Eduard Shevardnadze - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Former President of Georgia



Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze is the former president of Georgia. The existence of the Soviet political system, who managed to build a career from the lowest and climb on the political Olympus. His activity is assessed by descendants in different ways - someone believes that he saved Georgia during the period of the country's formation after the disintegration of the Union.Embed from getty images

Others criticize what he threw her when he went on American advisers who recommended to accept the "Rose Revolution" along with her leader Mikhail Saakashvili and refuse to power. In any case, Eduard Ambrosievich is a big reservoir in Georgian modern history. For the style in Politics Shevardnadze was called silver fox.

Childhood and youth

He was born on January 25, 1928 in the village of Matima Lanchhutsky district of the Georgian SSR. By nationality, Georgians. His father worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature, mother - housewife. The family was more familiar, and the names of children are unusual for Georgia. The student brother was called Evgraffic, the following - Iporate, the sister had the name of Venus.

"This is all the merit of our grandmother on his father. She had a privilege to give names to children. She was spent, educated and loved classic names, "Eduard Amvrosievich explained in an interview.

Only Brother Akaki received a traditional Georgian name. As for Eduard himself, his grandmother also called him too. Father of the family almost fell under repression. He was warned by one of the disciples, and the amvelone was forced to hide. Fortunately, for a large family, everything ended well.

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It is known that the older brother of Shevardnadze Akaki died at the 20th age when defending the Brest Fortress on June 22 in 1941.

From 10 years, Eduard begins to help parents and works by the postman. Mother and father dreamed to be the Son to become a doctor. In the Caucasus with parents will not argue, and Eduard left in Tbilisi. Here he entered the medical technique, which graduated with honors. Immediately after graduation, the position of the head of the department of the Komsomol was received.

In his youth, Shevardnadze manifest itself with an energetic Komsomol, often opposes Georgian youth with incendiary speeches. Senior comrades in the party, the Communists, notice an active young man and begin to promote it in the party nomenclature. Already in 25 years, Eduard becomes the first secretary of the Komsomol Gorm in Kutaisi.

Eduard Shevardnadze in youth

It is worth noting that the mother of Shevardnadze could not forgive the Son to the end of his life, that he was breathing his parents and went to them. She considered politics a blank business.

"It would be better to learn to facilitate my suffering," said Eduard woman.

Active political life did not distract him from obtaining higher education. He has a diploma of the Kutais Pedagogical Institute named after Alexander Tsulukidze.

Political activity

In 1956, the Communists gather in Moscow at the XX Congress Congress (the Communist Party of the Soviet Union), where Nikita Khrushchev is opposed to the cultivation of the personality of Stalin. After that, mass riots began in Tbilisi, in which young people are actively involved.Embed from getty images

As a result of the use of weapons, 21 people dies military. Against the background of this Kutaisi seems to be the island of calm - there is a stable setting. Historians cannot specifically argue that this was the merit of the first secretary of the town of Komsomol Shevardnadze, but he receives a new appointment - the responsible post of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the LKSM Georgian SSR is entrusted. During this period, at the XIII Congress of the Komsomol organization, a landmark event occurs - familiarity with Mikhail Gorbachev.

Since 1961, Shevardnadze continues his career in the ranks of the CPSU. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vasily Mzhavandze appoints Edward Amvrosievich by the First Deputy Minister of Protection of Public Order. Many considered it not promotion, but reference.

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In 1965, Shevardnadze heads the Ministry of Protection of the Procedure, renamed later to the Ministry of the Interior. His increase was promoted by the Communications Chairman of the USSR KGB Vladimir Semypass. It is in this position that he gets a nickname silver foxes for her gray, which appeared at that time, and the ability to leave the most difficult situations.

In this position, Shevardnadze marked the stripping of the ranks of the internal affairs bodies. Since the service "flew" the so-called bushovers in the shoulder, which made bribes.

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In 1972, he was appointed first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Georgian SSR. Immediately the campaign against corruption and the shadow economy begins. For one and a half years, Eduard Amvrosievich, dozens of ministers, secretaries of the district and towns, their deputies have lost their posts.

