Isabella Yuryeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Romance



Retroybeans performed by Isabella Yuryeva belong to the era of pattephonic plates and black-and-white cinema, and the voice of the singer reminds of non-faithful time. The woman was shone in the 30s of the 20th century, and when it was accepted to sing socialist ideals and labor feats, her counterpart was withdrawn by the soul of messing about love and separation. Yuriev nicknamed white gypsy for the incomparable execution of gypsy romances. The artist lived a long life, disintegrating the glory, oblivion and have time to celebrate the 100th anniversary.

Childhood and youth

Isabella Danilovna Yuryeva found the outgoing 19th century, born in August 1899. In the documents of the singer stood another date - 1902. This inconsistency is explained by the fact that Soviet celebrities with the introduction of the passport system sought to "adjust" age in their favor. So, according to Faina Ranevskaya, Lyubov Orlova and at all "Bachelor" for a dozen years.

Yurieva - the alias of the artist, she was born under the name Livikov. Girl's parents worked in the theater, engaged in makeup and costumes. Father Daniel Grigorievich was famous for the master of theatrical hats. The Jewish large family of Livikov lived in Rostov-on-Don and was close to artistic circles. Their neighbor Efrem Zimbalist, who later became a violinist with a world-famous name, having heard how a young neighbor sings his parents to show a teaching girl.

And although the father was against the singer's career, she first came to the stage at the age of 16. It was a summer open stage in one of the parks of Rostov, and Isabella recalls with horror, as a mosquer fell into her mouth. Extrassed, the girl ran away from the stage, but found the courage to return and continue the speech, for which generously was rewarded with visual applause.

At the age of 17, the singer went to Petrograd to get on audition to a specialist of the conservatory. By that time, her older sister Anna had already received education as a pianist. In 1920, Isabella began to study vocals from composer Alexei Vladimirovich Taskin. The teacher was engaged in young giving, arguing that the voice of Yuryeva was delivered by the nature itself.


A fragile girl with a deep voice fell in love with the public, starting the metropolitan speeches from the exit to the scene of the "Colosseum" theater in 1922. Here the debutant is performed by the "Niche" Alexander Alyabyev. The charming and sincere singer immediately received a contract with the Leningrad Concert Association and began to record songs, receiving records for those times the fees.

Already in the 20s, she becomes a number of first-magnitude stars. And this is despite the fact that the repertoire of Yurieva is completely bourgeois and unwind. Favorite genres of Isabella Danilovna became a Russian romance and an old Gypsy song.

Blonde girl performed chargers with passion and a little noticeable "Lukaquin", which won the love of a simple viewer and the ruling elite, which in words despised the "Roma", and in fact invited Yuriev to speak at closed parties in the Kremlin. However, the year from year to year the party policy has tightened, and certain tasks began to take on creativity: to carry a proletarian culture, to sing a labor feat, to help the construction of a new society.

Songs about love and passion only made troubles and distracted people from the main goal - to build socialism. Therefore, "Art for the sake of art" was recognized if not harmful, it was useless, and indulged at best of the ridiculous, and at worst fell under a complete ban. Romance genre was infected with ideological trail, and Isabelle Yuryeva became difficult to do what she knew how and loved most.

And to sing customary conjunctory songs The woman refused. The singing of the recent favorite of the public was now called the vulgar and restaurant, and she left the stage until the end of the 1930s. By the time the passion was dull, and the actress could again speak. In 1937, the first phonographic record was held, and later the debut plate "Vintage romances and songs" was published, which was written for 4 years.

During the Great Patriotic War, the singer performed on the fronts, giving 100 with more than concerts in only the blockade Leningrad. The woman was ready to fulfill the patriotic repertoire, but the fighters asked her to fulfill loved romantic songs. And she sang "Sasha, do you remember our meetings?", "Blue handkerchief", "White Night".

In the post-war years in the biography of Yuryyeva, the period came again when her work fell under the ban. It was possible to speak only at the prefabricated concerts, to which the audience went, only to see her. However, from the mid-1960s Isabella Danilovna stops singing from the scene.

Personal life

Isabella Yuryeva was a recognized diva. From the photos of the days of youth, the viewer is watching beauty with an impeccable oval of faces, carefully laid soft curls and correct features. It is not surprising that the woman did not have shortcomings in the fans to which Samuel Marshak, Mikhail Zoshchenko and Josepha Stalin himself. However, in the personal life of the singer was one man - the poet songwriter Joseph Arkadyev (Epstein).

Joseph Arkadyevich became husband Yurieva in 1925, and they lived together to his very death, which came in 1971. The spouse performed the responsibilities of the administrator's administrator and wrote several songs for his beloved.

"If you remember, if you love," "Spring Song", "If you can, forgive," Danilovna repertoire is firmly entered into the repertoire. Husband wrapped his wife from the annoying fans, went with her towers, causing life, trying to turn the life with his beloved in a fairy tale. Their honeymoon passed in Paris.

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A happy couple was born a son, however, without surviving up to 2 years, Vladimir Epstein died of congenital heart defect. There were no more children from spouses. They lived in a three-hand alley of Moscow and spent all their free time at the cottage in Valentinovka, rode a boat on Klyazma, and guests were celebrated in the evenings. Joseph and Isabella were inseparable, and his death became the main loss in the life of a woman.


Isabella Yuryeva - a woman, before the old years, preserved elegance and a deep sense of self-esteem. In later records, the viewer sees a 93-year-old singer with a flawless grace, elegant hairstyle, not forgetting about make-up and manicure. Her voice is still strong and penetrated, although the performer does not sang on stage dozens of years. At this age, Yuryeva is honored by the title of folk artist of the Russian Federation.

For many years of observing Isabella Danilovna spent in a house in a threeproof alley. She did not record new albums, did not speak with the concerts and only occasionally gave an interview to connoisseurs of the Russian romance that did not forget about living legend.

On September 7, 1999, the Svetitsa celebrated the 100th anniversary of Russia, giving the Jubilee Concert, where her songs were singing Lyudmila Zykin, Nani Bregvadze, Joseph Kobzon and other pop stars. The conviction of the celebration and herself performed a fragment of the romance about chrysanthemum, by saying:

"I can and sleep, but without phonograms."
Grave Isabella Yuryev

In the same year, the jubilee was awarded the Order "For the Merit of the Fatherland" of the 4th degree.

Yurieva died at the age when they are not talking about the cause of death. On January 20, 2000, in the 101st year of life, the legend of the romance was not. Farewell to the artist took place in the pop theater. After that, the body was cremated, and the dust is buried at the Don Cemetery of Moscow, where the family grave keeps the remains of her husband and singer's sisters.


  • "I will not say anything"
  • "Grove"
  • "You remember our meetings"
  • "Turquoise rods"
  • "Only once there are in the life of the meeting"
  • "Black eyes"
  • "Sing, Gypsy"
  • "White Night"
  • "Capricional, stubborn"
  • "He left"
  • "Farewell, my tab"
  • "If you can, sorry"
  • "Spring Song"
  • "If you remember if you love"

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