Andrei Kuraev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Deacon, Relief from Church 2021



At the end of March 2019, the media (including foreign) "exploded" from the news from the spiritual world. Father Sergius (Zotov), ​​in the literal sense of the word faith and the truth served in the Magnitogorsk Cathedral, "Slary" together with his family in the village of Fersampenuaz, which is 60 km from the city. The reason for such a decision is the unworthy behavior of the spouse, namely - participation in the beauty contest, well-groomed and fashionable appearance, active "instagram" and work with a cosmetologist. Zotov and his wife supported a colleague - famous theologian, public figure and writer Andrei Kuraev.

Childhood and youth

In the middle of the shortest winter month of 1963, the son of Andrei was born in the Moscow family of Kuraev. If you believe publications in the media, he has a brother. Parents did not have any relationship to religion, even on the contrary, were the most far from it. Father Vyacheslav Ivanovich was a personal secretary of the prominent party employee Peter Nikolayevich Fedoseeva, and the mother of Vera Trofimovna worked at the Institute of Philosophy An.

It is known that in the adolescence for several years, the boy lived together with adults in Prague - the service was thrown into Czechoslovakia. Andrey brought up in the spirit of atheism, which in the Soviet past was considered the norm. In the general educational institution, he even answered the release of anti-religious wallpaper, in 14 years old became a Komsomol.

At the end of the school, when the choice of further education, he went in the footsteps of the mother by choosing Moscow State University and the Faculty, where philosophy was taught. Nothing foreshadowed that the student overnight suddenly radically change his beliefs and ideas about the world.

However, on the 3rd course, the last novel of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky on the life of the Karamazov family, which is a real repository of deep thoughts and the search for the perpetual questions to the Eternal Questions. After acquaintance with the literary work, Andrei priorities changed dramatically - he decided to accept Orthodoxy.

Andrei Kuraev in youth

Home about such a bold and incomprehensible at that time, the act of Chad did not know, but to make it for reading the gospel, rushed to discourage from the chosen path. It would be more - if it would be learned about it "upstairs", problems would not be forced to wait.

What, in fact, happened later - the Father was first not allowed into a foreign business trip, and then at all "asked" from work. But most of all adults were worried about the future of the Son. As it turned out, in vain - Andrei graduated with honors from the university, defending the diploma under the leadership of Cyril Nikonov. Then he planned to master the graduate school, but did not come out.

More information about the life and works of the priest is shown in the cinematic tapes "Andrey Kuraev. Direct speech "and" 48 hours from the life of Diacon Andrei Kurayeva. "


After the release of the Chief University of Moscow, the guy first worked in the Spiritual Academy, and then took up the realization of the dream, enrolling in the seminary. Meeting on the path of difficulty in the form of a major fire did not stop the stubborn Kurayev - by visiting the builder, he still graduated from the educational institution of the ROC. The next section of the biography is a university in Bucharest and ordination in the same city in the 1990s in the Diaconian San.

Upon returning to Motherland, Kuraev engaged in pedagogy - he taught the Word of God on the journalism of Moscow State University, headed the Bogoslovsky Faculty of RPU, parallel wrote the dissertation.

"I had the opportunity to create the university of my dreams. I created a university in which he would have dreamed of learning. Moreover, there was one person who helped with money, and thanks to him I could invite piece of professors who, who himself was ready to listen to lectures, "he recalled.

Later, he held the professorial post of PSTU, was listed by the senior researcher in Moscow State University, and then he fell into his native spiritual academy and a seminary. In parallel with pedagogical activities, it did not leave the main one - served in the temples. In 2009, Patriarch Kirill was personally erected by Andrei Kurayeva in San Prodoacon.


Andrei Vyacheslavovich is also known for his active missionary, for which he was awarded the signs of differences (the Order "Peacemaker", "for good deed", etc.). Reflections on Orthodox and church themes are set forth in writing works. These are articles "On faith and knowledge", "The Law of God and the" Chronicles of Narnia "," in the books "Master and Margarita": for Christ or against? "," If God has love ... "and" gifts and anathema. "

Also, in his writings, the author raised the questions of anti-Semitism, the presence of finances from clergy, reflections on damage, sectarianism, superstitions, "Code Da Vinci" and "Harry Potter". Plus - offered ways to raise Russia from his knees and even confessed in its own mistakes.

