Alessandro Materazzo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



Alessandro Materazzo is the brightest star of the scandalous realistic show "Dom-2". In total, he lasted at a construction site for less than a month, but managed to remember all the project fans. They are closely following the life of the "Italian stallion". It seems that this is in the interests of the Showman himself, tirelessly feeding the interest of the shocking statements and new info-reforatives.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Kuryshko was born - a real name of the participant of the Realistic Show - in the early summer of 1980. Childhood and youth Sasha passed in the town of Akhtubinsk, which in the Astrakhan region. Perhaps this is all information about the early years of the male biography. No one parents, nor how he grew up and raised, does not tell Kuryshko. Previously argued that he was born in Sicily, in the city of Palermo.

It is known that Alexander has a native brother, whose name is Dmitry. Spectators could see him on the project, when Dima visited his brother, which turned into Alessandro Materazzo.

The only revelation of Kuryshko about the youth years, with which he shared with journalists, - complexes related to the vanity build, and the low self-esteem of the teenager. To grow muscle mass, Sasha has become a regulance of gyms and rocking faces.

When Alexander, it was Alexander decided to leave his hometown and go to conquer the Russian capital, unknown. Akhtubinsk is known for the flight test center. Valeria Chkalova, in which test pilots and a military airfield. But I did not want to become Aviator Kuryshko, but there were no other options.

When Alexander Kuryshko turned into Alessandro Materazzo and what he was engaged before joining the project, only he himself and close friends know. It is rumored that Sasha worked as a stripper in Moscow nightclubs. Whether he received education and specialty, a story is silent.

"House 2"

The appearance of the "Italian stallion" on the telestroyka in the winter of 2007, as Alexander called himself in Alessandro, caused Furore. Slender, with pumped muscles The guy, which, with an increase in 1.80 m weighed 81 kg, behaved defiantly.

Olga Sun has become the object of his courting from the first days, but the girl Materazzo caused a skeptical smile. The sun believed a guy with an artificial tan and in the fur coat, and also a stripterator, not masculous, and his "Italian" origin did not inspire confidence.

Alessandro Materazzo sadly sadly: switched to another Olga - Buzov. But with her the relationship did not work out. The obsession and perseverance of the guy who watched the favor of the main beauty of the project, gave birth to suspicion of insincerity Materazzo. Participants of the telestroy agreed that Alessandro moves not a feeling, but the calculation. He sought to be in the spotlight in every way.

Alessandro Materazzo, Olga Buzova, Rustam Solntsev and Andrey Cherkasov

Soon "Palermnian" Macho was exposed, having established that he was not Materazzo, and Kuryshko, and was born not on the sunny island of Sicily, but in Astrakhan, by nationality Russian. The guy was asked to leave the project.

For the second time, he appeared in "House-2" in May 2009, but left a couple of weeks. This time, Alessandro came to the construction site as a producer created from the participants of the project "Istra Witch". And again Materazzo had to leave not in his will. The Neckless "Italian stallion" after the project was not lost: Alessandro became the producer of Andrei Cherkasov, a former participant in construction.

Soon in the "House-2" appeared the girl of Lediatalian - Svetlana Davydov. Gennady Dzhikia, Gleb Strawberry and other macho project began to care for the beauty, and the other macho of the project, which did not like the jealous Materazzo. Light left Telestroyka at the insistence of Kuryshko.

After the care of Alessandro on the project, a new participant was called by Anton Gusev, whom the "House-2" fans began to compare with Materazzo. Moskvich and the native of Akhtubinsk look like outwardly, but they do not have related ties.

Personal life

In the fall of 2009, Alessandro and Svetlana played a wedding. At the ceremony there was a little daughter Davydova from the first marriage. Soon after marriage, young spouses moved to Miami. Later, Materazzo explained the decision to leave the country and go in search of happiness to America by desire to radically change life.

In Russia, he lost business due to fraudsters partners. Hike to politics also failed. The appearance of the family pushed to decisive actions. According to Kuryshko, the first period was very difficult. To survive, the emigrant was taken for any job. Delivered pizza, sold shoes and even worked with a loader.

After 2-3 years, the adaptation period and the language barrier remained behind. Alessandro Materazzo founded his own business, which began to bring a stable income. But in the personal life of the ex-participant "House-2" designated problems. In 2018, the Star Couple fans shocked the news of the divorce of the spouses. An ex-wife informed about parting in Instagram, providing a romantic photo with Alexander's explanation, that this is the last joint shot.

According to Alexander, he does not communicate with his ex-wife, although it is not officially divorced. Svetlana fun spends time in nightclubs and enjoys success at local macho.

Materazzo leads a video blog of a bachelor and develops a business related to transport transport. In the fleet of former Russian there are representatives of the representative class. It was possible to establish his work with the help of a friend who believed in Alexander and lent a considerable amount of money under 6%.

And Allessandro Materazzo collaborates with the American producer Dj Khaled, famous collaboration with Rihan and Justin Biber. Music and vocals are interested in a leaving from Russia. He records songs whose number reached the fifth. The composition "Love me" warmly accepted fans.

Alessandro Materazzo now

Career artist imposes duties, among which is impeccable appearance. Matezzzo admitted that she spent $ 60 thousand on plastic, of which a third went to the dentist services. Alessandro says that only targeted and beautiful people can succeed in the States ".

Transfigurations touched only the faces of the showman. He puts the body in order, spending 6 days a week in the gym. Now Materazzo is preparing to "change the consciousness and fate of people in Russia." In his "instagram" he said:

"I am also a speaker now, learning to earn and become better."

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