Blackmore's Night Group - Photo, Creation History, Composition, News, Songs 2021



"Blackmore's Night" is a popular American-British group, from the origins of which the ex-guitarist of the cult English rock band "Deep Purple" Richie Blackmore and American vocalist Candace is derained (Creative pseudonym Knight). The team took the "in armament" the musical genres of rock, folk and non-heenesant, chasing to create original compositions. The highlight of the work of "Blackmore's Night" is the motives of the Renaissance, whose music Blackmore and Knight took as a basis.

The history of creation and composition

Musician Richie Blackmore, at that time, as part of Dip Pirpl, and Radio-seekers Kandis Knight met in 1989. The legendary group toured in New York. One of the rock radio stations initiated a PR campaign - a football match between his employees and British rocker musicians.

DJs lost, and to the Material "Deep Purple" Blackmaker, who demonstrated a bright game on the field, a radio service approached. Candace asked the autograph. Short communication prompted Rocker and the beginning of the singer to continue the conversation in an informal setting that they did, moving in the night bar. Shattering until the morning, the pair retired in the view of the gloomy and a laconic guitarist. The 26-year-old difference in the age did not interfere with mutual understanding and love.

At first, Blackmore made a singer in Dip Pirpl, as a back-vocalist, but soon the musician with Candice leaves the group and in 1994 restores the old project - a group "Rainbow", founded in the mid-1970s. In the new composition, the future wife Candace Knight. She works like a back-vocalist and songwriter. The team recorded one album, but in 1997 Blackmore shocks fans with the news about Rainbow's dissolution and creating a new group, in the repertoire of which there will be acoustic music with "Renaissance" sound.

Roman Richie and Candace turned out to be a great basis for joint creativity and the starting point of the history of the team of creating a team, whose name lovers made up of two surnames. Surprise and skeptical comments against the Union Rocker and Blonde were replaced by admiration: the girl, except for a pleasant appearance, was discovered by ignorant vocals.

And another soloist of the new team played on the old instruments and composed poems to the musical ballads. The unifying motive for Blackmore and Knight turned out to be loved by the Renaissance culture.

In the Blackmore's Night, Candice took the role of the main vocalist, and Richie, as it should be in the Middle Ages era, turned into a minstrel, leaving the electric guitar for a while. Blackmore tools become an acoustic guitar, lute and mandola. Musicians settled in the town of Jefferson, which sheltered on the island of Long Island in the south of New York. The responsibilities of the group manager took over the mother of vocalist.

A new project to many American labels seemed risky. The first to be the managers of "Japenese Label BMC" believed. This, on their demand, the name of the group hit the name of Blackmore, known to all music lovers and lover of rock.

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In addition to the two of the above members of the team, the Musicians Sir Robert Norman, Bard David and Squire Malcolm entered its composition. The head and core "Blackmore's Night" remains Richie Blackmore, and voice and soul - Candace Knight. Blackmore fatigue from heavy rock led to the exercise of a long-time dream - the execution of the old music of the XV-XVI centuries.


Blackmore is joking that the most loud group was changed to the most quiet. Candice later shared with journalists that the music of the Renaissance era liable thanks to Richie. He played it in his old mansion of the era of the tudor, which was sheltered in the European Connecticut Forest.

Lovers lived here for a while, and the future vocalist "Blackmouth Knight" watched through the window glass for the deer on the lawn and the falling snow. Music seemed to her Soundtrack to the landscape outside the window. "Family" project with its measured romantic ballads quickly won the audience and acquired a significant army of fans.

The first album of the group was called "Shadow of the Moon" and consisted of melodic and quiet compositions, and percussion was almost not used in musical accompaniment. Recording songs for the album took place in the medieval German castle, which was necessary for immersion in the desired atmosphere. Dull tapestries, stone walls and burning torches have created an entourage for inspiration and creativity.

The album includes songs "Ocean Gypsy" and "Wish You Were He", which became hits. New sound - more energetic - received the old ballad "Greensleeves". A clip appeared on the NO Second Chance composition. Melomanany and musical critics highly appreciated the collection and agreed that the risk of Blackmore was justified. The debut album has received the greatest success in the country of the Rising Sun and Germany.

