", that is, those people who seek to corrupt and exploit others. This is dedicated to the tracks "Early Sunsets Over Monroeville" and "Vampires Will Never Hurt You". From the reverse side of the license album there is an inscription:

"Illegal copying is a violation of the current legislation and will lead to the fact that Gerard Way will come home to you and drink your blood."

To promote a debut album, MCR sang in Bars and New Jersey Clubs. One of the speeches saw Brine Shehter, who decided to invite the musicians to warm up Thesed. As a result, the man became the MCR manager and achieved that "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" heard the producers of the major recording label Reprise Records. In 2003, the parties concluded a contract.

Returning from the tour with Avenged Sevenfold, the musicians sat down for writing the second album "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge", which was released in June 2004. The plate was successful both for MCR and for the label. Her release was accompanied by radio channels "I'm not Okay (I Promise)", "Helena", "The Ghost of You". Clips on these songs were popular on MTV. In less than a year, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge became three times platinum in the United States, disarming more than 3 million copies.

On the cover "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" depicts "cartoon" girl and a guy who look at each other in the eyes. Their faces are evaporated with blood. The picture appeared on the DVD album "Life On The Murder Scene" (2006), but not as a drawing, but as a photo. The idea of ​​the musicians is that "Life On The Murder Scene" is a "live" record, and therefore the cover on it should "revive".

The album included three disks, two DVDs and one CD, which contained a documentary about MCR, video from different concerts, clips, interviews and previously known demos. In 2006, the biography of the "Something Incredible This Way Comes" group was also published, which covers the period from 2002 to the exit of the most famous album in the discography of the MCR "The Black Parade".

To the record "The Black Parade" (2006), the musicians attracted the best. His sound helped Rob Cavallo, producer Albums Green Day, and the clips shot Samuel Bayer, author of the video for "Smells Like Teen Spirit" Nirvana and "American IDIOT" Green Day. It is not surprising that the record was waiting for success.

For promotional purposes on August 22, 2006, MCR played the show in London for 2 thousand fans. Tickets sold out in 15 minutes. Before the group appeared on the stage, the organizers announced that the MCR would not be able to speak, and their new team of The Black Parade will replace them. The crowd took the news hostile, but later it became clear that in front of them MCR, but under a pseudonym.

Musicians often used a new name and appeared in the image of the marching orchestra. The column was headed by Gerard Way. You can say that The Black Parade is a separate group, because the musicians changed not only the style of clothing, but also behavior, to hold onto the stage.

"The Black Parade" is an Rock Opera about a character known as a patient who is sick oncology. He is waiting for an inevitable death, which, according to Gerard Waya, looks like the most pleasant memories of childhood. In its case - as a parade. The main hits of MCR "Teenagers", "Famous Last Words", "The Sharpest Live" are included in the "The Black Parade". Their sound is inspired by music legends: Queen and Pink Floyd groups, David Bowie.

The tour in support of the album included 138 performances around the world - Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Latin America. The group first arrived in Russia. The program was built in such a way that the musicians first went out like The Black Parade, and then as MCR, and the fans had the impression that The Black Parade was a separate team that was created specifically for warming up.

The stunning success MCR overshadowed publication in the Sun newspaper about 13-year-old Hanna Boyd, who committed suicide. Tragedy journalists were tied with emo culture, whose prosperity allegedly contributed to the MCR in general and "The Black Parade" in particular. With the point of view, The Sun agreed many world tabloids.

The Company was divided into two camps: Some argued that deaths about death injured the psyche of adolescents, others became on the protection of MCR. The musicians last rolled over the US and announced a creative break. Only in May 2009, they returned to the studio to write "Danger Days: The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys" (2010) - the fourth and last album.

In February 2012, MCR released a collection "Conventional Weapons". Officially, it is not considered studio album. On the record - 10 previously unfastened songs recorded in 2009, including hit "The Light Behind Your Eyes".

Collapse of the collective

March 22, 2013 on its official website MCR announced the completion of the career:

"We saw and experienced what was never dreamed of. We divided the scene with people, which we respect, who admire who are our friends. And now, like many wonderful phenomena, we have come to the end. Thanks for the support and what was part of this adventure. "

After 2 days, Gerard Way published a post in Twitter, which explained that the cause of decay was not related to conflicts between the participants of the group. Although formally the history of MCR ended, in March 2014, a collection of the best hits "May Death Never Stop You" came out.

On July 20, 2016, MCR placed on official pages in Twitter and Facebook with a roller with an introductory party from the song "Welcome to the Black Parade". The video is completed by the mysterious date "09/23/16". This led to rumors and reports of a possible reunification of the group.

On the appointed day, the band released the reissue "The Black Parade" with a previously unknown demo. The album cover decorated the logo, the four letters of which are folded into the inscription "MCRX", where the last character can be interpreted as the Roman figure "10". Reproving the group noted the 10-year anniversary of their better album.


  • 2002 - "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love"
  • 2004 - "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge"
  • 2006 - "The Black Parade"
  • 2010 - "Danger Days: The True Lives of The Fabulous Killjoys"


  • 2002 - "Vampires Will Never Hurt You"
  • 2004 - "I'm not Okay (I Promise)"
  • 2005 - "Helena"
  • 2005 - "The Ghost of You"
  • 2006 - "Welcome to the Black Parade"
  • 2006 - "Famous Last Words"
  • 2007 - "Teenagers"
  • 2010 - "Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na")
  • 2010 - "Sing"
  • 2011 - "Planetary (GO!)"
  • 2012 - "The Kids From Yesterday"
  • 2014 - "Fake Your Death"

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