In 1978, the scandal is brewing in Georgia. In the new project of the Constitution of the Republic of the Georgian language did not attach the status of state. Mass protests begin. The conflict interferes with Shevardnadze, who convinced the country's leadership to make the Georgian people asking. Eyewitnesses of the event tell that after the call to Moscow and the conversation with the Gensen Leonid Brezhnev, Edward Amvrosievich came to the crowd and said:

"Brothers, everything will be the way you want!".

In 1985, Shevardnadze applies to the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR. Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the country. The decision causes an ambiguous reaction - Eduard Amvrosievich has no foreign policy experience. In addition, such a post obliges to own foreign languages, with which Shevardnadze also has problems. For this reason, it is initially categorically refused, but the order is an order.

Gorbachev as a strategist calculated that there is a special tactic to build relations with the West. By his plan, Shevardnadze should be the face of the policy of new thinking. And he succeeded. In an interview with the program "Visiting Dmitry Gordon", he leads an excerpt from the Biographical Book of the US President Ronald Reagan, who responds about him as a "Sympathetic Minister of Soviet Union."

Shevardnadze managed to "restart" relations with Western countries, thanks to which the long-term "cold war" was completed. With his participation, the conclusion of Soviet troops from the territory of Afghanistan was carried out.

In December 1990, in the VI Congress of People's Deputies, politician declares, the reason for which disagreements with Mikhail Gorbachev become. Evidence of the seriousness of his intentions is the immediate exit from the series of the Communist Party. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the politician remains in the center of attention of the press. With the coming to power, Boris Yeltsin about his return to Moscow and the new position does not and speech.

President of Georgia

In 1992, he is offered to take on the board of sovereign Georgia. He agrees, as it is confident that if he had not returned, the country would have died. In the same year, conflict arises between Georgia and Abkhazia, who expressed the desire to separate to an independent state. Georgian army in this confrontation suffers defeat after shelling by unknown aircraft. In the Abkhaz territory there are inter-ethnic performances.

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In the elections of 1995 and 2000, Shevardnadze wins in rivals, but he cannot become the leader of the Georgian people. Attempts twice take attempts. In 1995, he was wounded after the explosion of the bomb, and in 1998 he was alive thanks to the "Mercedes" armor.

In the fall of 2003, mass unrest after elections to parliament begins in the country. The opposition considers the results falsified. So begins the "Rose Revolution", which leads to the resignation of Shevardnadze. The whole world had shielded frames, as he was with associated hands from the meeting room.

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In biography, politics compete. The new authorities sent him to a retirement, the size of which is $ 410 monthly. Eduard Amvrosievich complained that he lacks this money to close utility payments. He continued to live in his residence. The state paid him to protect him, and the car presented the leadership of Germany.

His house was similar to the museum. The walls are many photos on which bright moments of saturated political life are captured.

Personal life

Being in the treatment in the sanatorium, Eduard meets the girl naughted Tsagareishvili. The feelings immediately flare up between young people. It turned out that the father was naughtered - the enemy of the people who had already been shot by that time. Despite this, Shevardnadze decides to marry a girl. He was caused to preventive conversations to the Central Committee, where they tried to explain the danger of an increasing act. But Eduard does not refuse the beloved.Embed from getty images

He was happy in his personal life. Two children were born in marriage: the son of Pate and the daughter of Manan. Spouses Shevardnadze became caring and loving grandfather and grandmother for four grandchildren. The wife was engaged in journalism, was friends with the famous healer Juna.

Spouse Edward Shevardnadze died in 2004 aged 75 years. The cause of death became a heart attack. Without beloved, the Georgian ex-president had lived for another 10 years.


The last years of the life of Eduard Amvrosievich was very ill. Death policy has come on July 7, 2014. On July 11, a civil servant was held, and two days later - the funeral. According to the will, the last refuge of Eduard Amvrosievich Shevardnadze became the courtyard of his Tbilisi house, near the grave was naughted.


  • 1981 - Hero of Socialist Labor
  • 5 orders of Lenin
  • Order of the October Revolution
  • 1985 - Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree
  • Order of Labor Red Banner
  • 1999 - Order of Prince Yaroslav Wise I degree

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