Bruno Kremer - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Death Cause, Films



Talented French actor Bruno Kremer remember the audience on the series "Megre", where she reincarnated to the image of the Commissioner - a character of numerous works of George Siemeon. As many as 14 years old, a man spent on the set of this tape, parallel to the time to remove in other paintings. His filmography industry consists of 90 films.

Childhood and youth

Kremer was born on October 6, 1929 in the French city of Saint-Manda, where his biography began. The nationality of the actor is definitely not known, since the mother (by profession a musician) on the origin of Belgian, and the father-businessman was born in France (Lille City). The head of the family had the Citizenship of Belgium, which received after the Armed Forces of France refused to accept the service during the First World War. But Bruno himself was officially considered a citizen of France and basically spent all his childhood in Paris.

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The dream of becoming an actor appeared at Bruno in 12 years, therefore, after graduating from a private school, the young man enters the Higher National Conservatory of Dramatic Art. The family was supported in all, the Kremer himself told him about this in an interview. After a long time she worked in the theater, during this period the roles of "perfect husband", "Pericles", "Beckett or Honor of God", "Pozhnaya Bito, or Dinner" appeared on the list of his work. Although the main thing he considered the work on the stage, all the time sought to be filmed in the films, and he was lucky.


For the first time on television, the Kremer appears in 1952 in the film "Long teeth", and after another 5 years - in the picture "Send a woman there, where the devil will not cope with the participation of Alena Delon. Then he got insignificant roles, and therefore a man did not remember the viewer, but he managed to gain experience and see the film from the inside, which was in the future it helped in work.

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In 1961, Bruno is invited to the criminal drama "dying from love," where he coped with the character - the terrens inspector. And a year later, I appeared as a doctor in an extreme picture "All for all".

The first fans gave him job in another tape. She became the military drama "317th platoon" in 1965. There, the man was reincarnated in the Lilsdorf Adjutant. Further, the films with his participation began to go out one after the other - the "fabulous adventure of Marco Polo" (1965), "Lie Paris" (1966), "Strying" (1967), "Killer for His Majesty" (1968), "Time to kill "(1970).

In 1976, Kremer is invited to a major role in the "Private Detective" melodrama, where Vanessa Paradi and Jean-Paul Belmondo worked on the same platform. And after another 2 years, I performed the main character in the Claude Dram cell "Everyone's chance" with Romi Schneider and Claude Bronsser.

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In 1993, Kremera is name in Comedy Serzh Lerua "Night Taxi", and in parallel with this from 1991 to 2005 a man worked in the series "Megre". This is a detective tape created by the works of George Siemeon, telling about the Megre Commissioner, which has its own investigation method.

Thanks to this, he became the best detective of France. Each crime character shares in its inherent leisurely manner, and its actions always lead to the disclosure of true causes of murder. For 14 years of broadcasting on the screens came out 54 series with Bruno in the lead role.

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Although this series became the longest in the acting career Bruno, he was not the first and not the last. In 1979, a man starred in the Eastern Express Multiserry Tape, in 1988 - in the "Secret Dossier of the Lawarden Inspector" and "Medicine for People", and another year later in "Spring-4".

Soon the Kremer played the main character in the Comedy Abdelcrima Bakhlul "Vampire in Paradise" with Brick Fossa and Lor Marsak. And next, continued to work in the 6th part of the "spruit", as in the past parts, in the image of antonio espinos.

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In 2000, Kremer appeared on television scans in the picture of Francois Ozone "under the sand". Bruno, together with Charlotte Rampling played the main role - the actors appeared in the image of the marine couple and Jean, who rest in the seaside region of the Landa, in the west of France. In one day, a man disappears, and his spouse will have to find out - it is a strange, stupid and reliable death or a planned and crazy deed.

Another picture with the participation of Bruno, who remembered the viewer, is the drama Jose Giovanni "My Father". The actor, together with Vincenom Leker, Rufuel and Michel, performed a major role. He played Joe, who was not a good father, as all his free time devoted to poker game. The sons of men grew up and fell under the influence of their uncle Santos, which produced extortion and robbery. Having become puppets in his hands, the young men hit the trouble. And only then Joe realized how the kids are dear to him.

Personal life

The Frenchman's personal life is of interest from fans. The press is known that the man was married twice. For the first time, marriage tied himself to his youth, a son was born from this union. Stefan Kremer did not follow the footsteps of his father, he chose another profession, no less creative, and became a writer. The reasons forcing the actors to divorce with the first wife, remain for the press unknown.

For the second time, a man married in 1984, Chanthal Kremer became his chief, she had no relation to cinematography, all his life worked as a psychiatrist. How exactly their acquaintance happened, remains a mystery. In this marriage, a man gained real happiness that shared his wife to the end of his life. And she gave him two children - both daughters. Today they have already matured, they work and build their lives, none of them become an actress.

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For his career, the Kremer not only starred in films. In 2000, a man published the autobiographical work "Un Certain Jeune Homme". True, the actor illuminated not all his life, but only early years, until the death of his father.

Bruno a lot of time devoted to work, but the profession of actor did not allow him to relax. Until the end of his life, he tried to keep the figure in shape, and he managed. With an increase in 183 cm its weight was 79 kg. It is well noticeable in the photo and video recordings with the actor.


During his life, Kremer was an avid cigar smokers, which probably caused cancer of the tongue and pharynx. This diagnosis was the cause of the death of a talented artist, which 2 years suffered from pain, was treated, but everything was unsuccessfully. He died in the Paris Hospital in August 2010, the Panhid and Funeral took place in 5 days.

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France Minister France Frederick Mitteran noted that the country lost the great actor, and Prime Minister Francois Fiyon called the Krevert man "with numerous talents" and added that he was always demanding at work. President Nicolas Sarkozy, named Bruno, the bright and noticeable figure of French cinema.


  • 1952 - "Long teeth"
  • 1957 - "When a woman interferes"
  • 1965 - "317th platoon"
  • 1970 - "For smile"
  • 1975 - "flesh orchid"
  • 1980 - "Even the girls have a vague conscience"
  • 1983 - "Cruel game"
  • 1987 - "Island"
  • 1991 - "Money"
  • 1991-2005 - "Megre"
  • 1992 - "Vampire in paradise"
  • 1993 - "Night Taxi"
  • 2000 - "under the sand"
  • 2000 - "My Father"
  • 2003 - "King above the clouds"

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