Sergey Ashimmin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



A bright brunette with original vocals conquered the hearts of the audience while still participant in the 7th season of the musical reality show "Star Factory". The project provided the Contractor to the Pastrad's path as part of the Yin-Yang Quartet, which produced Konstantin Meladze. And after completing the work with him, the artist took up the solo career. Sergey Ashinymin himself calls damn charming and endlessly a talented guy, and most of his fans agree with such a definition.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Ashikhmin was born on May 18, 1987 in Arkhangelsk. Parents Alexander and Irina Anchimines moved to Alexin, which is not far from Tula, immediately after the birth of Serezha. As a child, he spent most of the time, therefore he considers native exactly this old Russian city. In addition to him, another child was brought up in the family, the brothers were friendly in the youth years.

The guy's childhood has passed in his peer games. School years (studied in the 13th Aleksinsky gymnasium) were also interesting: Seryozha participated in amateur activities, in contests, quizzes, productions, school kVN. Teachers gladly encouraged the creative gusts of a moving artistic student.

In the late 90s, Serezha was signed up in a ballroom dance circle. And from 11 years old began to participate in All-Russian dance tournaments. This passion he continued until 15 years, after which he changed the direction. He was interested in choreography, Sergey began to study Break Dance and soon reached his execution of great skills.

The guy often worked in clubs, performing its own rooms. And soon, Ashchenmin opened his own Break Dance School, in which he began to perform a show, and even suits shill himself. At the same time, the dancer took up and musical education - began to take vocal lessons.

At 16, Sergey left to conquer Moscow, the benefit of the reason for this was the appropriate - the guy entered the Moscow Institute of Contemporary Art, at the Faculty of Sustained Jazz Vocal. In parallel with study, the student began to storm castings in the field of show business. At first, the guy helped his spectacular appearance - a pretty brunet with an increase in 185 cm steel to invite as a model to fashionable shows, advertising shooting, etc.

Personal life

The man always had a sea of ​​fans. His exotic appearance often causes questions from fans regarding his nationality, but Sergey does not talk about the roots of the family.

At the dawn of a career his personal life, the artist arranged only with colleagues on show business. So, at the end of the "Star Factory", the novel between Sergey and another Soloist "Yin-Yang" Tatiana Bogacheva broke out.

A beautiful couple, however, quickly broke up, without commenting the reasons, but inside the collective the guys retained a good relationship. The other choices of the singer was the model, the participant of the show "Vacation in Mexico" Amin Andreeva.

In 2013, it became known about the Aluminum novel with the daughter of a famous politician, the ex-governor of the Khabarovsk Territory and Vice-President Rosneft, Viktor Ishaev - Julia. The girl then worked in the Ministry of Economic Development and often appeared in the secular capital dusovka. She arrived at the opening of the Shergei Showerma - the singer was fond of clothing design and, as soon as the opportunity appeared, began the release of Casual clothing under the Ashihmin Design brand.

A close acquaintance took place at the birthday of Julia. After this evening, the couple flew to vacation in Dubai. Since then, the singer and secular lioness began to live in a civil marriage, like a husband and wife. Sergey found a common language with his beloved children. Yulia Veronica's younger daughter constantly lives with his mother, and the eldest son Vlad is brought up with the parents of Julia in Khabarovsk.

In 2019, the name of the singer surfaced because of the arrest of Yulia Ishava's father - the accusation sounded like theft of Rosneft funds in particularly large sizes. Against the background of this news, some sources wrote that Sergey and Julia are no longer living together, but this information is not confirmed. However, only single photos can be seen in Instagram-Acanut of Aluminum.

In August 2020, Sergey became the Father. This artist reported on social networks by publishing photos with a newborn and reinforcing it with a concise message: "Ashimin Leon. 08/13/2020. Weight - 3530. Growth - 53 cm. Commentators were not so restrained in emotions, singer's subscribers congratulated Serezhu and Yuly with a replenishment in the family, wished good health, love and speedy recovery of childbirth.


