Ernest Rutherford - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Atom Model



Ernest Rutherford is a researcher who has developed the foundations and fundamental abstracts of nuclear physics. The research of the scientist was concentrated in the structure of the structure of the atom and the characteristics of radioactive elements. He worked on the creation of the theory about the charge of the nuclei of an atom and electrons surrounding it. The conclusions were helped to create a model of a planetary format atom, which became loud opening of the 20th century. The physicist also studied the nuances of radioactive radiation.

In 1908, Rutherford became the laureate of the Nobel Prize for work on the transformation of elements and the study of radioactive substances. From 1925 to 1930 he served the position of President of the London Royal Society.

Childhood and youth

Ernest was born in New Zealand, in Spring Grup, near the city of Nelson on August 30, 1871 and was a British by nationality. Father, Scotsman by origin, earned with a wheel craft, and his mother taught in a rural school. The child grew in a large family with 6 brothers and 5 sisters.

The first workplace for him was the woodworking enterprise, based by the Father. The future scientist gained in childhood and skills used in the future to create the equipment necessary in physical experiments.

Monument to Ernesut Rutherford in childhood

Ernest studied in Havuelok, and in 1887 he received a scholarship, which was allowed to continue their education in Nelson. The young man demonstrated a large craving for knowledge and interest in everything that surrounds him. He entered the Canterbury College and began to delve into chemistry and physics. Teachers quickly appreciated the potential of the student. After 4 years, Rostford was awarded for the best work in mathematics and physics. In 1892, Ernest became a master of art and engaged in research, reinforcing them with experiments.

His first work is called "magnetization of iron at high-frequency discharges." Experiments were associated with the study of high-frequency radio waves. The scientist designed the radio, ahead of his official Marconi Creator. The reservoir device turned out to be the world's first magnetic detector.

Ernest Rutherford in youth

With his help, Ernest received signals that colleagues were transferred while in half a liter. He described the received information in a scientific article for the newspaper "News of the Philosophical Institute of New Zealand" in 1894.

In 1895, Rutherford received the highest award: grant for training in the UK. Such a chance dropped to rare-English subjects. Ernest turned out to be among the 2 lucky ones, between which the choice was to make, and he was lucky: the opponent could not go on a trip. The physicist took advantage of the opportunity and became an employee of the Cavendyshevskaya laboratory in England.

Scientific activity

Biography of Rutherford was a good way. Becoming a subordinate physics of John Thomson, who possessed authority in the scientific community, he found a patron. Thomson joined him to study the ionization of gases under the influence of X-ray.

Already by 1898, Rutherford was carried away by its own developments, studying the "rays of Becquil". So called uranium radioactive radiation. Ernest realized that it complements positive alpha particles and beta particle electrons. Similar studies led Pierre and Maria Curie.

Spouses wrote work, which presented in 1898 by the Paris Academy of Sciences. He attracted the attention of Rostford the idea of ​​the existence of several radioactive elements. Ernest made conclusions about the half-life, which clarifies the characteristics of substances, and became the primary processor of the half-life.

In 1898, having learned that the position of Professor Macuille University was vacant in Canadian Montreal, Rutherford moved to a new place. So he finally pulled away from Thomson's patronage. Without a pedagogical experience, Ernest demonstrated weak abilities in teaching activities. But the sociable scientist has started new acquaintances, and among his buddies, like-minded people were ready to participate in scientific research.

Ernest Rangeford

Partnership with Frederick Soddy allowed in 1902-1903 to formulate a law on radioactive transformations. It states that the periods of decays do not lead to the modification of the elements and cannot be slowed or stopped. The partners have developed and the laws of transformations. Subsequently, this data supplemented Dmitry Mendeleev with the help of a periodic system. It turned out that the chemical properties of the substance depend on the charge of the kernel of its atom.