However, among the former fans of a guitarist who liked his hard-fat creativity, there were critics. They were not satisfied with too slow, the relaxed sound of new compositions of Blackmore. After 2 years, in 1999, the team gave fans the second album called "Under A Violet Moon". Knight called his title song "Gypsy": if you listen, then the incendiary motive sounds in Solo Richie Blackmore.

The performers toured with concerts in America and Europe, collecting the full halls. The new collection was different from the first presence of more "clockwork" songs: so Blackmouth Knight responded on the netting of fans who spoke about some "boring" of the previous disk.

In 2001 and 2003, the discography of musicians was replenished with two albums: "Fires at Midnight" and "Ghost of a Rose". The latter entered the wonderful composition "Loreley", inspired by the legend about the picturesque rock on the banks of the Rhine. Melomanany call albums the best of the creations of the team, and criticism jokes that Blackmore released them, bothering hard-rock. True: The ballads included in the collections are accompanied by music on the electric guitar.

In 2006, the musicians pleased the fans with two studio albums, but the greatest success received "Winter Carols", in which Blackmore and Knight included favorite Christmas compositions. In England, the collection appeared in October, and at the beginning of November they heard American fans. Album for a few months lasted in Billboard charts.

"Blackmore's Night" does not hit the fruitfulness: over the new album the musicians work 2, and then and 3 years. From 2008 to 2015, they released 4 collection of compositions. The last - "All Our Yesterdays" - dates back to 2015 and consists of 12 songs.

The group first visited Russia, where she has a thousand fan army, in 2002. The country inspired musicians so that the songs of "Toast to Tomorrow" and "Troika" appeared in their repertoire. The first composition is the recovery of the Russian folk "I am guilty ...". During the concert "Blackmurst Knight" in St. Petersburg, the team was pleased with the grateful public to "Kalinka Malinka".

In an interview with Russian journalists, Candace Knight admitted that he felt a genetic connection with the country. After all, her ancestors - Jewish emigrants who left the Russian empire during the revolution. And Richie Blackmore joked that in the past life he was a Russian robber, therefore Kalinka-Malinka turned out to be such an incendiary.

Musicians answered and questions about personal life. Richie and Candice got married in the fall of 2008, and in the spring of 2010 they had a girl.

"Blackmore's Night" now

Concerts "Blackmore's Night" - a colorful and fascinating show. The participants of the team are dressed in costumes stylized by the Renaissance era. Wooden brass instruments, violin, tambourine, percussion and acoustic guitar create a unique atmosphere, carrying listeners in other century.

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Hard-rock elements, electric guitar and keyboards are returned in our time. During the concert, the soloists communicate with the audience, improvise, creating a feeling of chamber, family atmosphere.

The group has an account in Facebook, where the subscribers are followed by the news in the life of "Blackmore's Night". Musicians do not disappoint fans, regularly posted on the Fresh photo page and reporting on concert charts. Now Rock Folk-collective is actively toured in Europe. In June and July 2019, Blackmouth Knight concerts are held in Berlin, Magdeburg, Dresden and Abenberg.


  • 1997 - "Shadow of the Moon"
  • 1999 - "Under A Violet Moon"
  • 2001 - "Fires At Midnight"
  • 2003 - "Ghost of a rose"
  • 2006 - "The Village Lanterne"
  • 2006 - "WINTER CAROLS"
  • 2008 - "SECRET VOYAGE"
  • 2010 - "Autumn Sky"
  • 2013 - "Dancer and The Moon"
  • 2015 - "All Our Yesterdays"


  • "Highland"
  • "Locked Within The Crystal Ball"
  • Olde Mill Inn
  • "Village Lanterne"
  • "Christmas EVE"
  • "The Times The Are A Changin"
  • "Dancer and The Moon"
  • "All For One (Live)"
  • "Way to Mandalay"
  • "Will O 'The Wisp"
  • "All Our Yesterdays"

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