Anna Khokhlova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Disco" Accident "2021



Anna Khokhlova's name became popularly known in 2012, when the girl became a soloist of the popular team of "Disco Accident", replacing the left Frontman Nikolai Timofeyev. Over the singer, the singer appeared both new fans and Hayters who could not accept the departure from the Triot of the idol. Today, Anna has proven his talent and devotion to the group. For many years now, she appears in its composition and makes a special charm and charm in the image of the team.

Childhood and youth

Anna Nikolaevna Khokhlova was born on September 24, 1985 in the town of Tregorny, Chelyabinsk region. The girl has a native sister Lydia. In the family of the future actress, no one had a relationship to art, but some relatives were distinguished by talents. For example, grandmother Ani sings folk songs superbly and has a wonderful voice.

Anna no one specifically prepared for the scene: as a child, she had complete freedom of action, the girl disappeared with girlfriends in the yard, where they arranged concerts, fashion shows and other amateur shows. The school also adored sing, the first fled to the matinee and speeches.

This craving for creativity was noticed by Mama Anna and recorded a 9-year-old daughter to the Vocal Studio "Raduga" so that the girl could do from professionals. And to comprehend the music literacy and the game on the piano, she went to the children's school of arts.

At the end of the school, he entered the conductor-choir department of the Ozersky College of Arts. In parallel with the study, the creative career began: worked as a soloist in the city ensemble, participated in various vocal looks and contests. I had to learn externally - for 3 years, the girl mastered the program for 4 years and went on a red diploma.

Then the artist puts himself a new goal - a higher education and became a student of the St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts. And he came with a high competition for one of two budget places.


In 2011, the girl graduated from the university and came closely career. Her first musical team was the Petersburg group Goodiny - the guys took Anna a soloist when she was still a student. The musicians gave concerts, recorded tracks, filmed clips.

Simultaneously with the work in the group, the artist received the experience of visualing. Talented vocalist began to invite to the execution of soundtracks in Russian animation projects: "Three heroes. On the distant shores, "" Barboskina ". In the last Anna sang a cheerful song "You and I - We are friends with you," which immediately became a children's hit.

In 2012, the performer lit up in the Ukrainian vocal TV show "X-factor" (3rd season). According to her, everything happened by chance. The girl in the summer came to Donetsk to Grandma and Grandfather (her mother comes from Ukraine). There just passed the casting to participate in the show. Anna for the advice of relatives filed an application, and then everything was twisted.

The singer easily passed from the tour to the tour, but to get into the final, alas, failed. Many fans then were indignant and accused the jury in bias. After all, the bright performance of Anna such hits, as "adagio" (Lara Fabian) and "Russian Roulette" (Rihanna), remember all the audience.

"To participate in the competition was very interesting. But, despite the vast experience of speeches before the public, it was still agreed and scary. It was not easy to speak in front of the jury, which was the famous people. And, of course, this life experience I never forget, "the vocalist admits.

However, everything is done - for the better. The truth of this saying Anna suffered just at that time. At the competition, the participant noted Rapper Serega and recommended the guys from the "Disco Accident", which were just in the search for vocalists after disagreements with Timofeev, which resulted in their departure from the team.

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The guys - Alexey Ryzhov and Alexey Serov - arranged for a new test, took her to a concert in Saransk.

"They wanted to see what I was capable. I tried very hard, and after the concert they were invited to the team. All this seemed slightly unreal! "," Says Anna.

The guys accepted the guys well, provided her with all sorts of support at first. According to her recognition, the first impressions of the colleagues were incorrect: in the life of Serov is not the truncated bully, that on stage, but a serious and well-read. Ryzhov - incredibly deep and thinly feeling.

Khokhlova began working in a group since the end of 2012. The first song, written by Ryzhov, especially for the female vocal, became "K.K.L.A.". This single became a soundtrack for the circus speech of Edgard and Askold Pokstroy. And the first album recorded with Anna in 2014, got the name "Girl behind the wheel". Next year, a joyful event was held in the life of Anna Khokhlova - marriage.

Personal life

Interest in the new soloist of the cult Russian pop group, fans showed immediately. It soon appeared its detailed biography, family information, education, etc. But information about the personal life of the girl was not to find.

Therefore, the news is that on June 19, 2015, the singer Anna Khokhlova married, became a big surprise for all fans. The husband of the artist was a young man named Denis Rumyantsev, who was 7 years old.

The wedding took place in Dmitrov near Moscow in a very narrow circle of relatives and loved ones. The only invited from the side of the Colleagues of Ani in the group. And after the celebration, which was held in the national Russian style with compliance with all traditions, the newlyweds went to the wedding trip to Venice.

Anna Khokhlova now

Children at Anna and Denis so far only in the plans, so the marriage of the soloist did not affect the schedule of the team. "Disco Accident" touring a lot, and also writes new hits and clips. True, now the musicians focus on the online video viewing. In 2018, they recorded the "Duman" and Welcome to Russia. In 2019, a new track "Cauche" was published, which the singer was adjusted in his "Instagram".
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This social network allows Ani fans to follow her saturated life. The artist will post a photo in various cases, being at work and on vacation. So, in 2019, the performer demonstrated its photos in a swimsuit - in March she traveled to sunbathing in Dominican.


  • 2014 - "Girl driving"

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