Alexander Voloshin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News 2021



Russian politician, the ex-head of the presidential administration, Alexander Voloshin, forever entered the chronicle of state cases of the era of New Russia. Its activity in politics falls at the end of the 90s - the beginning of the 2000s. Voloshin is the initiator of the so-called "managed democracy" theory, which caused lively discussions of political scientists and journalists in 2002-2004. After the resignation, the politician became part of large business structures, headed Norilsk Nickel JSC, OJSC Uralkali, OJSC First Mobile Company.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Stalevich Voloshin was born on March 3, 1956 in Moscow. Father Steel Isaakovich Voloshin headed the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the State University of Udmurtia. The mother of Inna Lvivna Verkina is a teacher of English. The nationality of the future political worker in the official biography is not mentioned, but in a number of sources it is noted that the family has Jewish roots.

Alexander Voloshin

Alexander's childhood is overshadowed by the early death of his father. The boy was then about 5 years. It happened in Izhevsk, where parents worked at that time. Having lost her husband, a woman with her son returned to Moscow. Young years have passed here Voloshin: studies at school number 613, admission and study in the university. The guy, unlike his father and mother, chose the technical direction and became a student of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT).

In 1978, it becomes a graduate electromechanics engineer and begins a labor journey at the Moscow-Sorting Station of the Moscow Railway. His first position - Assistant Machinist Electric locomotive. Further, for 5 years, Voloshin worked on the positions of the Brigadier complex brigade for the repair of electric locomotives, head of the laboratory of the scientific organization of labor. All this time, the young man was actively engaged in public work as secretary of the Komsomol Committee.

Career and state activities

As if the presentation of new social and political trends in the country, Voloshin leaves production and deepens to the economy. In 1986, he graduated from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade and began working at the All-Union Scientific Research Connectural Institute of the Ministry of External Economic Relations of the USSR (Vnikov) - increased from a researcher to the head of the study department of the current situation.

Politician Alexander Voloshin

Being an employee of this state organization, Voloshin begins to lobby his commercial interests. In 1990, he organizes his own economic monitoring company "Analysis, Consultation, Marketing". At the soil of this activity, the entrepreneur meets the owner of Logovaza Boris Berezovsky, and for a long time, the business interests of two deltsies are in parallel.

In the mid-90s, the political career of Alexander Voloshina starts - he is headed by the Federal Fund Corporation JSC. From this position goes to an increase in the Kremlin. In 1997, Alexander Stalevich was appointed assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Valentina Yumashev.

After a year, after the default of the 1998th, in the career, the policy is a new appointment: Voloshin - Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration on Economic Issues. At the same time, the Government of Evgeny Primakov comes to power (after the resignation of Sergey Kiriyenko's office). According to, Alexander Stalevich's relations with the new prime minister were not the most rainbow. In his reports and reports, President Voloshin often criticized the approach of the New Cabinet.

Vladimir Putin, Alexander Voloshin and Boris Yeltsin

In March 1999, President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin appointed Voloshin the head of his administration. In this position, the State Department will be a member of the most of the various political events: from the resignation of the Government of Yevgeny Primakov and the scandalous dismissal of the Prosecutor General Yuri Scaratov before the appointment of the new Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and the creation of a new Unity block.

In the same year, in the summer, Alexander Stalevich was elected chairman of the Board of Directors of RAO UES of Russia and subsequently re-elected several times to this post until 2008.

The change of power in 2000 did not affect the career of the Yeltsinskoye. With the beginning of the board of Vladimir Putin Voloshin retained his post and worked for 3 years, becoming one of the "Starokilov" of the team of the ex-president with a new government. Only in October 2003, Alexander Stalevich resigned, freeing his post to his successor - Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. The forerunner of dismissal a number of political media call the arrest of the heads of "Yukos" Mikhail Khodorkovsky.

Alexander Voloshin and Vladimir Putin

Until 2004, politicians remain a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, after which it actually completely goes out of a policy in a big business. Until 2008, it remains as part of the Management Board of the UES of Russia, then the former State Department is invited to head Norilsk Nickel JSC. From this post, the manager leaves 2 years of work - in 2010.

The following should be a series of appointments, among which the most significant - head of the International Finance Center, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Uralkali (until 2014). Since 2012, Alexander Voloshin has been chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC First Truck Company. Also included in the Board of Directors of Yandex. According to the "Forbes" rating, Voloshin is included in the list of richest Russians and with a state of $ 5 billion is located in the 7th place.

Along with this, the media is periodically reporting for new projects for ex-policies, and now a businessman. For example, he owns a 12% stake in the Genome Ventures Venture Fund, which stimulates projects in the field of medicine, e-commerce, financial technologies, social networks. It has investments in the Russian startup Genotek working on discoveries in genetic engineering.

Personal life

On the subject of personal life, the former Kremlin administrator never gave an interview. From the official biography know about two worshin marriages. The first is still in early youth. The chief of Alexander became the girl named Natalia Belyaeva. In 1976 their first-mentioned Ilya was born. Now he is busy in the banking sector.

Alexander Voloshin and his son Ilya

The second wife was the policy of Galina Timurazova. Three children were born in this marriage: two sons (1995 and 2001) and daughter (2005).

Photo family businessman does not advertise. Alexander Stalevich is active in social networks, preferring Twitter with a popular "instagram".

Alexander Voloshin now

In 2018, the media appeared in the media that Alexander Voloshin and businessman Roman Abramovich turned out to be secret investors in American Energy Energy Ethane. The transaction took place at the end of 2017 and had a value of $ 26 billion.

Alexander Voloshin in 2019

In 2019, the name Voloshin appeared among those who were instructed for the ex-minister Mikhail Abyzov, along with such figures as Anatoly Chubais and Arkady Dvorkovich.


  • 2016 - Order "For merit before the fatherland" IV degree

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