Pulsar - What is it, neutron stars, black holes, impulses, photos, new, white dwarfs


The universe is filled with myriads of stars, and our sun is only one of them, and far from the biggest (although superior to the size of the land of 300 thousand times). These space objects are similar to people: born, live and dying. But it happens the last after dozens or hundreds of billions of years. There are supergiant in space - the life of these stars ends with an explosion. This event scientists call the birth of supernova, followed by the appearance or black hole, or neutron star. Pulsar is a variety of the latter, which will be discussed in the material 24cm.

What cosmic objects are called pulsars

In astronomy, Pulsar is called a variety of neutron star - the rest of the giant, who survived the explosion. These small and dense celestial bodies rotate at a huge speed, therefore are sources of periodic radios, as well as optical, x-ray and gamma radiation. They emit impulses with a certain frequency. The frequency associated with the inclination of the magnetic field relative to the rotation axis is from 640 ripples per second to one or the only one for the integer five.

Such bodies relate to external variable stars, the brightness and the intensity of the radiation of which varies depending on the physical changes occurring in them.

Pulsary can not be seen from the ground with a naked eye. Radio telescopes will detect them - they capture radiation when the object turns to our planet emitting radio waves by the site. When a star turns the other party, the signal disappears.

Pulsar - What is it, neutron stars, black holes, impulses, photos, new, white dwarfs 117_1

In space, scientists have discovered a mass of bodies that emit radio emission with short impulses. Including quasars.

Quasars managed to detect in the 1960s, turning attention to the strange source of radio emission. These are active kernels of galaxies in size from about the solar system. Scientists find out that in the center of the Quasarov there are devouring black holes in a mass in billions of Suns, whose accretion disks are the most powerful sources of energy.

In the center of the Milky Way, perhaps, also there was a quasar of millions of years ago. Over time, the substance that the black hole could absorb is not enough, and this process stopped.

Supernova residues

Stars, the mass of which is 10 masses of our Sun and more, are called supergiants. These are space objects that increase over time - as long as the fuel inside does not run. As a result, the lights lose the source of thermonuclear reactions - the balance of gravity and energy is disturbed, which kept the star in space. It becomes the cause of the explosion, which scientists called the birth of supernova.

The explosion of supergianta highlights energy streams, and the upper layers of the former stars are flying around. The kernel at this moment can or collapse and turn into a black hole, or, if the masses are not enough to appeal to the "Matter's absorber", a neutron star will appear.

If this happens to the Sun, it will turn tragically for the Earth. However, for our luminaries, such a scenario is not suitable - the mass and size is too small. He is waiting for another fate. The sun will become white dwarf, but it will only happen in billions of years.

Types of Pulsarov

Scientists put forward the theories about the composition and structure of cosmic bodies using mathematical calculations. Astronomers believe that there are several types of pulsars:

  • Radiopulsary. One of the most common groups. These bodies emit radio pulses with a certain frequency. Radio telescopes are used to detect. Scientists think that the diameter of these stars is a matter of kilometers. The magnetic field makes the radiation shone similar to the spotlight beam.
  • Gamma Pulsary. These are the most powerful in the universe of gamma radiation sources - a type of electromagnetic radiation with an extremely small wavelength.
  • Optical. These objects can be detected in the optical range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • X-ray. Emit X-ray radiation. For such objects, variable impulses are characteristic.

Opening of Pulsarov

The first Pulsar found on November 28, 1967. The discovery made the postgraduate student of the University of Cambridge Joselin Bell. The researcher recorded incomprehensible signals, which first took over the interference. Over time, it was possible to establish that these impulses of extraterrestrial origin and their emissions not studied before this point the object.

It turned out to detect the source of the pulses. The signal oscillation period was 1.33 seconds. This testified to the excessive size of the object. Initially, the hypothesis appeared that the signal was sent by representatives of extraterrestrial civilization, and the object was called LGM-1 (Abbreviation - "Little Green Mens"). Further studies have shown that the aliens are not at what - "signaling" the remnants of the exploded star.

Famous Pulsary

Following finding Joselin Bell in 1968 opened a pulsar in the crabovoid nebula. He was discovered by David H. Steilin and Edward Rifenestein. With the help of a 300-foot radio telescope "Green-Bank", astronomers found two pulsating radio sources in nebulae. These objects are considered the most studied today.

Also, scientists found a pulsar and in the Milky Way, in the center of our galaxy. Astronomers examine it in order to obtain accurate information about the mass and temperature of the black hole found in this area.

In 2017, scientists found the NGC 5907 X-1 pulsar. It is located 50 million light years from the Earth in the Spiral Galaxy NGC 5907. For 1 second, the luminaire emits such a volume of energy as the sun for 3.5 years, which makes it the brightest of famous pulsars.

Photo of the NGC 5907 galaxy, which detected the brightest among the famous Pulsar NGC 5907 X-1 (https://sci.esa.int/web/xmm-newton/-/58819-NGC-5907-X1-RECORD-Breaking Pulsar)

Also, astronomers discovered a double star system consisting of two PSR J0737-3039A pulsars and PSR J0737-3039B. It was opened in 2003. While this is the only dual pulsar known for today.

Exact time

The objects under consideration in the material have such a stable frequency of pulses, which have all the chances to compete with atomic clock, the most accurate time meter used by humanity. Russian scientists became interested in the stability of the ripples of the cosmic body and suggested that the pulsar is useful to taste time. Signals such a star are suitable for creating a new type of ultra-compound clocks that may be used for experiments in fundamental physics.

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