Aydar Galimov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



And although Bashkortostan is rich in the national singers and pleased anyone who promotes songs in their native language, for many years already the most beloved of them remains Aydar Galimov. On his speeches is always anchlag. And satisfied listeners do not cease to sing along with his lyrical hit "Sin Mime" and honor their idol both in the major cities of the republic and in its districts. The performer also shows the result of the deputy elections in 2011 - almost 90% of the vote.

Childhood and youth

In 1967, the teacher Bibinur Galimovna, perhaps, made the best gift to the wife of Minnigani Bakhtiganievich, who worked as a driver, who was gave birth to the son of Aidar to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. The family then lived in a small Kazakh village, where he went to raise virgin. But as soon as the child turned a year, returned to his native Bashkortostan. Also, Aidar has an older sister of fanasia, which also subsequently devoted himself to pedagogy.

It is known that the grandfather of the maternal line managed to return from the war, and the other was listed missing. Galimov is still trying to find his traces, refer to the appropriate search organizations, but these positive results have not yet brought.

"My grandmother my mother sang perfectly, she had an amazing voice and interesting songs. I regret that I did not have time to write them down. Music always sounded in our family. Father played on Taliance, and Mom sang. They even acted together in folk theaters. So it is not surprising that I became a creative person, "says the singer.

From an early age, the boy had a friendly character, easily converged with people and started friends, after the elders learned to play the accordion and tried to sing. At 14, a new section appeared in the biography of the future celebrity - Ufa and Watt, now college.

Here the guy, besides studies, carried away by homemade: bought a student ensemble with comrades who performed not only folk songs, but also in the style of rock. Of course, the repertoire of the famous countryman Yuri Shevchuk used in particular attention.

At the end of the technical school gave the debt home in the Airborne Forces. Then, returning from the army, became a student of Jurfak Bashhh, and then conquered the Pedagogical University in the capital of the neighboring Tatarstan.


In 2019, it was 30 years old from the Triumphal Debut of Galimov at the festival organized in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Native Republic. And in less than 12 months, he took the post of soloist in the local ensemble, then created a separate studio of the same name.

Since 1993, the first tour - Russia, Uzbekistan, Finland, Latvia and other countries began. A turn and the premiere album came, "Tugan Kөneң white!" Appeared. In the future, the discography was replenished from year to year. As a result, the 50th anniversary of Idara Ganievich in 2017 was gained by 24 compilations in MP3I DVD format.

Despite the fact that Galimov is a national singer, in his repertoire, in addition to Bashkir and Tatar songs, singles in English, Uzbek and, of course, Russian.

With the People's and Honored Artist of the two republics, he was honored for the honor of playing his no less titled colleagues - Vasil Fattahova ("Eytelmegen Mohebback"), Lydysh Nigmatzyanova ("Kyzyl Rosallar), as well as relatives. In Arsenal Galimov there are duets with his wife and younger daughter.

With all the titles, the titles and comprehensive love of the listeners of Aidar Ganievich from the so-called Star Disease did not suffer. Felicly supported young talents and always politely and flattered about the "colleagues", which, albeit much younger, but are already popular.

To the question of conflict, where Elvin Gray and Salavat Fatkhetdinov were in different barricades, answered like this:

"This is, of course, the conflict of the older and the younger as a whole generation. I agree with that. We also thought that all my life we ​​would sing, and all my life we ​​will be cool, and all our lives we will be popular. And it seems that young people never reach us. And here this case happened, and with this you need to accept. "

In 2017, Galimov gave a big concert on the occasion of his half a century anniversary. The birthday name fell asleep with plush toys (according to tradition later donated to orphanages), flowers, picturesque paintings and even handed a chocolate balalaica. The singer Alsu, and the politician Valentina Matvienko also sent their greetings. According to rumors, 1 million rubles was spent on the show.

Personal life

In the personal life of the performer, everything is harmonious and calmly, because with him a hand in hand for many years is a favorite wife Zille Maretdinova. Young people met in his youth when they studied in one technical school, and since then they did not part.

"I'm Tatar, my wife Bashkarka. Our children know both languages. My spouse spoke great on Tatar, and I'm on Bashkir. Every language is wealth. I believe that Bashkir language needs to be studied in Bashkir schools, and in Tatar - Tatar, it is not necessary for it to do this, "the man says.

After a wedding celebration, Guzel and Agiza appeared on the world, and for them on the day of cosmonautics - 2005 the long-awaited heir to Daniyar. Before marriage in 2014 and moving to Moscow, the eldest daughter worked on the local television, and the youngest of the early years showed vocal abilities and went on the scene with his father.

Now without her, not a single party, where it acts as a solo, and as part of the team "no one is cooler." The only son also shows a tendency to music.

In May 2016, the grace of Sofia's granddaughter was born in the couple of Galimov. Photos Aidar Ganievich can be found both in the personal account in "Instagram" and in the profiles of his children.

Aydar Galimov Now

In 2018, Aidar Galimov, together with Kuraist Robert Yuldashev, released a single "Do not explode" and the eponymous video in support of Shikhanov.

In mid-April 2019, the artist again pissed the listeners with a new duet. This time in Tandem with the Guzel, the previously famous song from his repertoire "Zhyrälem Tugan Yakta" has gained the second life. At the same time, the singer supported the share of "27 million steps for victory", organized by the radio station "Satellite FM".


  • 1995 - "Tugan Kөneң Belәn!"
  • 1997 - "Abaga Chianghe"
  • 2000 - "Aydar 2000"
  • 2000 - "Singles" Belәn 10 Elek Bergә "
  • 2001 - "Bit Beat Ul"
  • 2002 - "Yashәrgә, Ikәn, Yashәrgә!"
  • 2004 - "DәRVISH YULY"
  • 2005 - "SIRNE MYMEN җNanya" Navy "
  • 2005 - "Ellar. Yullar. Zhyrlar "
  • 2007 - "The best songs 1990-1995"
  • 2007 - "Sin Bulganda ..."
  • 2010 - "Homer Builup Baram"
  • 2010 - Altyn Collection 1990-2000, "Altyn Collection 2000-2010"
  • 2013 - Yazgan Yazdysybiz
  • 2017 - "Ak Hyallar"

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