The protodiakon remains in the side of public life - his vision (often scandalous and resonant) of those or other events have been deployed to them in the Live Journal. For example, a man did not support the "shameless judges" Vladimir Golovin and led the names of clergymen who belonged to sexual minorities.

For this, it was often criticized, dismissal and even the imposition of the Epitias (church punishment). In 2017, a resolution about the "correctional work" of Kirill came from Patriarch Kirill - Sorokoust in the Novospassian monastery. What Kuraev thought about this, he published, of course, in his own blog and told reporters in an interview:

"No one, however, I did not explain to me what I should repent. I have not received any specification. Obviously, this is punishment for my journalistic activities. When in 2014 I was dismissed from the Moscow Spiritual Academy, the wording was "for shocking statements on the Internet and mass media".

It got from the protodiacon and pop stars - Madonna, whose concert is unacceptable in Russian land, Philip Kirkorov, who is not at all to overcome from the church.

You can get acquainted with the reflections of the protodacon, not only in "LJ", but also in Vkontakte, as well as in Telegram and Twitter. Andrei Vyacheslavovich is now leading a blog, accompanying his videos and photographs, willingly participates in conversations on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". In the transfer of "special opinion" as a guest, a man is present almost every month.

In March 2019, in a conversation with Alexander Plushev, he argued about the Nazis, the implications of the article on insulting the feelings of the believers and politics of Ukraine.

Then, for forgiveness, Sunday, Kuraev met with the young parishioners of the Troparevian temple of Archangel Mikhail, where he was listed as an overwhelming "employee." By the way, this church fell into the frame of the "Irony of Fate".

Personal life

As you know, representatives of the white clergy are not prohibited to create family and children. But Andrei Kurayeva did not work with his personal life. Although in this regard, the man did not hurry to worry.

In 2003, in an interview with the newspaper Izvestia, the correspondent questions regarding the marital status, he answered in this way:

"Love remained in that of my life, before baptism. After - God did not send it to me. So, it is not necessary. After all, I never really planned my life. I did only one choice in my life - baptized. Everything else was inevitable. "

Plus - Brother Andrei Vyacheslavovich has four children who adore uncle, and spiritual children, that is, the gods.

Andrei Kuraev now

In the spring of 2020, the news thundered that the theologian was removed from the ministry. The reason for this was the "immoral and cynical statement" of Kurayev about Alexander Ageikin, who died from coronavirus infection, and previously called parishioners not to abandon the visit to the church, despite the pandemic.

At the end of the year, a court decision was made on the deprivation of San Prododiakon, since in his statements were identified signs of bully to church.

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Soon Metropolitan Hilarion told the press about the possibility of removing Kurayev from the Church, if he continues to follow its judgments. According to the head of the external relations of the ROC, the statements of the theologian repel the laity from Orthodoxy. In January 2021, the defendant sold a petition for a re-session of the court.

In the middle of spring, it became known to refuse to revise the case, however, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Kirill, imposed a moratorium on the court decision. This Andrei Vyacheslavovich was given the opportunity and time to rethink his position.

Kuraev responded to the received credible credibility in his facebook account. So, theologians put a post in which he expressed the desire to go along with the Church of Christ. But at the same time did not find the relationship between her and the Moscow Patriarchate. However, Protodiankon promised "Paks and Paks to think."


  • 1995 - "On faith and knowledge"
  • 1996 - "Early Christianity and Shower Resettlement"
  • 1996 - "About our defeat"
  • 1997 - "School theology"
  • 1997 - "If God is love ..."
  • 1997 - "Protestants about Orthodoxy"
  • 1998 - "How to make anti-Semit"
  • 2001 - "Gifts and Anaphheles: What did Christianity bring to the world? Reflections on the threshold of the Millennium III "
  • 2003 - "adults about children's faith"
  • 2004 - "Cinema: reboot theology"
  • 2004 - "Harry Potter": an attempt is not frightened "
  • 2006 - "Why are Orthodox such? .."
  • 2006 - "True and fantasy" Coda Da Vinci "
  • 2007 - "When the sky becomes closer. About wonders and superstitions, about sins and holidays "
  • 2009 - "My mistakes"

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