Noah Wile - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Constancy and purposefulness of this Hollywood actor can only be envied. Noah Wileli became famous for the role in the popular series "Ambulance" and managed to hold out in the project of 11 seasons, putting a kind of TV record. And although his film train after that went up, the main projects remain on the small screen.

Childhood and youth

NAA Stasser Sport Wilely was born on June 4, 1971 in Hollywood, California. Father Stephen Wiley - an electrician engineer, according to some sources, has Russian-Jewish roots. Mother Marjori Spear - orthopedic nurse.

Grandma and grandparents belonged to the sphere of art and science. Edith Wilely was an expressionist artist, and Frank Wilely is the founder of Wileli's laboratory serving the NASA division. Together they created the museum of crafts and folk art in Los Angeles.

Noah is the middle of three children with a married couple. And after the next marriage of Mother (Marjori and Stephen divorced in the late 70s), in addition to the siblings and sisters, he also had three pivot. Stepfather, the Kinorestorer James Katz, led to the common family of his offspring from the previous marriage.

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Young Wileli studied at School Taucher in Ouhai, graduated from 1989. Then the young man began to attend the course of theatrical art in the North-West University. While still a student, began to write plays and even received rewards for his work.

The resulting formation of NAA seemed not enough, and he continues to study in a private manner, takes the lessons of acting skills in Larry Moss and parallel looking for the first roles, upheavaling the thresholds of casting agencies, abundant in California.


The first roles were tiny. In 1990-1991, he starred in the films "blind faith", "dishonest hearts", "a few good guys." The last picture was nominated for Oscar and was successful at the box office, thanks to which Wilely noticed and in 1994 they were invited to the new series "Ambulance". The project on labor weekdays of the district hospital of the city of Chicago launched the NBC television channel.

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Wileli offered the role of a medical student John Carter. California has become the most young acting participant. He was so burned into the role of his loving hero that his game was repeatedly nominated for Emmy television premiums, Golden Globe. And in 1996-1999, he received the award "Best Acting Dramatic Series" from the guild of actors.

For 12 years of continuous operation on the set of ambulance, the actor starred in over two dozen films and TV shows. In 1994, he was noted in the comedy "My Beauty", and in 1995 played in the episode of the cult series "Friends".

In 1999, director Martin Burk invites NAA to his film "Pirates of Silicon Valley" on the history of the creation of Microsoft and the emergence of the first personal computer. Wilelight played one of the main roles - the founder of Apple Steve Jobs.

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Two years later, in the filmography of the actor, the first cash film "Donnie Darco" appears with Jake Gyllenhol in the lead role. While plays the role of the second plan - Dr. Kenneth Monnotoff.

A negative role in the NAA in a thriller "is enough for me" (2002). The main roles in the painting played Jennifer Lopez (Slim) and Bill Campbell (Mitch). Mitch is a former policeman, and now a rich contractor, after the wedding becomes real tyrant. Slim, tired of beatings, runs away from him, but she will have to stand up for himself, having met with Mitch one on one. Noah plays a friend Mitch - Robbie, who helps to track down a beggles.

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In 2004, a project "Librarian" appears in the actor's creative piggy bank, in which he has the first central role. Hero Wile - Flynn Karsen, who loves to learn so much that there are already 22 higher education. But one day he was expelled from the university, and the need to look for work leads him to the library, where Flynna is waiting for a dangerous and fascinating position of the keeper.

Until 2008, the actor is filmed in 3 parts of the TV project, producing very rating and popular. Shortly before the filming of the 3rd part, in 2006, Wilely left the "ambulance", explaining his decision to the desire to spend more time with his family and friends, as well as to free the place for the younger generation of actors. Nevertheless, in 2009, the artist participates in the shooting of the 15th, last, television series season.

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In 2008, the film of Oliver Stone "Bush", dedicated to George Bush's biographies, is coming to the screens. Wilely the second time after Steve Jobs in the "Pirates of Silicon Valley" plays a real historical character - Donald Evans, the 34th Minister of Commerce and the President of the President.

In 2011-2015, a project "The collapsing heavens" entered the list of the most rating fantasy series. Noah Wileli played the main character of the plot - Professor of the history of Tom Mason, who assumes an important mission - save the land from alien spark-like invaders. For this role, the artist was nominated for the Saturn Prize.

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2017 is marked by the main role in full meter. Wileli played the sound engineer Mark Newman in the independent drama Jeremy Kagan. Mark randomly wounds a crazy bullet, released from a teenager pistol. Pain and resentment give birth to a desire to revenge in it.

In 2018, Naa Wileli gave tribute to his Russian roots and played in the series "Romanov", telling about people living in different parts of the world and call themselves the descendants of a crowded family.

Personal life

The actor does not make secreys from his personal life. For the first time, he married the makeup of Tracy Warbin. The couple has lived together for 9 years and has become the parents of two children - the son of Owen Stasser Wileli (2002) and daughter Oden Wileli (2005). The official divorce of spouses took place in 2010.Embed from getty images

The second wife of the artist became the actress Sarah Wels, the younger than 8 years. In this marriage, NAA will grow up the daughter of Francis Harper Wileli (2015).

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In his free time, a man loves to play basketball (an actor's height - 185 cm), also enjoys photography, adore animals and consists in the wildlife protection fund. In an interview, the celebrity calls on its fans to take care of the planet.

Noah Wile now

In 2019, the fans of NAA Wileli are watching his game in the project "Red Line". The series started at the end of April and is now on the CBS channel.

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The actor played Daniel Kerder, who loses his black spouse of Harrison Brennon due to a police officer. The drama addresses the resonant theme of racial discrimination.


  • 1992 - "Some good guys"
  • 1994 - "Ambulance"
  • 1999 - "Pirates of Silicon Valley"
  • 2001 - Donney Darco
  • 2002 - "Enough with me"
  • 2004 - "Librarian: In search of a spear of fate"
  • 2006 - "Librarian 2: Return to King Solomon"
  • 2008 - "Librarian 3: Curse of Judah Bowl"
  • 2008 - "Bush"
  • 2011 - "The collapsed heavens"
  • 2017 - "Shot"
  • 2018 - "Romanov"

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