Dmitry Likhachev - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, books



Proceedings of an outstanding philologist, art historian and culturologist Dmitry Likhachev little familiar to the modern generation. However, the biography of the scientist came out so richly that the events of his life would be enough for the collection of intriguing novels about Russia of the 20th century period. And they would have a place for disasters, wars and contradictions.

Likhachev was born in the silver age of Russian culture, and died a year before the beginning of the Third Millennium. His books, quotes, stories still in the life of the author became a grand heritage, the study of which can help the Russian people to preserve the spiritual traditions of their native culture.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev appeared on the light 28 (15) of November 1906 in St. Petersburg. His family belonged to the intelligentsia and had modest financial prospect. Sergey Mikhailovich's father worked as an electrician engineer, in the mother of Vera Semenovna worked as a household.

In adolescence, the young man defined for himself that he wants to study literature and language, so after receiving the classical secondary education, I successfully passed the entrance exams in the University of Leningrad and entered the local philological department of the Faculty of Public Sciences.

In the student years, Likhachev was one of the members of the semi-propelled mug, who studied the ancient Slavic philology. In 1928, the guy was arrested by presenting a standard accusation of anti-Soviet activity. In the punishment of Dmitry sent to the Solovetsky Islands located in the White Sea. Some time later, he was sent to engage in the construction of the White Coon, and in the 1932th, ahead of schedule.

Despite the fact that the young man because of a ridiculous coincidence passed through the suffering and Stalinist camps, for many years of imprisonment did not break him. Returning to his homeland in Leningrad, Likhachev was able to graduate from higher education and achieved reassembling condoms. In the future, he gave all his strength and time to scientific work. The experience gained in camps has repeatedly helped a scientist with philological studies.

Science and creativity

During the beginning of the war, Dmitry Sergeevich was in a blockade Leningrad, not stopping the study of the Old Russian chronicles. One of his works of that period was devoted to the defense of domestic cities during the period of Tatar-Mongol invasion. The man was able to evacuate from his hometown in Kazan only in the summer of 1942, where he continued to engage in science.
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His works in the field of philology and history slowly, but rightly started to gain increasing influence and authority in Russian intellectual circles. And recognition all over the world Dmitry Sergeevich received thanks to extensive fundamental research in a variety of spheres of philology and Russian culture from the beginning of Slavic writing to modern events.

Probably, no philologist did not investigate him and did not describe the millennial content of spirituality, as well as Slavic and Russian culture so large-scale and comprehensive way. Academician Likhachev studied their unrealized relationship with worldwide intellectual and cultural vertices. The unconditional merit of the scientist was also expressed in the fact that for many years he accumulated and distributed scientific forces on the most important research directions.

After the years later, the former Leningrad University, again entitled St. Petersburg, is still famous for the fact that in it the same time accumulated knowledge, and later Dmitry Likhachev was supervised for a long year. The fate of the culturologist was inextricably intertwined with the legendary Russian university.

Not less than forces and time than in scientific activities, the talented academician was investing in the educational. For many decades, a man did everything in order to bring his own views and thoughts to the mass audience.

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And he achieved his own - on his programs broadcast on central television in the second half of the 1980s, a whole generation of those who currently belong to the intellectual elite of Russian society was brought up. These transmissions were free communication from the audience from the audience from different ages and social layers.

Until the last days of his life, Dmitry Sergeyevich continued to engage in editorial and publishing activities, self-subtracting and adjusting the manuscript of beginner scientists. An interesting fact is that the Academician considered his obligatory duty to respond to all countless correspondence, which sometimes came to his address from the most distant cities of the country from those who were not indifferent to the fate of the homeland and the domestic culture of people.

It is also important to note that Dmitry Likhachev categorically intolerantly referred to the manifestation of nationalism in any form. He was an opponent of conspiracy doctrines in the awareness of historical events and did not consider it true to recognize the Messianic role in human civilization for Russia.

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Academician Likhachev never betrayed his love for the city on the Neva. He was not once suggested to move to Moscow, but for a man it was impossible. Indeed, in the Pushkin House, where the Institute of Russian Literature was located, Dmitry Sergeevich worked in a total of over 60 years.

For its long and saturated creative biography, a talented philologist and art historian has become the author of large-scale work related to the history of Old Russian and Russian literature, as well as local culture. His Peru belonged more than 40 works, most of which are translated into different languages.

Personal life

The personal life of the doctor of philological sciences was exemplary. He loved one woman all his life named Zinaida, who was his wife and mother of their common children. With his beloved woman, Dmitry Sergeevich met in 1932, when it settled the position of the corrector to the Leningrad Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences. In their union, on the memories of the granddaughter of philologist, not only love reigned until the end of the days, but also mutual respect.

Dmitry Likhachev and his wife Zinaida

Five years later, two twin girls were born in the name of Vera and Lyudmila. Subsequently, when the daughters became adults and created their families, they lived along with their parents in the extensive apartment of Likhachev for a long time. Dmitry was a romantic and family, and in life, and in business. He lived very modestly and worthy.


In the autumn of 1999, Dmitry Sergeevich was put in the Botkin hospital in St. Petersburg. In a medical institution, a man survived an oncological surgery, which, as the doctors argued, gave the ghostly hope to improve his physical condition. However, the chances were not justified, and after two days, during which Likhachev was unconscious, the scientist died.

Thus, the cause of the death of Likhachev, who happened on September 30, became an old age (he was 93 years old) and problems with the intestine. The funeral of an outstanding academician was held at the St. Petersburg settlement Komarovo on October 4. The monument set on his grave, designed by the photo Dmitry Likhacheva talented sculptor Vladimir Vasilkovsky. Oven the scientist in Prince-Vladimir Cathedral at 12 o'clock in the afternoon.


"There is a deep distinction between patriotism and nationalism. In the first - love for your country, in the second - hatred to all others. "" Happiness reaches the one who seeks to make happy others and can at least forget about their interests, about themselves. "" To live in moral terms it is necessary If you had to die today, but to work as if you were immortal. "" Cognition must be objectively and for sure. Only then it is effective, only then it is knowledge. "" Youth is all life. "


  • 1950 - "Tale of Bygone Years"
  • 1952 - "The emergence of Russian literature"
  • 1955 - "Calovo about the regiment of Igor. Historical and literary essay"
  • 1958 - "Man in the literature of ancient Russia"
  • 1981 - "Notes on Russian"
  • 1983 - "Native Earth"
  • 1984 - "Literature - Reality - Literature"
  • 1985 - "Past - Future"
  • 1986 - "Studies on Old Russian literature"
  • 1989 - "On Philology"
  • 1994 - "Letters of good and beautiful"

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