Sergey did not leave dreams about the scene, he with persistence submitted applications for vocal contests. On the casting of the same "star factory" he went more than once, and only with the fifth attempt he smiled at luck. The producer of the 7th season Konstantin Meladze approved the candidacy of Ashinhin and booked his place in the star house.

"Three songs sang on Casting in a row - two Dima Bilan and one Michael Jackson. But I think that in the first place they looked at the telegenyism, on how the character would look at the project at all, and to intonate the voice, "the musician recalls that period.

On the show, the young man showed himself a desperate workaholic. His numbers have repeatedly became the winners of the audience votes and honored praise from the Matrov Estrad. Especially everyone remembered the composition "Plus and Minus", with which the artist performed on the stage of the "Factory" and passed the next stage.

Seryozha performed songs by duet with stars such as Zara, Natalia Podolskaya, Vladimir Presnyakov. But the most comfortable and at the same time an excitement has become a performance with the legend of Sophia Rotaru.

In the same place, on the project, the soloist found a friend in the face of another "manufacturer" Mark Tishman, made friends with Natasha Tumshevitz and Anastasia Prikhodko, who became the main prize-winner of the season. Sergey was also on the winners' pedestal, but not alone, but as part of the Yin-Yang group, which Konstantin Meladze has previously created. The team, in addition to Sergey, was entered by Artem Ivanov, Tatiana Bogacheva and Julia Parkshuta. The guys were divided together with the group "bis" 3rd place. The finale of the project took place under the curtain of 2007.

After the "factory" in the biography of Sergei Ashinhmin, a new chapter has begun, associated with a large scene. The first hit of 2008 was the song "Karma", and in September, the Kamikadze composition appeared, which conquered prestigious musical charts. The musicians plunged into a series of tour, album records, shooting clips, television shows.

In 2011, Julia Parashut, by choosing a solo career, and in 2012, the team of its popular care, and in 2012, the team breaks up with the producer of Konstantin Meladze. Left in the composition of the trio and without a composer, Ashinhmin and Ivanov begin to write songs themselves. In this work, such compositions were born as "Dawn", "Dance", "Thailand", "Cool".

In 2016, Sergey decided to leave the team to develop a solo career after 9 years of command work. However, the singer also had one-time solo projects. For example, in 2012, he fulfilled the soundtrack for the film "Lecturer" - the song "On the sight", in 2013, sang the composition "Black Cat", written specifically for him.

"It was hard to leave the team, working in it for many years, but it is necessary to go ahead, and interests, and the musical tastes with the guys we went away," he said then in an interview.

In the same year, his debut song "Stand" sounded, which became the "first swallow" of the new album. In 2018, the famous songs of the singer "Everything you wanted," see "appeared. He began touring tour with them and nearby songs.

In 2018, the singer recorded two songs - "indispensable" and "bad". The solo career brought him new concerts with which Ashikhmin traveled through the cities of Russia. But more often, Sergei's speeches took place at private events, premiums and urban holidays.

Most of the time he occupied the development of his own brand. The designer opened the child's direction and began to create clothes for the whole family.

But Sergey did not forget about the musical career. At first, Ashchenmin presented a new song "Metaphor", and at the end of December 2019 he took a clip on it, which published on his own channel to Yutubeub. It all starts on the seashore, the location for shooting Sergey chose unusual, she became a lighthouse, at the top point of which the artist sings into the microphone. Part of the plot was shot in the forest, where a man is pierced through thickets and desperately runs somewhere.

And for 3 months before this event, the premiere of the clip was held on the song "That's how", about his shooting, the artist told in advance on his page in "Instagram", promising the subscribers of "something new".

Sergey Ashinymin now

As with the other stars of the Russian show business, at the time of the pandemic, which began in 2020 around the world, the anchmina had to temporarily suspend concert activities. But he did not stop working in the studio during the self-insulation. And after the removal of restrictions, gradually began to enter the usual rhythm of life. The artist has its own official website through which those who wanted can contact him about a corporate party or concert.

But the family is now more worried about the rest. The new father tries to pay more time to the son and the civilian wife.


2007 - "Stars factory 7 brothers Meladze"

2010 - Big Love Show

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