Ernest Rutherford issued 2 Scientific Labors: "Radioactivity", released in 1904th, and "radioactive transformations" of the 1905th. The physicist decided that atoms are a source of radioactive radiation, and continued to study the kernel device. He put experiments on transluceing the gold foil alpha particles, wondering the flows of particles and their behavior.

The scientist first put forward the assumption of the structure of the atom. Rutherford suggested that the atom resembles a drop with a positive charge, and inside it is negatively charged electrons. The scientist argued that, moving under the influence of Coulomb forces, the electrons are trying to get into the center of the atom, and when leaving the balance, fluctuations and radiation create oscillations.

Rangeford substantiations explained the presence of radiation spectra, which the world already knew. Experiments allowed us to understand that solid atoms are as size as the backlash between them. The researcher believed that the kernel was located in the center and carries the whole mass of the particle, and electrons are in constant movement around it. So he invented the planetary model of the atom.

Ernest Rutherford was convincing, but disputes arose about the uniqueness of judgment. His model was not stripped with the laws of electrodynamics, withdrawn by James Maxwell and Michael Faraday. They proved that the acceleratedly moving charge loses energy due to electromagnetic radiation, so Rutherford continued to be surveys.

In 1907, the scientist moved to Manchester. Here he was already known thanks to the achievements. Rutherford is vicious in international scientific centers, but he preferred the University of Victoria, where he resumed work. In 1908, in conjunction with Hans Heiger, he invented the alpha particles counter.

Ernest Rutherford at Solveyevsky Congress 1911

From the 19126th, Rutherford was working together with Niels Borov, who came up with the theory of quanta, testifying to the presence of orbits at atoms. In accordance with the arguments of scientists, electrons move around the kernel in orbit. The model of the authorship of Rutherford and Bora's authorship was a breakthrough in science and forced to revise the established ideas about matter and its movement. In 1919, Rutherford became a professor at the University of Cambridge and led the Cavendyshevskaya laboratory. His track record was replenished, the number of students increased, as well as a list of awards that physicicians have honored.

In 1914, Rutherford became a nobleman, and in 1931 he received the title of Baron and became Lord. During this period, he worked on the experiments on the splitting of the nucleus of the atom and the transformation of chemical elements. In 1920, the physicist became the first one who spoke about the existence of Deuteron and Neutron, and in 1933 began to participate in experiments on the study of the interconnection of mass and energy.

Personal life

Ernest Rutherford was happy in a personal life, marrying Mary Georgina Newton, hostess of the boarding house in Christchurch, where the physicist lived. The relationship of the spouses withstood the test of time: 5 years have passed between engagement and wedding. Mary married Ernest in 1895, when he was already famous in the scientific community. In 1901, the only daughter of Eileylin Mary appeared per light.


Son of the Wheel Master, Ernest Rutherford made a significant contribution to science. Having achieved heights, he turned out to be a sign person of his era. Therefore, when it turned out that the physicist suffers from the umbilical hernia, it was decided to treat him with privileges. An interesting fact: the necessary operation was ready to instruct only the titled surgeon, as required by decency with respect to the owner of the British Order "For Merit".

Grave of Ernest Rajford.

The choice of the doctor was not easy, and by the time of operation, the well-being of Rutherford was critical. The cause of his death served a wire from the physicians. Ernest Rutherford died on October 19, 1937, leaving the world to the inheritance scientific discoveries and books.

The researchers buried in Westminster Abbey. His portraits today decorate the page of textbooks and walls of technical universities and museums of the world.


  • 1904 - "Radioactivity"
  • 1905 - "Radioactive transformations"
  • 1920 - "Bombardment of atoms and a nitrogen decomposition"
  • 1923 - "Atomic shells and their properties"
  • 1923 - "Building an atom and artificial decomposition of elements"
  • 1924 - "In pursuit of atom"
  • 1924 - "Atoms. Electrons. Ether"
  • 1928 - "Atomic nuclei and their transformations"

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